满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Some “healthy” habits, such as shower ev...

Some “healthy” habits, such as shower every day and sitting on the loo, _____ be bad for you.

A. can            B. should            C. must           D. shall


A 【解析】考查情态动词。Can 可能,should应当,竟然 must必须 shall将会 句意为,一些健康的习惯,比如每天洗澡和坐在马桶上,可能会对你有害。Can表示理论上的可能性

--Is this the way to High Tower Museum?

   -- _________ !

    A. That’s all right     B. That’s Ok      C. There you go      D. You bet



According to the job advertisement, ________ will be given to the candidates with working experience.

    A. presentation   B. profession     C. preference     D. protection 



We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that ______ for their son’s bad performance at school.

   A. are to blame                       B. is to be blamed     C. are to be blamed     D. is to blame



Mr. Li, leader of the team, always think of _______ he can do more for his teammates.

A. what             B. that           C. how                D. if



_________, he knows quite a lot about football, more than you can imagine!

A. As he is a child     B. Child as he is

C. As a child           D. A Child as he is



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