满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

________ the reason, it is for sure that...

________ the reason, it is for sure that yawning can be passed from person to person.

A. Whatever  B. Wherever  C. Whichever  D. However


A 【解析】考察从句连词选择。Whatever无论什么 ,用语名词前,wherever无论何地,作地点状语 whichever无论哪一个,用于有范围的时候  however无论多么,用语形容词前 句意为,无论是什么原因,可以肯定的是打哈欠是可以从一个人传染到另一个人的。

It's important to learn how the whole system works. Sometimes, ________, it's the details that interest us the most.

A. therefore  B. meanwhile  C. furthermore  D. though



For many people, paper is ________ better material, because ________ process for recycling paper seems much easier.

A. the; a  B. a; the  C. /; a  D. the; /




The First Lesson of the New Term, a TV program about how to protect oneself in times of emergency, is meant to provide school students with the knowledge on self-protection. It will help students in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, snowstorms or floods. Many examples show that enough knowledge about self-protection along with enough courage and willpower can help many survive.

The most recent example is from the earthquake in Sichuan Province in May of 2008. While thousands of school kids were killed by collapsed school buildings, all students from a middle school survived even without a single one being hurt. That’s because of their timely and orderly evacuations (撤离), which they had been drilled in every term.

It’s good to see this program is the most important activity of a national campaign to make students be aware of personal safety. Chinese Education Ministry has called on all schools nationwide to give lessons on self-protection knowledge in times of emergency every term.





(1) 安全教育的重要性;

(2) 举例说明中学生在日常安全方面应该注意的事项;

(3) 呼吁中学生提高安全意识。






_______________________________________________________________________          _____










假如你是某英语报社的编辑李平,一位名叫 Joe的学生写信向你询问好的读书方法,请按照以下写作内容和要求以英语书信形式给予答复。


1. 所读书籍难度适中;

2. 如果发现一本书太难读,不妨先搁置一段时间,换一本容易的读

3. 要读自己感兴趣的书,但更要读对自己有一的书

4. 有的书匆匆浏览便可,有的则需细读;

5. 读书要随时记笔记,勤查字典,多问问题。


1. 只能用5个句子表达全部的内容,信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入句数。


Dear Joe ,

I’m glad to receive your letter. It is true that to read successfully requires correct ways of reading. Here are some suggestions.                              



I wish you will succeed in reading.

Yours truly,

Li Ping







说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Father’s Day Shortchanged? Humble History, Fewer Gifts

With Father’s Day 2011 here, find out how the holiday started, why Dad doesn’t mind being shortchanged on gifts, and more.


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Why Mother’s Day Horrified, Ruined Its Own Mother

Born of war, Mother’s Day grew to horrify its own mother, whose fight to fix the holiday “cost her everything, financially and physically.”


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Valentine’s Day Facts: Gifts, History, and Love Science

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Thanksgiving 2010 Myths and Facts

Before the big dinner, debunk the myths—for starters, the first “real” Thanksgiving wasn’t until the 1800s—and get to the roots of Thanksgiving 2010.


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4th of July Facts: 1st Fests, Number of Fireworks, More

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说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Earth Day at 40: What Good Is It Now?

After 40 years, outsourced activism is replacing traditional Earth Day activities, and green’s gone mainstream, experts say. So what’s the point?


1.Where did this most popular day for couples come from? And how does it come into beings, year after year? Noel Lenski, professor of the University of Colorado, said the lovers’ holiday traces its roots to raucous annual Roman festivals held every year on February 15 and remained wildly popular well into the fifth century A.D.

2.The first Earth Day in 1970 was a raucous, radical teach-in that helped spur clean-air, clean-water, and endangered species legislation in the United States. Now, 40 years later, Earth Day is every day, as the saying goes. The thing is, it’s also everyday- environmentalism that has become a routine with greenness as much a marketing tactic as a moral pursuit.

3.Some 242 million turkeys were raised in the U.S. in 2010 for slaughter, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Last year’s birds were worth about U.S. $3.6 billion. Before the big dinner, debunk the myths, we need to know that the first “real” U.S. Thanksgiving wasn’t until the 1800s and get to the roots of Thanksgiving 2010.

4.Father’s Day traditionally takes a backseat to Mother’s Day, and, for the most part, dads are cool with that, experts say. Nevertheless, as traditional roles around the house gradually change, fathers are gaining more attention on their special day, at least as measured in the monetary value of gifts estimated to be given on June 19, 2011, when the holiday will be celebrated in dozens of countries.

5.Cookouts, fireworks, and, of course, a chance to wish Uncle Sam a big “happy birthday” —the day means summer in full swing across the United States and beyond. Besides the founders of the US, Fireworks, first authorized by Congress in 1777, are another legacy. More than 14,000 fireworks displays light up U.S. skies each year.



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