满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Only when he met the girl his aunt intro...

Only when he met the girl his aunt introduced to him ____ that he had seen her before.

A.he realized

B.he did realize

C.realized he

D.did he realize


D 【解析】本题考查倒装句。only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时要用倒装语序,将相应的助动词放到主语之前。

— Shall we go for a walk ________ watch TV?

— That’s a good idea.

A.instead of

B.rather than

C.in place of

D.in the place of




1.简要描述图片的内容, 但不能用引语。



参考词汇: drunk driving  醉驾



说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

This is a picture which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among some drivers in our country. In the picture, __________________________________________________




Barack Obama is one of the most powerful people in the world.

In a speech, he o      his success to those hardships he went through: “I was nobody at first, but I wanted to make a d     . I learned the ______(精神) of perseverance(坚持不懈) from people around me. L        a hard life, my mom struggled to put herself through school, and make ends m     . My grandmother kept doing her job as well as she could and ended ______ being vice president at a bank. ________ you do, remember that making your mark on the world is hard. Be patient and determined, r        of the setbacks and failures you may _______ across in achieving success. No one of achievement has________(躲避) failure. They learn from mistakes and don’t quit.”               




1.Students are encouraged to learn positive values and become _______________________

(更愿意为社会做贡献) . 

2.____________________(在所有我们拍的照片中),my favorite was one in which we formed a circle and lay down on the grass.  

3.______________________________( 我无法忍受住在多雨的城市),even though it is good for my skin.   

4.We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick, _______________________


5.I always knew that __________________________________ (她已经厌倦了当前台接待) .





1.The m           of us voted for Mr. Red, who then became chairman of the committee.

2.Remember, tasks are only a m            to an end; goals are that end.

3.All efforts of cloning an animal will be in v            if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses.

4.Don’t b             him with that now; he is busy preparing for an exam.

5.Is it c              for you to meet me at the airport next Monday afternoon?

6.In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to recognize who is i             and who is guilty.

7.If I’m not m            , Colorful Clouds Chase the Moon is a Chinese song, not a Japanese one.

8.Generally speaking, he thought that lower class people betrayed themselves with their r             whenever they spoke.

9.The war i              the trade between the two countries.

10.The book tells the story of Max, who behaves badly and is sent to his room without dinner as a ______________(惩罚).



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