满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— My son failed to be accepted by the fi...

— My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview.

   — Now that he wasn’t well prepared, he might as well ______.

A. not try              B. not to have tried   C. not to try       D. not have tried


D 【解析】考察固定词组。Might as well do sth不妨,还是做…为好;根据本句的意思可知是他已经尝试了,所以使用完成时,不是已经做过的事情。句意:—面试以后我的儿子没有被那个公司接受。—既然他没有准备好,他还是不要去尝试为好。

— What do you mean        saying “The boy is overgrowing”?

   — I mean that he is tall        his age.

A. about; with          B. as to; for           C. by; for         D. by; to   



— Are you a member of the club?

   —       . It’s years since I       .

A. Yes; was            B. No; was           C. Yes; had been   D. No; became



— Put these glasses away before they______.

   — OK, I’ll put them in the cupboard.

   A. have broken      B. are breaking         C. get broken      D. will be broken



— Is Paul playing both soccer and tennis for the school?

   — He ______. But now he has given up playing tennis.

   A. is               B. has             C. was           D. had



______ at failing in the math exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents.

   A. Disappointed                          B. To be disappointed                         

C. Disappointing                           D. Having disappointed



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