满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Servants, as employment that attracts mo...

Servants, as employment that attracts more and more people, are not_________ as they were in the past.

  A.looked down upon                        B. carried on

  C.paid attention to                       D. referred to


A 【解析】短语辨析。A看不清,轻视;B进行;C注意…;D提及,谈及,涉及…;结合句意可知A正确。句意:佣人并不像过去那样被人轻视。

Harry wants to bring his family to_________ place where all of them can lead_________ peaceful life and be happy, but he can’t find it.

  A.a;a             B. a; the               C. the; a               D. /; the



Young people are not_________ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.

  A.content         B. generous         C. confident            D. conservative



With the introduction of digital equipment, a growing audience_______ back to the cinema in the past years.

  A.have been brought                       B. were brought

  C.has been brought                        D. had been brought



It is reported that the United States uses_________ energy as the whole of Europe.

  A.twice as            B. twice as much        C. twice as many        D. much twice as



—You can’t take the book out of the library.

  ---I won’t keep it long. I just want to _________ some needed information in it.

  A.look up             B. refer to             C. deal with            D. pick up



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