满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

His ex-husband, whom she _________ last ...

His ex-husband, whom she _________ last year, is now living in America.

A. divorced         B. got divorced     C. got married      D. married to


A 【解析】本题动词辨析。句意:她去年离婚了,他的前夫现在住在美国。表示“与某人结婚或离婚”,应说marry sb或divorce sb。结合句意用A。

These natural parks are important for preserving animals, which would ________ risk dying out.

A. merely           B. rather               C. otherwise            D. moreover



The Sina Microblog provides a good ________ for those who want to express their opinions and exchange their ideas with others.

A. platform         B. boundary         C. teamwork         D. relationship



As the clock ________ midnight, cinemas across the country screened the film, _________ China one of the first countries in the world to show it.

A. knocked; making  B. hit; made    C. beat; which made D. struck; making



We’re all ready to put it into operation; __________, we’re going to take action as soon as possible.

A. on the whole     B. in general   C. all in all   D. in other words



We should give the disabled encouragement to live _________ as we do.

A. as a rich and full life                  B. as rich and full a life 

C. so a rich and full life                  D. so rich and full a life



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