满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How can the government _______ the wishe...

How can the government _______ the wishes of its people?

A. disagree     B. miss         C. ignore       D. dislike


C 【解析】动词辨析。A不同意(不及物动词);B错过,思念;C不理睬,忽视;D不喜欢;结合句意可知C正确。句意:政府怎么能够忽视人们的愿望呢?

 The cost of Prince Charles and Dianna’s wedding ______ 2, 000, 000 pounds.

A. added up           B. added to   C. added up to          D. was added up to



The big earthquake is _____ terrible blow to Japanese and people from all over the world feel _____ pity for them.

A. the; /           B. a; the          C. a; /         D. a; a



假定你是李华,在一个英文网络论坛上, 你看到一个名叫Grown-up的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助,请根据帖子的内容、写作要点和要求回帖。

Grown-up        Post at 20-11-2011  21:18                             1#

6ec8aac122bd4f6eHi, everyone,

   I’m a Senior Grade Three student, and I am suffering from mental pressure these days, what should I do? 


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1.   告诉Grown-up心理压力不可避免; 2.  告诉Grown-up心里压力的危害; 

3.  建议Grown-up应正确面对心理压力;4.  介绍你面对心里压力时所采取的措施。

注意: 1. 词数100左右。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Hi, Grown-up,

It’s a fact that we face more and more mental pressure in our life.______________________


Hope my ideas will work.









Our class recently has had a heated discussion about if the historic old buildings should be tear down. Opinions varies from one to another. Some students support the protection of those buildings so they are carriers of history through which the future generations can deep understand the development of our city. Beside, the historic old buildings can also arouse people’s love for the city.

    In the contrary, some other students think that the old buildings may hold back the development of economy and the process of modernization. It may affect the beauty of the city.

As far I’m concerned, I approve of the former opinion. But if a building is worth of little, it may be proper to demolish(摧毁) it and make better use of that area. We should just weight the advantages and disadvantages.



 Five steps to take if your child is being bullied

      51   The worst thing you can do is ignore it. Too often parents feel children and teens need to “work things out” on their own. If the problem is ignored, your child’s self-esteem will become unhealthy, he will be hurt mentally or physically, and he could become a bully himself.

Here are five steps you can take if your child is having problems with a bully:

  52   This is an important first step and will help your child trust that you are able to help him with his problem. Accept what he has to say at face value by using your active listening skills.

Let your child know that he is not alone.   53   Reassure your child that he is not the problem. Nothing he did caused the bully to go after him.

If your child is being threatened in a physical or illegal way at school, report the problem. Your child may not want you to do this, or the school may not take it seriously, but violence cannot be tolerated.   54   You will need to model assertive (果断的) behavior by alerting those in charge where the bullying is taking place.

Teach your child assertive behavior and how to ignore routine teasing. Let them know it is okay to say “No.” sometimes even friends bully, so letting your child know they can be true to their own feelings and say “No” can go a long way.

  55   Giving up possessions or giving in to a bully in anyway encourages the bully to continue. Identify ways for your child to respond to a bully---showing assertive but not aggressive behavior---and role-play them.

A. Believe what your child tells you.

B. Encourage your child not to give in to a bully.

C. Praise your child for being brave enough to talk about it.

D. Bullying is a terrible situation for a child to have to cope with.

E. If you choose not to do anything, that is what you’re teaching your child.

F. Most children have to deal with some type of bullying behavior at one time or another.

G. If your child comes to you because a bully is bothering him, you need to pay close attention to the problem.



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