满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

________ other good students, in my opi...

 ________ other good students, in my opinion, Tom is _________ student.

A. Compared with ;a most satisfied   

B. Compared to;the most satisfied

C. Compared to ;the most satisfying  

D. Compared with;a most satisfying


D 【解析】考查分词作状语及最高级的特殊用法。第一个四个选项均可以,因为compared to与compared with都可以表示,与…相比,作状语。在没有范围的情况下,最高级前不加the;a+形容词最高级=very,故答案为D。

 You’d better go there by train. The train ticket is  ________ the plane ticket.

A. as cheap three times as            

B. as three times cheap as

C. three times cheaper than           

D. cheaper three times than



On AIDS Day, President Hu Jintao demanded that the problems _________ paid special attention to.

A. referred to being                     B. referred to be

C. refer to being                        D. refer to be



Could it be in the classroom_____ we had a talk last night _____you left your keys? 

A. that; where                          B. in which; where    

C. where; that                          D. where; in which  



Living in the dormitory means_________ to take care of yourself, understand each others’ differences and share________ interests.

A. to learn; common                    B. learning; ordinary   

C. to learn; ordinary                    D. learning; common



I was _______ at the letter, which was________ to my classmates.

A. amaze; amazing                     B. amazing; amazed

C. amazed; amazing                    D. amaze; amaze



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