满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As the clock ________ midnight, cinemas ...

As the clock ________ midnight, cinemas across the country screened the film, _________ China one of the first countries in the world to show it.

A. knocked; making  B. hit; made    C. beat; which made D. struck; making


D 【解析】本题动词辨析和非谓语动词。句意:当午夜的钟声敲响,中国的各大影院开始播放这部电影,这使得中国成为世界上最先播放该电影的国家之一。表示“(钟表)敲,鸣,报时”时用strike。此处making是现在分词作状语表示结果。

We’re all ready to put it into operation; __________, we’re going to take action as soon as possible.

A. on the whole     B. in general   C. all in all   D. in other words



We should give the disabled encouragement to live _________ as we do.

A. as a rich and full life                  B. as rich and full a life 

C. so a rich and full life                  D. so rich and full a life



Had they known what was coming next, they ___________ second thoughts.

A. may have         B. could have      C. must have had    D. might have had



— What made Bill so angry?

—____________. His girl friend promised to come at 8:30, but she hasn’t come yet.

A. Having kept waiting                  B. Being kept waiting  

C. To be kept waiting                       D. He was kept waiting



People Who Moved China, hosted by CCTV, honors the people _______the valuable contributions should be remembered by every Chinese.

A. whose            B. of whom        C. that               D. of which



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