满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Much ________ my surprise, every student...

Much ________ my surprise, every student looked at me _________surprise when I came into the classroom

A. in; to      B. to; by         C. to; in         D. in; in


C 【解析】考查固定短语。to one’s surprise 令人惊讶的是 in surprise惊奇地故选 C。

It was the third time that the boy _________ late. So his teacher got very angry.

A. have been                      B. was

C. had been                       D. was being



The two military exercises were similar __________ they were both intended to give a threat to a certain country.

A. to what                        B. for which

C. in that                         D. except that



_________ everyone can hear the speaker, there is no _________ in turning up the radio.

A. Even if ; point                  B. Now that; point

C. Now that ; need                 D. Even if; need



Many friends sent me e-mails to _________ me on the birth of my son.

A. celebrate                      B. reward 

C. express                       D. congratulate



The boy the teachers considered _________ was caught __________ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

A. to be the best; cheating         

B. as the best student; to cheat

C. being the best; cheating         

D. as a good student; to cheat



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