满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Imagine that you are in school, giving a...

Imagine that you are in school, giving a speech to your class. Now think what it feels like when stammering (口吃) makes it a struggle to communicate your thoughts and feelings to other people.

The King’s Speech, which won the best picture at the Academy Awards in March, 2011, focuses on stammering along with other speech-related problems. The movie tells the story of Britain’s King George VI, who became king after his brother Edward VIII gave up the crown to marry an American woman.

As a result of British actor Colin Firth’s performance, people are starting to realize that stammering can damage a person’s self-confidence and cause him or her to escape from life.

“The serious problem is unseen and unheard,” said Norbert Lieckfeldt, an expert at the British Stammering Association, in an interview with a news reporter.

“Stammering masks your ability,” he said. “It's a serious disability.”

Most stammerers face bullying (欺负) in school, something that is “usually carried over into the workplace”.

George VI’s stammer took away his confidence as a speaker. But Samantha Mesango, a speech coach based in the UK, believes that speech problems are more common than most people realize. “Some simply don’t like the sound of their own voice; others are scared of speaking in public,” she said.

Travis Treats from St.Louis University praised The King’s Speech. He said it shows that “how one’s speech does not mean what one is inside”. He also added that people who stammer need to be heard and our society should recognize that they have a lot to give to the world.

1.The author writes the first 3 paragraphs to           .

A. show how harmful stammer is for common people

B. introduce a famous movie winning great awards

C. tell the story of the king who suffers from stammer

D. draw readers’ attention to the problem of stammer

2.We learn from the passage that           .

A. stammerers face bullying in school but not in the workplace

B. Edward VIII gave up his crown because he was a stammerer

C. stammerers should be understood and can contribute to the world

D. the sufferings caused by stammer haven’t been found yet

3.According to Norbert Lieckfeldt,           

A. the voice of stammering people cannot be heard

B. people who stammer do better in work than school

C. there are a lot of things that stammering people can give to us

D. the serious problem of stammering remains unseen and unheard

4.The paragraph that follows the last will probably talk about           

A. the success the king made by overcoming stammer

B. the medical treatments given to the stammerers

C. doctors’ opinions upon the serious stammer problem

D. how popular the movie The King’s Speech will become


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】文章以《国王的演讲》这部电影为例说明口吃对人们来说是一个严重的问题,能摧毁一个人的自信。 1. 推理题。作者以《国王的演讲》这部电影为例是为了引起人们对于口吃问题的注意。 2.细节题。根据文章最后一句. He also added that people who stammer need to be heard and our society should recognize that they have a lot to give to the world.可知我们应该理解那些口吃的人他们也会给我们这个世界做贡献,故C正确。 3.细节题。根据文章第四段“The serious problem is unseen and unheard,” said Norbert Lieckfeldt,可知D正确。 4.推断题。文章以《国王的演讲》开始,最后也应该谈论《国王的演讲》中国王客服口吃取得的成功。

A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s   36  , she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher   37   his mother and he felt   38   of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar that   39   nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to   40   why or how she got the scar.

At the meeting, the people were   41   by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother   

  42   the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and   43   himself from everyone. He did, however, get within hearing of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.

The teacher asked   44   , “How did you get the scar on your face?”

The mother replied, “   45   my son was a baby, he was in a room that   46   fire. Everyone was   47   afraid to go in because the fire was   48  , so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself   49   him trying to protect him. I was knocked   50   but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us. ” She   51   the burned side of her face. “This scar will be   52  , but to this day, I have never   53   what I did.”

At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He   54   her in his arms and felt a great sense of the sacrifice that his mother had made for him. He held her hand   55   for the rest of the day.

1.A. enjoyment     B. disappointment    C. sorrow              D. joy

2.A. noticed       B. greeted           C. accepted                D. met

3.A. sick          B. ashamed            C. afraid              D. tired

4.A. included      B. passed             C. covered            D. shaded

5.A. talk about    B. think about        C. care for                D. hear about

6.A. impressed     B. surprised         C. excited             D. comforted

7.A. in sight of B. by means of          C. by way of               D. in spite of

8.A. hid           B. protected          C. separated               D. escaped

9.A. carefully     B. seriously         C. nervously               D. anxiously

10.A. As           B. When               C. Since                   D. While

11.A. caught       B. set                C. lit                     D. made

12.A. so           B. much               C. quite                   D. too

13.A. out of control B. under control C. in control     D. over control

14.A. under        B. at                 C. to                  D. over

15.A. helpless     B. hopeless           C. senseless              D. useless

16.A. pointed      B. showed             C. wiped               D. touched

17.A. ugly         B. lasting            C. serious             D. frightening

18.A. forgot       B. recognized         C. considered              D. regretted

19.A. grasped      B. held               C. put                 D. caught

20.A. quietly      B. slightly           C. tightly             D. suddenly



John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to ______ all his trousers to his measure.

   A. let out               B. give away            C. bring in        D. make up



— My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview.

   — Now that he wasn’t well prepared, he might as well ______.

A. not try              B. not to have tried   C. not to try       D. not have tried



— What do you mean        saying “The boy is overgrowing”?

   — I mean that he is tall        his age.

A. about; with          B. as to; for           C. by; for         D. by; to   



— Are you a member of the club?

   —       . It’s years since I       .

A. Yes; was            B. No; was           C. Yes; had been   D. No; became



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