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The flying fox is not a fox at all. It i...

The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat that has got a fox’s head, and that feeds on fruit. Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes (趾) when at rest, and travel in great crowds when out flying. A group will live in one place for years. Sometimes several hundreds of them occupy a single tree. As they return to the tree towards sunrise, they quarrel among themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight.

Flying foxes have babies once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to carry the baby on her chest wherever she goes. Later she leaves it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls to the ground. Then the older ones fly down and try to pick it up. If they fail to do so, it will die. Often hundreds of baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of the tree.

1.The passage tells us that there is no difference between the flying fox and the ordinary bat in ______.

   A. their size   B. their appearance

C. the kind of food they eat        D. the way they rest

2.Flying foxes ______.

   A. double their number every year

B. fight and kill a lot of themselves

   C. move from place to place very often

D. lose a lot of their young

3.At daybreak every day flying foxes begin to ______.

   A. fly out toward the sun

B. look for a new resting place

   C. come back to their home

D. go out and look for food

4.Flying foxes have fights ______.

   A. to occupy the best resting places

B. only when it is dark

   C. to protect their homes from outsiders

D. when there is not enough food

5.How do flying foxes care for their young?

   A. They only care for their own babies. 

B. They share the feeding of their young.

   C. They help when a baby bat is in danger.

D. They often leave home and forget their young.


1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 【解析】文章对Flying fox的各种特征进行了描述,包括居住,生活,以及幼子 1.事实细节题,根据第一段Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes (趾) when at rest可知,飞狐跟其他的蝙蝠有一样的睡觉姿势 2.推理判断题,根据第二段Often hundreds of baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of the tree可知,有很多的小蝙蝠都死掉了 3.事实细节题,根据第一段As they return to the tree towards sunrise, they quarrel among themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight可知, 4.事实细节题。根据第一段they quarrel among themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight可知道 5.事实细节题,根据第二段At first the mother has to carry the baby on her chest wherever she goes. Later she leaves it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls to the ground. Then the older ones fly down and try to pick it up可知,母亲在帮助小蝙蝠

Junk food is food that has a lot of calories but few nutrients (营养物质), vitamins and minerals (矿物质). Some food does have nutrients, for example pizza, but because it contains too many calories, it is 48______ called junk food. Fruit and vegetables are the best examples of good food. 49______ contain few calories and many vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet should include a variety of food, most of 50______ should be rich in nutrients. That does not mean that we are never allowed to eat junk food. 51______ of us who love French fries, sweets, ice cream and cheeseburgers can still enjoy an unhealthy bite every now and then. All we have to do 52______ to be careful how often and how much we eat 53______ it.

If we make the right choices about 54______ we eat, we will be healthier 55______ have more energy to enjoy the good things in life. A balanced diet combined with exercise is the key to a healthy life.



My neighbor’s children love playing hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) as all children do, but no one   36   that a game they played last week would be reported in the local newspaper.

One afternoon, they were playing in the vacant lot (空地)down by the corner. Young Paul, who is only five years old, found the perfect place to   37  . His sister, Natalie, had   38   her eyes and was counting to ten when Paul noticed the mail box at the corner and that the metal door was standing open. The mailman had just   39   several bags of mail and had carried them to his truck which was standing a few feet away. Paul climbed   40   the mail box and pulled the door closed so hard that it   41  . Soon realizing what he had done, he became   42   and started crying. At that time, Natalie was looking for him everywhere but could not find him. It was   43   that she happened to stand at the corner for a minute and heard her brother’s cries. She   44   ran to tell the mailman who hurried back from his   45   to unlock the metal door. Paul was now   46  , but he had such a bad fright that he could not stop crying. The mailman, however, soon found a way of making him   47   again. He told him that the next time he wanted to hide in a mail box, he should remember to put a stamp on himself!

1.A. realized          B. warned          C. imagined         D. wondered

2.A. hide              B. watch           C. rest             D. sleep

3.A. opened            B. shut            C. raised           D. wiped

4.A. lost              B. found           C. taken out        D. put in

5.A. through           B. over            C. out of           D. into

6. A. broke            B. fell down       C. opened           D. locked

7. A. surprised        B. frightened      C. excited          D. angry

8.A. lucky             B. a pity          C. possible         D. strange

9.A. suddenly          B. slowly          C. immediately      D. carelessly

10. A. home            B. truck           C. mail box         D. post office

11. A. found           B. hidden          C. happy            D. free

12.A. laugh            B. cry             C. climb in         D. play



Jane ______ a cold and was absent from school yesterday.

   A. came down with B. rose up against                    C. took control of   D. stood in the path of



Animals suffered at the hands of Man ______ their homes were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural need to provide food for more people.

   A. in which        B. for which       C. so that         D. in that



His actions could lead to him ______ his job.

   A. lose            B. losing          C. to lose         D. being lost



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