满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据短文内容,请从以下选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。 ...


A. Be in a Good Mood

B. Don’t Try to Multitask

C. Don’t Break the Signal

D. Stay Focused on the Road

E. Keep Your Vehicle in Good Condition

F. Drinking and Driving Has Fatal Consequences

Traffic Safety Tips

If you are among those who think that traffic safety tips are something that need to be given to children and not adults, you are so very young. Being an adult, it is our responsibility to set a good example for others. Remember when you are driving a car with your teenaged son or daughter sitting next to you, he or she is watching you and observing how you drive. So make sure that you follow all the necessary traffic rules to set a good example. Some of the effective traffic safety tips are mentioned below.

Put Your Seat Belt On

The first thing that you are supposed to do, and make sure that others in the car also do, is to put your seat belt on. In case there is a child in the car between the age of 4 and 8, a booster seat(儿童座椅)should be used as safety belts are not meant for small children and cannot protect them in case of accidents. Kids under the age of 12 should never sit on the front seat.


Do you drive, listen to music, eat your sandwich and speak on the phone all at the same time? If you do this, you are not displaying your super powers but allowing multiple things to distract you. Once you are driving, be it alone or with your friends and family, you are responsible for everyone present in the car. So stop doing other things and focus on driving safe.


Teenagers and young adults especially, don’t realize the risks they are putting themselves into. Alcohol influences your mood and mind and may not give you the judgment and control that you need to have when driving safe. Even smoking should be avoided and drugs should not be consumed if you are planning to drive.


Driving under pressure with your mind occupied with issues at work or at home would easily allow you to distract your mind off the road leading to an accident. So make sure that you don’t let the things outside your car affect you when you are in the car. Sleep properly and stay relaxed before hitting the road.


Your emotions or impatience may make you break the signal at times. Or break the speed limit because you are getting late. Don’t do that! The consequences for that may actually be enough to separate you from your driver’s license on a permanent basis. Make sure you obey the traffic rules and guidelines and do all to be a responsible citizen.


Last but not the least, keep your car in good condition. Make sure you are giving your car for servicing and maintenance on time. Make sure you always check your vehicle tires before hitting the road and don’t run out of gas!

So these were some of the main traffic safety tips that should be followed by one and all in order to stay safe and be an example for others. Remember, rules and regulations are made for your own benefit and safety. So make sure that you obey them. Take care and have a safe ride.


 B  F  D  C  E 【解析】  Don’t Try to Multitask不要试图做多件任务。与本段的So stop doing other things and focus on driving safe相呼应。  Drinking and Driving Has Fatal Consequences 酒后驾车有致命的后果。与本段的Alcohol influences your mood相呼应。  Stay Focused on the Road专注于路。与本段的off the road及hitting the road 相对应。  Don’t Break the Signal不要违反信号。与本段的make you break the signal at times及Don’t do that! 相对应。  Keep Your Vehicle in Good Condition保持你的车辆处于良好的状态。与本段的keep your car in good condition相对应。

Water, which covers about 74 percent of the earth’s surface, is man’s most precious resource. Without it we cannot live. Clean water keeps us alive; polluted water means disease and death. Keeping our water pure is by no means an easy task but it is something that must be done.

Hong Kong once prided herself on being the “Fragrant Harbour”. However, these days, it is not certain if Hong Kong’s harbour could still be called “fragrant”. For, like many other places, Hong Kong has not been spared water pollution. A visit to Tolo and Victoria Harbour, or any of the beaches in Hong Kong is enough to make one aware of the ugly truth that Hong Kong waters are indeed polluted.

The great threat to our water is bacteria pollution. Another great source of water pollution is poisonous chemicals. These substances, which are found in industrial waste and agricultural pesticides, make up unseen dangers that enter biological food chains.

Pollution control is a continuing problem for the government. It is believed that the most effective form of control is legislation(立法). Most importantly, the present laws on pollution should be given more force. On the other hand, no amount of legislation can effectively control pollution unless those concerned are properly educated about the danger posed by pollution.

While a great majority of Hong Kong citizens and residents seem to be greatly concerned about ways to control water pollution, it is discouraging to note that there are, in our midst, some people who remain apathetic(无动于衷)about the problem. In a recent radio programme conducted on what people in the streets thought about the water pollution problem, one apparently unconcerned person said, “What do I care about water pollution? I don’t drink polluted water. As long as the water I drink is not polluted, I’m not bothered. Water pollution is too big a problem and let’s leave it to the government.”

If all residents in Hong Kong will take such an indifferent attitude, all the government’s attempts to control pollution, let alone the anti-pollution legislation, will prove useless. The best form of pollution control each citizen can employ is to be aware of his surroundings. We hope that someday, the problem of water pollution in Hong Kong will cease to alarm us.

1.By the underlined sentences, the writer wants to show that ______.

A. we should not use polluted water

B. it is our responsibility to keep our water clean and safe

C. clean water is vitally important to the survival of human beings

D. water is abundant but very expensive    

2.What can you infer from the second paragraph?

A. Hong Kong indeed deserves the name. 

B. Hong Kong never deserves such a name.

C. Hong Kong can’t avoid the damage of pollution. 

D. Hong Kong has failed to live up to such reputation.

3.The writer quotes the words in the programme to show us that a block to the solution of the problem is _________.

A. people’s lack of education         

B. people’s I-don’t-care attitude

C. people’s wait-and-see attitude     

D. people’s over-dependence on the government

4.In the final analysis, the best approach to the problem of water pollution is ________.

A. legislation                     

B. rapid development of modern science 

C. mass education                  

D.everybody taking care of his own surroundings



It’s 10:30 p.m., and 11-year-old Brandon Blanco is sound asleep at home. Suddenly, a loud noise wakes him up. Naturally, Brandon reaches for his cell phone. He blinks twice, and the message on the screen becomes clear: “R U awake?”

But the late-night text does not annoy Brandon. He gets frequent messages and calls, even after bedtime. And he can’t imagine life without them. “If I didn’t have a cell phone, I wouldn’t be able to talk to my friends or family as often,” he told the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Brandon’s use of technology doesn’t stop there. He also has a computer, a TV and three video-game consoles(控制台)in his room. With so many devices, it is no surprise that when he is not at school, he spends nearly every waking minute using one or more of these devices. Brandon is hardly alone. According to a recent study by TFK, kids aged 8 to 18 are spending more time than ever before using electronic devices. How much time? More than seven and a half hours a day on average, the study found. That’s about an hour more than just five years ago.

The jump is the result of a huge explosion in mobile devices, says Victoria Rideout, the lead author of the study. “These devices have opened up many more opportunities for young people to use media, whether it’s on the bus, on the way to school or waiting in line at the pizza parlor,” says Rideout.

Often, kids multitask, or use more than one device at a time. “If you’ve got a chance to do something on your computer and take a phone call and have the TV on in the background, why not?” Media expert Cheryl Olson says. Most experts agree technology has much to offer kids. But some worry the kids could be missing out on other activities like playing outside or hanging out with friends. “It’s a matter of balance,” says Olson.

Multitasking while doing homework is another concern. Some kids listen to music, watch TV or use the phone while doing their homework. “It’s important to make sure that you can stop and concentrate on one thing deeply,” says Rideout.

With new and exciting devices hitting stores every year, keeping technology use in check is more important than ever. “Kids should try,” adds Rideout. “But parents might have to step in sometimes.”

1.It can be learned from the text that _________.

A. many teenagers lack friends in their middle school

B. kids have too many electronic devices to choose from

C. Brandon feels annoyed about his late-night message

D. Olson is against teenagers’ using mobile phones

2.Which of the following is an example of multitasking?

A. Watching TV when using the computer.    

B. Talking on the phone when lying on the sofa.

C. Playing video games after having lunch.     

D. Listening to loud music while relaxing.

3.The underlined phrase “in check” in the last paragraph can be replaced by _________.

A. in order         B. in store         C. in control               D. in sight

4.According to the text, Victoria Rideout would probably agree that kids should ______.

A. do homework while watching TV           

B. have less homework

C. spend more time on homework             

D. do homework in a place without disturbance



St. Paul’s Cathedral

Ludgate Hill, EC4

Underground: St. Paul’s; Bus: 6, 8, 11, 15, 22, 25

Open: Daily 8:00-19:00 (17:00 from Oct. to Mar.)

Entrance free

Designed by the great architect, Sir Christopher Wren, St. Paul’s Cathedral was built following the Great Fire of London of 1666, which destroyed the gothic cathedral on the site at that time. It is an inescapable attraction for all travellers to this great city and the most recognisable gothic cathedral in England. Its choir(唱诗班)is internationally famous. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married here in 1981.

Buckingham Palace

South end of the Mall (SW1)

Underground: St. James’s Park, Victoria, Hyde Park Corner, Green Park; Bus: 2, 11, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30, 38, 52, 73, 74, 137

Buckingham Palace is Queen Elisabeth II’s official residence(住所), and has been the official residence of Britain’s monarch(君主)since 1837. The State Rooms at Buckingham Palace have been opening to the public for the Annual Summer Opening, in August and September, since 1993. The Queen is not at Buckingham Palace when it is open to the public; she goes to one of her country residences. The State Rooms are extremely grand. You can see many of the treasures of the Royal Collection: paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto; and beautiful examples of English and French furniture.

The Tower of London

Tower Hill, EC3

Underground: Tower Hill; Bus: 42, 78

Open: Mon.— Sat.9:00-18:00; Sun.8:00-19:00

Parts of the Tower of London are over nine centuries old, as building began under William the Conqueror in 1078. Famous as a prison in the distant past, the Tower has also been a royal residence, a zoo and an observatory(瞭望台). It is now a museum and many thousands of people visit it every year in particular to see the Crown Jewels. Only by going inside can you experience nearly a thousand years of history and hear the myths and legends that make it “a day out to die for”.

Westminster Abbey

Broad Sanctuary, SW1

Underground: Westminster, St James’s Park; Bus: 3, 11, 12, 24, 29, 39, 53, 59, 76, 77, 88, 109, 155, 168, 170, 172, 184, 503

Open: Daily 8:00-18:00 (Mar. — Dec., Tuesday till 20:00)

Entrance free

Located next to the Houses of Parliament in the heart of London, Westminster Abbey is a gothic church and place of worship. The building of the present Abbey was started by King Henry III in 1245. The oldest parts of the building date back to 1050. Westminster Abbey has hosted many royal weddings including the wedding of The Queen and Prince Philip in 1947 and the wedding of Prince William and Kate in 2011. It is a traditional place of coronation(加冕礼)and burial for English monarchs—38 monarchs have been crowned at the Abbey. There are many tombs there, including those of Queen Elizabeth I, “Bloody” Queen Mary, naturalist Charles Darwin, many poets and writers.

1.You can see the inside of all the buildings all the year around except ______.

A. St. Paul’s Cathedral                        B. the Tower of London 

C. Westminster Abbey                        D. Buckingham Palace

2.The two places you can visit by getting off at the same underground station are ______.

A. Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey     

B. Buckingham Palace and St. Paul’s Cathedral

C. Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London   

D. the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral

3.Where is the text most probably taken from?

A. A history book about London.            

B. A guidebook for visitors to London.

C. A book about London’s development.     

D. A book about London’s churches.



The space shuttle Discovery has had a long and busy career. For 27 years, it has worked for NASA, carrying astronauts to space and back on 39 missions. On March 9, 2011, after returning from its final voyage, the world’s most traveled spaceship was retired.

A crowd of shuttle workers, reporters and schoolchildren waited to greet Discovery at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Three minutes before noon, they watched as the shuttle appeared in the sky and made one last touchdown. “For the final time: wheels stop,” Discovery’s commander Steven Lindsey said when the shuttle rolled to a stop.

Discovery’s final trip was to the International Space Station (ISS), a giant space lab in the sky. Discovery’s crew took care of the last U.S. construction project at ISS. They delivered 10 tons of supplies for the ISS. The six-person crew also dropped off an unusual companion for ISS’s researchers: a human-like robot named Robonaut 2. Astronauts will assemble(组装)R2 at the ISS over several months.

Now, NASA is winding down its shuttle programme. NASA is to begin work on new spaceships that can travel longer distances. Discovery’s retirement is the first of three. Endeavor, another shuttle, is scheduled to make its final voyage soon. And Atlantis’s last trip is planned for the end of June.

Museums across the country have requested the retired shuttles. The Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum, in Washington, D.C., was the lucky recipient(接收者)of Discovery. The museum’s collection contains hundreds of NASA artifacts.

Where will the other shuttles go? You’ll have to wait to find out. NASA will announce its decision on April 12, the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle launching. Stay tuned!

1.As part of the final mission, Discovery’s crew___________.

A. carried researches to space             

B. assembled the Robonaut 2 at the ISS

C. brought supplies to the ISS             

D. went on a spacewalk

2.The underlined phrase “winding down” in Paragraph 4 probably means _________.

A. improving            B. ending       C. changing         D. testing

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. Discovery completed 39 missions during its two decades of space travel.

B. The ISS is a big project and six researchers live on the station.

C. American space exploration will focus on longer missions.

D. The shuttles Endeavor and Atlantis will make their last missions next month.

4.According to the text, we can learn about ___________.

A. people’s opinions of Discovery’s retirement

B. the government’s concern about the shuttles’ future

C. the shuttles’ final homes after retirement

D. museums’ great interest in the retired shuttles






1.  保持良好的心态

2.  目标明确

3.  与父母、老师或同学沟通

4.  作息合理,饮食均衡

5. ……

1.  有助于减轻焦虑,还能增强克服困难的勇气

2. 正确评价自己

3. ……

4. ……

5. ……

注意: 1. 词数100-120 ,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:明确的 (definite)   评价(estimation)

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