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To Whom It May Concern: On March 5, 2012...

To Whom It May Concern:

      On March 5, 2012 , I bought a Perfect Muffin Kit(松饼粉 ) from your store at Midfield Shopping Center. The cashier who assisted me was George. George was very friendly and told me that the Perfect Muffin Kit would live up to the guarantee on the box: “Perfect Muffins Every Time!”.

      Unfortunately, this product did not live up to what it promised . The muffins I made were far from perfect . I followed the directions in the package very carefully . First , I removed the bag of mix from the box. Then , I poured it into a bowl. Next, I added the correct amount of water to the mix and stirred it. According to the directions, after stirring the mixture , I added half a cup of dried prapes, nuts , berries, or another favorite ingredient(配料 ) . My favorite ingredient happens to be hot sauce (沙司 ). I find that a bit of hot sauce makes pizza and soup taste very delicious. So, continuing to follow the directions, I added half a cup of hot sauce to the mix and stirred it. Finally, I poured the mix into muffin tins and baked it in the baker at 350 degrees for exactly 20 minutes.

When the muffins finished baking, I was very excited to eat the “Perfect Muffins” as promised on the box. You can imagine my disappointment when, upon tasting the muffins, I discovered that they were not perfect. These muffins were , in fact , absolutely terrible. Not even my dog was interested in eating these supposedly “perfect” muffins.

 I would appreciate a full refund(退款 ) of $3.99 for this product as soon as possible. Enclosed are the receipt, the empty box, and one of the un-perfect muffins so that you can experience it for yourself . Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely ,

Michelle Bauer

1.This letter is most likely addressed to _______.

A. a local storeowner                  

B. the owner of the muffin mix company

C. the clerk at a local muffin bakery      

D. George, the cashier who sold the muffin mix

2.The tone(语气 ) of the author can best be described as ________.

A. embarrassed           B. hopeless         

C. disappointed        D. disgusted

3.the author was unhappy with the product because________.

A. the directions of the product contained a mistake

B. it was not up to the promise made on the box

C. it was too difficult to follow the directions

D. it was worth less money than she paid for it

4.The author’s main purpose in writing this letter is to ________.

A. prevent others from making the same mistake

B. persuade the company to change the wording on their box

C. get back all the money paid from the shop

D. complain about how bad the muffins tasted


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】这是一封写给当地一家商店的退货的信件,描述了松饼粉的具体情况。 1.A 推理题。根据文章的内容可知这是一封退货的信件,自然是写给当地的商店。 2.C 推理题。作者本来是满心期待有美味的食品,结果大失所望,自然是很失望的语气。 3.B 细节题。根据第2段第一行Unfortunately, this product did not live up to what it promised .可知B正确。 4.C 细节题。根据文章最后一段第一句I would appreciate a full refund(退款 ) of $3.99 for this product as soon as possible.可知C正确。

On the Iraq­Syria border,a pack of wild dogs circled American soldiers for food.The leader of the pack was a gray­and­white dog.The soldiers called him Nubs.Nubs was shaking and __36__ able to stand.Marine major Brian Dennis looked closer and saw that there was a knife wound __37__ his chest.

Dennis couldn’t stand seeing the dog __38__.He and his men immediately treated the wound,and gave Nubs medicine.Nubs__39__but was still in pain.The next day,the team had to__40__.Ten days later,Dennis’s unit was back,and so was Nubs.He was still___41__,but the men fed him and played with him.

Before long the unit once again__42__an outpost (前哨) 70 miles away.Nubs,slowly but determinedly,__43__them far into the trackless wasteland until the men lost__44__of him.Two days later,beyond Dennis’s__45__,he saw Nubs just outside the outpost.The dog had tracked him across 70 miles of frozen desert to__46__with the friend who had saved his life.From then on Nubs and the men slept in the same place,and ran around in the same ruins.

Until an order came down from above that they were not__47__to have pets,Dennis__48__to make sure the dog would continue to live the__49__life.So he quickly raised $4,000 from his family and friends to fly Nubs to__50__.

 A month later,when Dennis and the dog were__51__in California,at first Nubs didn’t recognize the guy.__52__within minutes,the dog jumped into Dennis’s arms,jumping up again and again to__53__ his friend’s face.

A little__54__and concern in the middle of war will not save a violent world.But small stories,like the story of a soldier and a dog,hold a promise of a(n) __55__world.

1.A.mostly     B.certainly    C.hardly           D.never

2.A.in         B.on           C.at               D.behind

3.A.stand      B.starve       C.bleed            D.suffer

4.A.pulled through B.fell asleep  C.woke up      D.fell down

5.A.leave      B.rest         C.pass             D.remain

6.A.hungry     B.tired            C.dirty        D.weak

7.A.took up        B.took over        C.left for     D.returned from

8.A.watched    B.followed         C.accompanied  D.barked

9.A.touch          B.sight            C.footprint    D.smell

10.A.ability  B.surprise         C.imagination  D.understanding

11.A.part          B.fight            C.meet         D.break

12.A.asked         B.suggested        C.required     D.allowed

13.A.decided  B.agreed           C.accepted     D.proposed

14.A.moving        B.good             C.safe         D.interesting

15.A.London    B.America          C.Iraq             D.Syria

16.A.found         B.interviewed      C.linked       D.reunited

17.A.So            B.And              C.But          D.Though

18.A.lick          B.touch            C.bite         D.clean

19.A.pity          B.mercy            C.care         D.contribution

20.A.equal         B.harmonious       C.prosperous  D.amazing



No matter how________, it is not necessarily lifeless.

A. dry a desert may be                  B. a desert may be dry

C. may a desert be dry                  D. dry may a desert be



---Jason, you need to refresh yourself with a cup of coffee.

   --- Yeah, I went to bed very late last night, ________, early this morning.

A, rather than          B. what’s more    

C. or rather            D. what’s worse



—What about today's temperature?

    —It's the same as, if the weather report is exact as usual, ________of yesterday.

    A. one              B. that              C. ones             D. those



— I'm mad at what Jack said yesterday.

    —________! He was just making a joke.

   A. Take your time   B. Lighten up      

C. Enjoy yourself    D. Not at all



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