满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many years ago three soldiers, hungry an...

Many years ago three soldiers, hungry and tired of battles, came upon a small village. The villagers,  36  a poor harvest and many years of war, quickly  37  what little they had to eat and met the three at the village square, wringing(绞)their clothes and complaining of the  38  shortages.

The soldiers spoke quietly among themselves and the first soldier then  39  the village elders. “Your tired fields have left you  40  to share, so we will share what little we have: the   41  of how to make soup from stones.”

42  the villagers were interested and soon a fire was put to the town’s greatest pot as the soldiers dropped three smooth  43  into the pot full of water. “Now this will be a fine soup,” said the second soldier, “but a little salt and some parsley(欧芹)would make it  44  !” Up jumped a villager, crying “I’ve just remembered  45  some have been left!” She ran away, 46  with the parsley and salt. 47  the water boiled, corn, carrots, beef and cream  48  their way into the pot when all sat  49  to have a large meal.

The villagers ate and sang and danced well into the  50  , full of energy again by the meal and their new-found friends. In the next morning the three soldiers  51  up to find the whole village standing before them. At their feet  52  a bag of the village’s best bread and cheese. An elder said that the soldiers had given them the  53  gift: the secret of how to make soup from stones and they would never forget. The third soldier turned to the  54  and said, “There is no secret, but this is certain: it is only by  55  that we may enjoy a large meal.”

1.A.having          B. disliking            C. knowing          D. suffering

2.A.threw           B. hid              C. covered          D. collected

3.A.clothing            B. money                C. food             D. water

4.A.called for      B. believed in          C. looked for           D. turned to

5.A.nothing         B. everything           C. anything         D. something

6.A.skill               B. secret               C. study                D. story

7.A.Quietly         B. Naturally            C. Suddenly         D. Finally

8.A.coins           B. spoons               C. stones               D. knives

9.A.salty           B. wonderful            C. sweet                D. beautiful

10.A.where          B. when             C. why              D. how

11.A.leaving            B. starting         C. playing          D. returning

12.A.while          B. Though           C. As               D. Since

13.A.lost               B. went             C. found                D. directed

14.A.up             B. around               C. by               D. down

15.A.night          B. morning          C. afternoon            D. day

16.A.stayed         B. jumped           C. woke             D. moved

17.A.lay                B. stood                C. hung             D. fell

18.A.greatest           B. simplest         C. worst                D. funniest

19.A.adults         B. soldiers         C. workmen          D. crowd

20.A.learning           B. sharing          C. borrowing            D. trusting


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】文章通过一个小故事告诉我们要学会分享。 1.动词辨析。A有;B不喜欢;C知道;D遭受;根据上下文可知这个村子收成不好,遭受饥荒。 2.动词辨析。根据上下文可知村民们看到他们来了以后把仅有的粮食都藏起来了。 3.上下文串联。根据文章可知他们没有东西吃,那么是食物短缺。 4.短语辨析。A要求,号召;B信任,相信;C寻找;D转向…,向…求助。根据句意可知其中一个士兵转身对一个老者说… 5.上下文串联。根据第一段内容可知村民都把粮食藏起来了,句意:既然你们贫瘠的土地没有给你们任何东西来分享,那么我们就和你们分享我们的一点东西:用石头做美味的汤的秘密。 6.名词辨析。解析同上。 7.副词辨析。士兵说能用石头做汤,村民们自然是非常感兴趣。 8.上下文串联。根据上文士兵说用石头做汤可知答案为C。 9.形容词辨析。根据上下文可知士兵说如果有盐和欧芹,这锅汤会很好。B包括了CD。A意思不符合。 10.语法分析。这是一个宾语从句,宾语从句where some have been left作为remember的宾语。 11.上下文串联。上文说她去取盐和欧芹,这里应该是回来。 12.连词辨析。根据句意可知是随着…. 13. 固定词组。Find one’s way设法到达,这里是指很多食物都扔进了锅。 14.固定词组。Sit down坐下。 15.上下文串联。根据下文的In the next morning可知这里是指night. 16.动词辨析。根据In the next morning可知他们在早晨醒了过来。 17.语法分析。这是一个倒装句型,陈述语序应该是a bag of the village’s best bread and cheese lay At their feet. lay是lie的过去式。 18.形容词辨析。根据上下文可知老人认为士兵们给他们最好的礼物:学会分享。 19.名词辨析。根据上文the whole village standing before them.可知全村得人都站在他们面前,那么士兵们应该转身面对人群。 20.词义辨析。解析同53.

Wang Feng’s _________ our school at the English speech contest proved to be a success.

  A.will represent          B. to represent     C. representing     D. represented



Do you think it _________ to argue with them? The question is not worthy_________.

  A.worth; discussing                       B. worthwhile; to be discussed

  C.worthy; to discuss                      D. worth; to be discussed



The new manager had a bad cold, and _________ couldn’t come to the party.

  A.besides             B. because      C. however          D. therefore



—Your brother was brave enough to tell the truth in public.

  ---Yes, and he will never regret_________ that. I admire him so much.

  A.to do               B. to be doing      C. to have done     D. having done



The best way Tom thought of_________ his strength is to run for 30 minutes every day.

  A.building up         B. to build up      C. build up         D. being built up



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