满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A new museum is being built in our city ...

A new museum is being built in our city and it’ll be accessible to the citizens when___ next year.

  A. completing       B. is completed      C. to be completed         D. completed


D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。it指代的是the new museum,也是complete的逻辑主语,且是被动关系,故应用过去分词表被动。When completed=When it is completed.

Robert failed to complete his education____ he found it hard to focus on his studies.

  A. although      B. if           C. because                 D. while



We live in a society_____ there is a great deal of debate about competition.

   A. which              B. where              C. when                      D. that



--- What have you learned from your experience in Japan?

  --- Well, meeting people from another culture ___ be very difficult.

   A. must                B. can                C. should           D. shall



According to the survey, modern industry_____ quickly in developing countries in the past half century.

   A. develop      B. has developed            C. had developed              D. developed



Jack, together with his sisters,_____ great interest in writing these days.

   A. show               B. will show               C. are showing                   D. is showing



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