满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The boy the teachers considered ________...

The boy the teachers considered _________ was caught __________ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

A. to be the best; cheating         

B. as the best student; to cheat

C. being the best; cheating         

D. as a good student; to cheat


A 【解析】考查非谓语动词。consider解释为“认为”时,用consider sb. to be/as +n./adj.所以排除C;而be caught doing sth.表示某人被抓住正在干某事,故选A.

 ------Does Shelly like shopping?

-----Well, she would rather spend time __________ at home than __________in the street.

A. read; wander                   B. reading; wander

C. in reading; to wander            D. reading; to wander



-----We didn’t find Smith attending the lecture.

------No one __________ him about __________ a lecture the following day.

A. told; there to be                 B. had told; there to be

C. told; there was                  D. had told; there being



The young woman rushed to the hospital ________ she heard the terrible news.

A. in a moment     B. at the moment    C. the moment     D. for a moment



I have been trying to advise them not to act that way, but my advice had no _________on them.

A. impression      B. advantage       C. influence       D. affect



Seeing the happy _____ of children playing in the park, I’m full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.  

A. sight           B. scene          C. view           D. sign



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