满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Peter will give me five sweets an apple,...

Peter will give me five sweets        an apple, but in fact I don’t have a sweet tooth.                          

A.in search of

B.in need of

C.in case of

D.in exchange for


D 【解析】本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:彼得愿意给我五块糖换了个苹果,但事实上我不喜欢甜食。in exchange for交换;调换;in case of以防;in need of需要;in search of寻找。

— The traffic is too heavy. Would you like me to help you     the street?

— That’s very kind of you.              









1. 网上购物的优点

2. 网上购物的缺点



1. 短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。   

2. 短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。

3. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。 

4. 书写需清晰、工整。

With the rapid development of the Internet, Internet shopping is becoming a popular way of shopping. _____________________________________________________








注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One evening two young men were walking in the street. They tried to find a chance to steal everything. The clock strikes twelve. Most people were in bed. Quickly they came to a house so it seemed that everyone in the house had fallen sleep. Standing at the front gate, one man whispered in English to the other at a low voice, “You wait here. I will go around to the front door and then get into the house.” Suddenly out of the house ran a dog, barked at them. The two men were very afraid and ran away as fast as possibly. They didn’t stop until they had got to a lonely place. One man said to the other in surprise, “It’s too bad. I had thought that the dog could understand English.”




1.Window screens are ___________(有效的) in keeping out mosquitoes.

2.An old man in _____________(寒酸的) clothes came to the door.

3.The other possibility, Mr. Jouanny said, was that the _________(小偷) might just like the painting.

4.Will it be ______________(方便的) for you to start work tomorrow?

5.All of them are______________(教授) of chemistry at Chicago University.

6.This is the most important___________(改革)of the police service in over 50 years.

7.Just now the police came and __________(逮捕) the man who had robbed the bank.

8.The bell____________(表示) the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion.

9.We are going to ________________(删除) some names from the list.

10.The object of this society is to perfect its members ___________(实际地) and scientifically.




A. Classroom participation

B. Differences in American university education

C. Examination system

D. Competition among students

E. Honest policy in students' school work

F. Students' responsibility for learning

1.There is considerable variety in university classrooms in the United States. Because of diverse teaching methods and non-standardized curricula (课程), no two courses are the same. Undergraduate courses are considerable different from graduate courses. The classroom atmosphere in expensive, private universities may differ from that in community colleges, which are free and open to everyone.

2.Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student's oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role (i.e., listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures.

3.Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the student. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.) The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades.

4.Ideally, the teacher-student relationship at universities is characterized by trust. Thus, cheating on tests, Plagiarizing (抄袭) in written work, presenting other's ideas as original, and turning in homework completed by someone else are all prohibited (禁止).

5.Relationships between students in the classroom can be cooperative or competitive. International students should not hesitate to ask for help if it is needed. in classes where such a grading curve is used, students may be reluctant to share lecture notes or information for fear that their own grades will suffer.



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