满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It will be at least three weeks________ ...

It will be at least three weeks________ he recovers from his illness and returns to work.






A 【解析】考查固定句型。It be 一段时间before从句,意为:一段时间以后某事才发生。句意:至少3个星期以后他才从疾病中恢复重新回到工作岗位上。

He found his house broken into and many things stolen _______ his return from office.







Making good friends is no ________ important to us than choosing a good job; we should take both of them seriously.







The police are trying to find out the ________ of the man killed in the traffic accident.







You can improve your child’s hearing memory considerably(在很大程度上). Once his hearing memory has been greatly improved, he'll be able to use and remember what he listens to in class. The success of these suggestions depends upon your ability to use your child’s natural desire to get involved in games he finds simple and fun.

A good way to begin is to read aloud a sentence from a book suitable for your child's reading age. Then ask your youngster to repeat the sentence back to you correctly. Next, reread the sentence, leaving out a particular word. See if your child can identify the word you left out. At the beginning use only simple sentences. Gradually, increase the length of the sentences. Make sure you don’t rush things along too quickly, or your child may become discouraged and tired of the game.

Take your child shopping with you often. He’s to remember a list of items you want to buy in the supermarket. First, ask him to remember only a few things. Then, as he shows increased ability to remember, make the list longer and longer. Praise him often and warmly when he shows increased ability to remember things. He'll become proud of his ‘good’ memory and will happily play the game.

Encourage your child to learn easy and short poems. As his ability to do this becomes stronger, encourage him to remember longer poems. Do the same with songs.

1.The suggestions will be successful if____.

A.you find simple and funny games for your child

B.you can stimulate(激发)your child’s interest in the activity

C.you force your child to get involved in more practice

D.you improve your own hearing memory first

2.The purpose of asking your child to repeat what you say is __.

A.to practice his pronunciation

B.to develop his reading skills

C.to help him remember what he hears

D.to play a simple game he may find fun

3.The third paragraph mainly talks about ___.

A.another way to improve your child’s hearing memory

B.how you should take you child shopping with you

C.how to remember the items you want to buy

D.the way you help your child do shopping

4.The last sentence ‘Do the same with songs’ means you should encourage your child to learn and remember ___.

A.songs in the same way as he does with poems.

B.poems in the same way as he does with songs

C.the poems and songs which are similar in meaning

D.those songs that have the same meaning as poems

5.Who are the supposed readers of this passage?







Do you often play with your pet dog or cat? Do you like touching wild animals such as squirrels? They are cute. But be careful. If they bite you, you may get a terrible disease——rabies.

Believe it or not, in the last five months, rabies killed more people in China than any other disease. 2,254 people got rabies in the first nine months of this year. In September, 318 people died of rabies. That is 37 per cent more than last September.

Animals like dogs, cats, squirrels and bats can have rabies. If they bite or scratch(抓)someone, rabies could infect(感染)the person’s nervous system(神经系统). The person could even die. It’s important to get the right treatment as soon as possible.

Every year, more than 50,000 people around the world die of rabies. Most of them are from developing countries. India has the most deaths. China is second.

1.Rabies is the name of _____.

A.a book

B.a man

C.a dog

D.a disease

2.Paragraphs two and three _____.

A.teach people how to deal with rabies.

B.explain the situation in China.

C.order people not to keep pets.

D.show what rabies is really like.

3.Which of the following animals might NOT have rabies?





4.The Chinese for the underlined word “treatment” probably is _____.





5.What the best title for the passage?

A.Don’t keep pets

B.How to keep pets

C.Watch out for rabies

D.Pets with rabies



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