满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

― Excuse me, where can I get _____ appli...

― Excuse me, where can I get _____ application form?

― Go to _____ Window 10 ,please.


B.an; the


D.the; the


A 【解析】考察冠词用法。application form意为申请表 ,可数名词,此处表示泛指,意为一张申请表。 Window 10指的是十号窗口。前不要冠词。

假定你是中学生李华, 在搜狐微博上看到一位名叫Worryguy的中学生发布的博文。请你根据博文内容写作要点要求发布自己的观点。

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1. 表明自己的看法:

2. 陈述自己的理由(可举例说明);

3. 提出至少两条建议。


1. 短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。 2. 短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。

3. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。  4. 书写需清晰、工整。

Dear Worryguy,

   This is really a tough problem to deal with. In my opinion,_________________

















Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to learn from your e-mail that you and your sister will come to

Xi’an and call on me on July. 1st. And I’m terribly sorry that I can’t meet you at

the airport because I have to attend meeting in Beijing. Now let me to tell you the

way to your home. When you got out of the airport, you can take Bus No.29 to

YouYi Bus Station. Walk across the Friendship Street to the west, you can see a

bookstore at the corner. Turn to the left there and go straightly on. Then you can

see a bank your left. The apartment building I live in is next to the bank. Find

Room 502, which my mother will be waiting for you .

Best regard to you all.


                                                      Liu Mei




1.An ______ (诚实 )student never cheats in the examination.

2.The news______ (播送) over the radio soon spread in the whole country.

3.Why don’t you call on my sister on your______(到达) in Harbin?

4.The students were lying on their ______(胃部).

5.When I said some people were so stupid, I wasn’t ______(指) to you.

6.She as well as her friends ______(参加) in a party to celebrate Women’s Day every March 8.

7.The weather of Xi’an in ______(一月) is very cold, especially at night.

8.Freddy _______(不常), if ever, reads a book.  

9.In the ______(二十) century, country music became more and more popular in America.

10.With his new ____(照相机), he took lots of pictures when he visited the city.




A.   Decide to Be Happy

B.   Lower Your Expectations

C.   Learn to Enjoy the Moment

D.   Look for the Good in Everything

E.   Let People Deal with Their Own Problems

F.   Focus More on What You Can Control Than on What You Can’t

So many times I hear people say that they will be happy once a certain event occurs. They think that once they move into a new house, start their new job, travel or retire they will be happy. But it doesn’t work that way.

If you truly want to be happy, here’s what to do.



You are not just a victim of circumstances or your emotions. Think about it this way. If you are in a horrible argument with someone, and the person you most respect enters the room, what will happen? The fighting will likely stop immediately, your mood will change, and so will your behavior. You do have control, and you are the one who decides how you will face the day!



We are never disappointed unless we have expectations. If you base your emotions on the need for certain things to happen, you will likely be let down most of the time. Instead, work hard, and treat everything good that happens as a bonus for which you can be thankful.



Don’t get too wrapped up in issues involving friends or family. We are each responsible for our own lives, and even when someone makes a bad mistake, it is not up to you to make things better. And remember that worry doesn’t help anyone!



You might not be satisfied with your income, but there’s no point complaining about it. Improve your diploma so that you can get a better job in the future. You may have an incurable illness, such as diabetes, but the fact that it’s incurable doesn’t mean that it cannot be managed.



   You don’t have to be a Pollyanna(盲目乐观者)about life, but you can see the bright side of almost every situation if you just make a point of looking for it. Happiness is not an uncatchable mouse! Once you have made up your mind that you are going to be happy despite what is going on around you, the task becomes easier. One of the key things to remember is that happiness doesn’t come from outside but begins on the inside and actually spread outward, and can influence everyone around you in a positive manner.



Combining families with kids can be tough and offers even more unexpected problems. You just don’t know how things will shake out until everyone is under one roof, trying on new roles with name that start with “step”. This is what happened to Sheila and Will, and Sheila’s 8-year-old daughter Ashley. After the couple got married, and Will became the member of the new family, things got worse than expected. How did they make it work? Read the full version of the story here.

   Shelia’s Turn: When Shelia and Will were dating, he seemed like kids, especially Ashley. He’d bring her presents, play games with her. But after the wedding, things took a turn. Will suddenly became a super strict stepfather, scolding Ashley for watching too much cartoons, constantly picking fights and punishing her for offenses as small as spilling milk. Shelia’s thought about leaving Will, but soon after they married, they had a son, Billy. Will adores his well-behaved boy, but Ashley hates him. Shelia doesn’t know what to do--- her daughter is miserable, but leaving her husband might mean losing her son.

   Will’s turn: Will was so excited to be a male role model in Ashley’s life. He didn’t just want to be a guy living in her house; he wanted to treat her like his own daughter, which, to Will, meant giving Ashley more rules and help her learn responsibility. He’d always felt that Shelia let Ashley loose on everything. But after the wedding, Will was surprised that Shelia didn’t want him to do that. If Will takes away Ashley’s TV privileges or tells her to clean up her room, Shelia just lets Ashley do what she likes and does it herself. Will was tired of this and he’d rather take his son and go.

   The advisor’s turn: The counselor(顾问) quickly recognized their conflict as a classic case of unspoken, hidden expectations. Before the wedding, when it was just Shelia and Will, everything was easy. But now, everyone in their big family is competing for attention, and the couple never sat down and discussed the biggest issue---their child-upbringing philosophies(育儿经). The counselor suggested Shelia allow Will to give some rules on Ashley but Will’s punishments couldn’t be extreme. Once Ashley saw that her mom and stepdad had become a united front, she cooperated more.

1.The text is most likely to be found in a book about______.

    A. popular science            B. historical events

C. social problems            D. political systems

2.The reasons for Ashley’s dislike of Will are as follows except_____?

A. Will often picked fights with Ashley.

A. Ashley often spilled milk on the floor.

B. Will always punished her for bad behaviors.

C. Ashley was stopped watching too many cartoons.

3.What can we know about Will?

A. Will has a good intention.           

B. Will does not love children

C. Will does not love Shelia any more   

D. Will’s way of parenting is very perfect.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that the advisor’s attitude to their problem?

A. Negative    B. Objective     C. Critical     D. . Subjective



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