满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



A. Classroom participation

B. Differences in American university education

C. Examination system

D. Competition among students

E. Honest policy in students' school work

F. Students' responsibility for learning

1.There is considerable variety in university classrooms in the United States. Because of diverse teaching methods and non-standardized curricula (课程), no two courses are the same. Undergraduate courses are considerable different from graduate courses. The classroom atmosphere in expensive, private universities may differ from that in community colleges, which are free and open to everyone.

2.Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student's oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role (i.e., listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures.

3.Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the student. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.) The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades.

4.Ideally, the teacher-student relationship at universities is characterized by trust. Thus, cheating on tests, Plagiarizing (抄袭) in written work, presenting other's ideas as original, and turning in homework completed by someone else are all prohibited (禁止).

5.Relationships between students in the classroom can be cooperative or competitive. International students should not hesitate to ask for help if it is needed. in classes where such a grading curve is used, students may be reluctant to share lecture notes or information for fear that their own grades will suffer.


1.B 2.A 3.F 4.E 5.D 【解析】略











注意:1. 信的形式已经为你写好。


3.参考词汇:陪读 accompany sb studying at school  督促 urge

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school.










When tea and coffee was first introduced to Europe in the 18th century, people thought they were harm. So the king of Sweden decided to find out that this was true or not. It was happened that there were two brothers were in prison at the time. The king ordered one of them to drink tea every day and other coffee. Both of them have lived many years without any problem. At last the one who had to drink tea died on the age of 83 and the other lived even long. Because of this, Sweden is today one of the country where tea and coffee are drunk.



1.I have seen the famous singer on several ___________(场合).

2.Quitting smoking ____________(减少) the risk of heart diseases.

3._____________(无论哪一个) book you borrow, you must return it in a month.

4.Lucy said she _____________(后悔) telling lies to her parents and teachers.

5.All my students always ____________(表现) well in the school.

6.Peter works as a(n) ______________(翻译) in this company.

7.Our government is developing ____________(旅游业) in this town.

8.We had a little _______________(误解) over the plan.

9.It's a bad idea to continue ___________(争辩) with your mother.

10.All labs in our school are ____________(配备) with some instruments.




A. The Introduction of Paris

B. The Culture of Paris

C. The Population Growth in Paris

D. The Production of Paris

E. The Education in Paris

F. The Industries in Paris

1.   Paris, the capital and the largest city of the country, is in north central France. The Paris metropolitan area contains nearly 20% of the nation’s population and is the economic, cultural, and political center of France. The French government have historically favored the city as the site for all decision making, thus powerfully attracting nearly all of the nation’s activities.

2.   Paris has grown steadily since it was chosen as the national capital in the late 10th century. With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, a great number of people moved to the city from the country during the 19th century. The migration was especially stimulated by the construction of railroads, which provided easy access to the capital. After World War II more and more immigrants arrived.

3.   The city is the centralized(中央集权) control point of most national radio and television broadcasting. It is a place of publication of the most prestigious(有威望的)newspapers and magazines and an international book publishing center. With more than 100 museums, Paris has truly one of the greatest concentrations of art treasures in the world. The Louvre, opened as a museum in 1793, is one of the largest museums in the world.

4.   In the late 1980s about 4.1 million pupils annually attended about 47,000 elementary schools. In addition, about 5.4 million students attended some 11,200 secondary schools. Approximately 1.2 million students were enrolled(录取) annually at universities and colleges in France in the late 1980s. French centers of learning have served as academic models throughout the world.

5.   Paris is the leading industrial center of France, with about one quarter of the nation’s manufacturing concentrated in the metropolitan area. Industries of consumers goods have always been drawn to Paris by the enormous market of the big population; and modern, high-technology industries also have become numerous since World War II. Chief manufactures are machinery, automobiles, chemicals and electrical equipment.



Today most Chinese teenagers are happy to be favored by two parents and four grandparents in their families. But have you ever thought about how to take care of four to twelve old people when you grow up and get married? This could be a problem for most Chinese youths as China is entering a new stage of an aging society.

An aging society refers to one where 10 percent or more of its population is over 60. By the end of 2007, Chinese over 60 years old have made up 11.7 percent of the nation’s total population. “China is getting old before becoming rich,”said Cai Chuang, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The population increase that has powered Chinese growth for three decades will give way over the next ten years to a rapid aging of the society. This will lead to weaker economic growth, because of a lack of labor resources.

As a result of the family planning policy, it is expected that the country’s total working population will decrease after 2015.

China is not the only country getting old. More that 60 countries have become aging societies and one in three people in the European Union is a senior citizen.

However, experts said that China doesn't have a highly developed social security network to support the old. Social security is an insurance program protecting those in need, including the old, the disabled and others.

1.An aging society is a society that _________.       

A.less that 10% of its population is over 60

B.10% or more of its population is over 60

C.there are four old people in a family

D.most of its population is over 60

2.If China enters an aging society, __________.     

A.there will not be enough labor resources

B.the family planning policy will be ended

C.everyone needs to take care of four to twelve old people

D.China will have a highly developed social security network

3.What does Cai Chuang mean by saying“China is getting old before becoming rich.”?

A.China will be an aging society, then be a developed country.

B.China will be a rich country before being an aging society.

C.An aging society will affect Chinese economy development.

D.China will stop developing because of its aging problem.

4.The passage mainly talks about         .

A.an aging society

B.Chinese social problem

C.family panning policy

D.aging problem in China



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