满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

That evening he ____ ____what he had tho...

That evening he ____ ____what he had thought about the research.

A.set about ; set down

B.set about; to set down

C.set out ; setting down

D.set out; to set down


D 【解析】本题考查set短语辨析。句意:那天晚上他着手记下他想到的关于实验的东西。 set about doing sth="set" out to do sth着手做某事。

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At the beginning of the term, a campaign” to be a good student and a good citizen” was launched in our school, and great changes have taken ________ since then.

Before the campaign, we u_____ to be late for school and failed to hand in our homework in t____.Often, we forgot to greet our teachers and after class we ______(发出)loud noises. Worse still, we jumped the quene when waiting ______ buses. However, the campaigns have changed us a lot. We are no longer late for school and more______(认真)in our homework. We have learned to show______(尊敬)for the elders, help others and give up seats to other passengers.

The campaign is a very good experience, from_____ we have learned a lot. More importantly, we have g___rid of many bad habits becoming better students at school and better citizens in_____(社会)



1.At last, he decided to m_______ in physics.

2.She ________(使相信) me that her father was innocent. 

3.Mind your________(举止)!It's bad manners to speak like that.

4.She  w_____to her husband so that she would not wake up the baby.

5.It is not w_______ to discuss the question again and again. 

6.His opinion is quite________(独特的)

7.He refused to accept the job for v_____ reasons.

8.Jack is always c_____about others’personal affairs

9.______(面部)expressions can have a lot of meanings

10.It’s ______ ______(难怪)that you can’t sleep when you eat so much.

11.You________ ________ _______(可能)misunderstand what he said yesterday.

12.You should have told me the news _______ ________(提前)  

13.________ _______(多亏) her help, we completed the task successfully.

14.Are you_________ _________(满意) the new house with a big garden?



Guangzhou (Xinhua news agency)——12 people were killed and 20 injured early yesterday morning when they jumped from a burning train car into the path of an oncoming (即将到来的) goods train in Southern China. When No.247 Wuchang —— Guangzhou passenger train was passing the Dayaoshan Tunnel in Guangdong Province, South China at 00 :17 hours yesterday, a fire caused by passengers' smoking broke out on No.17 car. They wanted to extinguish fire. However, while the train was stopping, some frightened passengers jumped from windows. As a result, 12 passengers were crushed to death and 20 others were injured by an opposite northward passing goods train-No.1766.

1.What was the cause of the fire?

A.A heavy rain.

B.High temperature.



2.When did the accident happen?

A.At 00:17 am.

B.At 00:17 pm.

C.At seventeen past one

D.At seventeen to one

3.Where did the accident happen?

A.In Wuchang.

B.In Guangzhou.

C.In Hubei.

D.In Guangdong.

4.The underlined word “extinguish” in the passage most probably means        .

A.put out

B.put up

C.come up

D.come out

5.In which direction did the passenger train travel?







Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them.  

There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.

  Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided(避免).

  We should keep away from(远离) all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.

1.________ are formed little by little.

A.Good habits

B.Bad habits

C.Both good habits and bad habits

D.Either good habits or bad habits

2.The underlined word "them" in the first paragraph refers to ________.

A.bad habits

B.good habits


D.other persons

3.Generally speaking, it's difficult for one _____ and easy for them _____which should be avoided.

A.to form bad habits; to form good habits

B.to form good habits; to form bad habits

C.to form such habits as will be good; to get rid of bad habits

D.to get rid of bad habits; to form good habits

4.Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?

A.Because habits are of great help to every one of us.

B.Because a man can never get rid of a habit.

C.Because it's hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.

D.Because we are forced to do them again and again.

5.According to the passage, early rising ________.

A.has something to do with success

B.is an easily formed habit

C.is such a habit as should have been avoided

D.is such a habit as will be kept



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