满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—It’s too hot. ---Let’s open the windows...

—It’s too hot.

  ---Let’s open the windows to allow the air to_________.

  A.pass                    B. cross            C. circle               D. circulate


D 【解析】词义辨析。A通过;B交叉,横过;C盘旋,旋转;D循环,环行。结合句意可知D正确。句意:—天气太热了。—打开窗户让空气循环。

--- _________?

  ---He was one of the most famous scientists in the world.

  A.what did Edison look like

  B.Why was Edison so famous

  C.How would you describe Edison

  D.What were Edison’s strengths



Servants, as employment that attracts more and more people, are not_________ as they were in the past.

  A.looked down upon                        B. carried on

  C.paid attention to                       D. referred to



Harry wants to bring his family to_________ place where all of them can lead_________ peaceful life and be happy, but he can’t find it.

  A.a;a             B. a; the               C. the; a               D. /; the



Young people are not_________ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.

  A.content         B. generous         C. confident            D. conservative



With the introduction of digital equipment, a growing audience_______ back to the cinema in the past years.

  A.have been brought                       B. were brought

  C.has been brought                        D. had been brought



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