满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—You can’t take the book out of the libr...

—You can’t take the book out of the library.

  ---I won’t keep it long. I just want to _________ some needed information in it.

  A.look up             B. refer to             C. deal with            D. pick up


A 【解析】短语辨析。A查找…;向上看;B 提及,涉及,指…;C处理;D捡起,恢复,康复,无意中学会…;结合句意可知A正确。句意:我只是想在书上查找一下需要的信息。




Dear editor.

I’m a senior high school student,and I want to work part-time this summer. I think it is good to do so, but my parents don’t agree with me. I just can’t understand them and I need your advice.









I think that the following are the reasons why Lora wants to work part-time.






Many students now come to school with cell-

phones. My schoolmates have different opinions on

it. Some think it is convenient to get in t  86 with

others, which also makes you f__87__ safe especially

in time of trouble. Besides, it is nice to enjoy __ 88 __

(各种)functions of different cell-phones. O__89__ think

differently.  90 , there are many IC phones in the school

making _91_ easy to call others. Second, many students

often play games and send messages by u__92__ their

cell-phones, even in class,  93   will surely have

bad e  94 _on their study. What’s more, it will result

in a great waste of time and money. In my opinion, the

cell-phone is a useful t____95__ in our daily life. But it

doesn’t mean that we can use it at school.




1.Early American settlers were great c______----they could build almost anything from wood.

2.The famous doctor has d_______ hundreds of babies during her life.

3.Each classroom in our school is e________ with a computer, which is helpful to our study.

4.He is l__________ to come, but I’m not sure.

5.It seems that he is quite c_________ with what he has got.

6.When ________(走近)the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.

7.Speak clearly, or you’ll make yourself _______(误解).

8.This is the most _____ (令人信服的) evidence that I can prove my point.

9.I saw some people enter the new building looking around _____(好奇地).

10.She ________(启发) those who want to enter a key university.





Dr Yuan awoke from his dream ______  ______  ______  ______ producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.


In one place, you ______  _____  ______  ______ with Merlin the Wizard.


______ his father died, ______ his family even _______  _______.


______  _______, though, studying international customs can certainly_______  _______  difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads!


She has argued that wild animals should _____ _____ in the wild and not used for_____   or _______.



Did you ever wonder who invented products like Liquid Paper, Kevlar or paper bags? Most would think a man invented these items. Guess what? Women invented each of these. What? You don’t believe me? Well, read this:

Liquid Paper was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham in 1951 and originally called Mistake Out. Being a typist, Bette was increasingly irritated with being unable to erase her typing mistakes. The messy business left her hands black and the paper dirty. Bette was good at painting and remembered that an artist paints over mistakes. She applied that same principle to typing mistakes and Liquid Paper was born, making Bette into a self-made millionaire.

Kevlar, yes, the Kevlar of the bullet proof vest(防弹衣)—what police officers and soldiers wear, was invented by Stephanie Kwolek. Stephanie worked for the DuPont Company as a research chemist. She was asked to find a high-performance fiber. Originally, this fiber was intended to be used for car tires (轮胎). However, the fiber she developed in 1964 was amazing and is still used in products such as sailboats, skis, shoes, and yes, bullet proof vests. In 1995 Stephanie was named to the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame.

Margaret Knight invented a machine that revolutionized the making of paper bags. Paper bags had been made like envelopes but Margaret developed a machine that would fold and paste(粘)a flat-bottom paper bag, the very same type we still use today. Margaret’s family was poor and she started working at the age of nine. Her first invention at the age of twelve was a safety tool for a loom(织布机). Later she worked for the Columbia Paper Bag Company. It was there that she worked on improving the making of paper bags. She was issued her patent(专利)in 1870.

So next time you use a new product or an old one, will you wonder who made it? Do some research on the web and answer a few questions like: Who invented it? How was it invented? You may be surprised at some of the stories you uncover.

1.The underlined word “irritated” in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to_________.

  A.annoyed             B. excited              C. delighted            D. nervous

2.What do we know about Margaret?

  A.She was a member of the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame.

  B.Her first invention was made when she was twenty.

  C.Her invention was designed to produce envelopes.

  D.She began working when she was very young.

3.which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? (①=paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2,… ⑤=paragraph 5)

说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e 

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.How inventions were made

  B.Amazing inventions by women

  C.Women and modern technology

  D.You can also be an inventor



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