满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I became a gardener when I was twelve. M...

I became a gardener when I was twelve. My early__36___of gardening may not have originated from my love for nature. It was to ___37____my parents.

   At that time, we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood. But my mother often looked with __38___at this work of natural art. Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her, “something else to ___39___!”Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening, my father even thought it a waste of time.

   At that age, I always did something___40_____to whatever my parents did! If gardening were something they found____41___, I would plant a garden!

   I planted some lily(百合花)seeds in the yard. But they failed to ___42___.I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses. Wild ____43_____joy,I found the first rose bloom(开花).One by one, the flowers bloomed their heads off.__44___, I was touched by this land of wonder.

___45___, my parents showed no interest in my garden. My father even___46_____at me because he found it was ___47____to move around my garden to the driveway. To my mother’s ___48__,I put in her vase my real roses which, in her eyes, were simply weeds____49___flowers.

  Regardless of their ____50___, I kept on planting my garden and ____51___to enjoy the pleasure of gardening. Plants make such good companions: they breathe, they bloom, they____52____to care and love.

  It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to ____53___my parents .Today I become known as Mrs. Greenthumbs, teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show, which makes my parents feel very____54_.And now I could say it is my affection for____55___that makes me a real gardener.

1.A. memory        B. dream        C.intention       D. design

2.A. please          B. change       C. help          D. annoy

3.A.doubt          B.appreciation    C. surprise       D. excitement

4.A.collect up       B care about      C. clean up       D. come in

5.A.equal           B. similar        C. superior       D. opposite

6.A.painful          B. valuable      C. upsetting      D. interesting

7.A.come up         B. break out      C. hold on      D. get through

8.A.to              B. with          C. in           D. by

9.A.Luckily          B. Cheerfully    C. Regularly     D. Eventually

10.A.Instead         B. However       C. Therefore    D. Besides

11.A.shouted         B. laughed        C. glanced      D. jumped

12.A.convenient      B. troublesome     C. enjoyable    D. dangerous

13.A.sadness         B. displeasure      C. delight       D. relief

14.A.other than       B. more than       C. rather than    D. less than

15.A.disklike         B. encouragement    C. threat       D. suggestion

16.A.decided         B. stopped        C. continued     D. struggled

17.A.devote         B. turn             C. respond      D. lead

18.A.defeat          B. satisfy           C. respect      D. challenge

19.A.proud         B. comfortable       C. strange      D. disappointed

20.A.freedom       B. life             C. growth        D. nature


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D  6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.D 【解析】作者小时候出于反叛心理,在院子里种花,结果最终喜欢了园艺,后来作者在这方面做出了成绩,成为一名真正的园艺师,使当初持反对意见的父母为之倍感自豪。 1.C 名词词义辨析  作者早期从事园艺的意图并非源于对大自然的热爱。C选项为意图、打算之意,符合语境。因此,正确答案为C选项。 2.D 动词词义辨析  根据下文可知,作者从事园艺只是给父母添烦恼。D选项是惹恼、使生气、使烦恼之意,符合文意。因此,正确答案为D选项。 3.A 名词词义辨析  根据下文可知,可知作者的母亲以怀疑地目光看着大自然的杰作。由此可知,A选项符合文意。因此,正确答案为A选项。 4.C 动词短语辨析  作者的父亲认为清扫院内的树叶是浪费时间,难道没有别的东西需要清扫吗?在四个选项中,C表示“清理,打扫”,符合文意。因此,正确答案为C选项。 5.D形容词词义辨析  作者小时候有一种反叛的心理,总是按照父母相反的去做。A表示“相等的,相当的,均等的”;B表示“相似的,类似的”;C表示“较高的,上级的”;D表示“相反的,对立的,对面的”。由此可知,D选项符合文意。因此,正确答案为D选项。 6.C形容词词义辨析由于作者有反叛心理,作者想到如果园艺是父母感到烦恼的事,就种植一个花园。在选项中,C选项表示令人烦恼之意,符合语境。因此,正确答案为C选项。 7.A动词短语辨析  作者在院子里种了百合花种子,但是没有发芽。A表示“发芽,走进,上楼”;B表示“爆发,发生”;C表示“不挂断,等—会”;D表示“接通,完成”。因此,正确答案为A选项。 8.B介词用法  作者高兴地发现第一束玫瑰花开花了。with joy为常用短语,表示高兴地之意,符合语境。因此,正确答案为B选项。 9.D副词词义辨析 朵朵鲜花竞相绽放,最终,作者被眼前的景象所感动。由此可知,D选项符合语境。因此,正确答案为D选项。 10.B副词用法辨析 然而,作者的父母对作者的花园不感兴趣。空白处表示的是一种转折的语气,B选项符合语境。因此,正确答案为B选项。 11.A动词词义辨析  作者的父亲甚至对作者大声叫嚷。由此可知,A选项符合语境。因此,正确答案为A选项。 12.B形容词词义辨析  作者的父亲觉得花挡住了车道,令他烦恼不已。B选项有令人烦恼之意,符合文意。因此,正确答案为B选项。 13.B名词词义辨析 作者把自己的真玫瑰花放进母亲的花瓶里,使她感觉不愉快。to one’s displeasure为常用短语,而且意思符合语境。因此,正确答案为B选项。 14.C短语用法辨析 在作者母亲的眼里,那些只是杂草而不是鲜花。C选项是而不之意,符合文意。因此,正确答案为C选项。 15.A名词词义辨析  尽管作者的父母不喜欢作者的所作所为,但是作者一直坚持自己的做法。由此可知,A选项符合语境。因此,正确答案为A选项。 16.C动词词义辨析  作者继续享受园艺的快乐。在四个选项中,C选项是继续之意,符合文意。因此,正确答案为C选项。 17.C动词词义辨析  植物成为作者的好伙伴,他们呼吸,他们开花。他们对作者的呵护和爱有回应。respond to为常用短语,是“对……反应, 响应”之意。因此,正确答案为C选项。 18.D动词词义辨析 根据上文,由于具有反叛心理,作者种植花园是出于挑战父母。A表示“战胜,击败”;B表示“使满意,使高兴,使满足”;C表示“尊敬,敬重,尊重”;D表示“向……挑战,怀疑,反对”。由此可知,D选项与文意相符。因此,正确答案为D选项。 19.A形容词词义辨析  现在作者已经成为一名著名的园艺师,使其父母为之自豪。在四个选项中,A选项的词义符合文意。因此,正确答案为A选项。 20.D名词词义辨析 作者认为是自己对大自然的钟爱使自己最终成为一名真正的园艺师。由此可知,D选项符合文意。因此,正确答案为D选项。 【题文】 What brings a nation together? Of the four choices — shared values, language, history, and religion, it’s shared values. In our latest poll (民意调査), seven out of 16 countries chose values as the greatest factor (因素)bringing a nation together, and six preferred language. Both choices scored high in the poll, suggesting that our values and how we express them are closely linked .Still, history was not forgotten in some countries, particularly in Mexico and Russia. Even Canada and the United States chose national histories as the second-most important factor uniting their people. The biggest surprise? Not one country picked religion as its top choice. Respect your elders In most countries, the oldest generation considered values more important to a nation than did those who are under 45 years old. Do you speak Canadian? Language scored lower in Canada than in all other countries polled, perhaps because the country speaks two official languages, French and English. Church and state Most people polled do not connect their religious beliefs to their national pride. Religion ranked last in 13 countries — with France scoring it at 1%, the lowest of all. 21.According to the poll, what was the most important factor in bringing a nation together? A. Language.        B. Values.        C. History.         D. Religion. 22.In which country did language score the lowest in their national pride?    A. Canada.          B. Mexico.        C. France.          D. America. 23.According to the charts, shared values and language were considered equally important in         .   A. Australia       B. Brazil          C. China             D. India 【答案】 24.B 25.A 26.D 【解析】是什么让一个国家凝聚在一起?文章正是做了这样的一个调查。 27.B 细节题。根据文章2,3行In our latest poll (民意调査), seven out of 16 countries chose values as the greatest factor (因素)bringing a nation together可知B正确。 28.A 细节题。根据图标Do you speak Canadian?部分Language scored lower in Canada than in all other countries polled可知B正确。 29.D 细节题。根据文章开头的表格的前两部分可知India在shared values and language都位列最后,处于同样的位置,故D正确。

________with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.

A.Faced          B.Face

C.Facing         D.To face



When it was his turn to deliver his speech,________,he walked towards the microphone.

A.nervously and embarrassingly

B.nervous and embarrassedly

C.nervously and embarrassing

D.nervous and embarrassed



In order to meet the demands they had to________production.

A.fasten up          B.rise up

C.speed up           D.go up



After he retired from office,Royers________painting for a while,but soon lost interest.

A.took up        B.saved up

C.kept up        D.drew up



________China has successfully launched its Shenzhou Ⅵ with two astronauts in it has shocked the world.

A.What        B.As

C.It          D.That



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