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China has become Volvo's third largest m...

China has become Volvo's third largest market, with more of its car models to go on sale in the world's largest auto(汽车) market this year, Chief Executive Office (CEO) of Volvo Cars China said in Tianjin.

Alexander Klose, CEO of Volvo Cars China, told Xinhua at the Ninth Tianjin International Automobile Trade Show, being held from Friday to Wednesday.

Klose said Volvo Cars had entered a new time of fast development, adding that its sales volume in China roared in 2010.

Up to the end of September, Volvo's global sales volume was up 12.5 percent year on year(同年比), compared with 52 percent year-on-year rise in China, he said.

Two new Volvo sales centers opened in Beijing within merely one week in early October, about two months after east China's ZhejiangGeely Holding Group Co acquired(购得)the Swedish brand from the US auto giant Ford for $1.5 billion in early August.

Klose said he was confident of seeing tremendous(巨大的) growth in China's auto market in the next five years. "As the Chinese government has increased the tax rate for large displacement (排量)cars already, we now have a lot of cars below three liters(升), and I think we'll stick to that strategy, as you can see now the XC60 which was introduced today is just two liters," he said.

"As the technology advances, we'll probably even see 1.6 liter engines or 1.5 liter engines in the future," he added.

Volvo Cars is not the only automaker hoping to take advantage of China's rapidly growing auto market.

Bentley, the famous British luxury(豪华) carmaker, will open a new sales center in China at Tianjin Thursday, which is the 11th one in China, according to a press release(新闻发布) by Shanghai-based Zenith Integrated Communications Corp (Zenith) Saturday at the auto show.

Zenth is the public relations agent of Bentley in China. The automaker has sold 421 limousines(大型豪华轿车) to China in 2009, and the goal for 2010 is 777, the release said.

1.The word underlined in the third paragraph would probably be___.      

A.shouted loudly

B.increased in large numbers

C.reduced rapidly

D.burned brightly

2.From this passage we can infer that ___.                       

A.The Ninth Tianjin International Automobile Trade Show was held from Friday to Wednesday.

B.Volvo Cars is a world-famous carmaker in Britain.

C.Of all the auto sales volume Volvo sales volume is only number one in China

D.Volvo sales centers are developing very fast in China recently

3.The text is mainly about____.                       

A.China Becomes Volvo's 3rd largest market

B.Volvo Cars in China

C.Volvo Sales Volume in China

D.Carmakers in China

4.How many carmakers are mentioned in this passage which opened and will open new sales centers in China recently?                                 






1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】文章是关于这个汽车市场的迅猛发展,让很多世界汽车巨头在中国大力开拓市场。 1.B 猜测词义题。根据本文内容是指沃尔沃在中国的销售数据大量增加。故B正确。 2.D 推理题。根据文章内容可知在中国沃尔沃的销售中心的发展也非常迅速。故D正确。 3.A 主旨大意题。文章主要就是关于沃尔沃在中国的迅速发展,成为沃尔沃第三大市场。 4.B 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段Bentley, the famous British luxury(豪华) carmaker, will open a new sales center in China at Tianjin Thursday可知宾利在中国也将有新的销售中心,文章还提及了沃尔沃也有新的销售中心,故B正确。

YUZHOU, HENAN –An accident in a central China coal mine killed 21 miners Saturday and left another 16 trapped underground , the government said.

The death toll rose to 26 Sunday morning as rescuers were battling to reach the 11 miners who were still trapped underground, rescue headquarters said.

Rescuers were battling to reach the 11 miners still trapped underground, but chances for them to survive were very slim, said Du Bo, deputy chief of the rescue headquarters.

"Based upon past experience, the remaining 11 miners could be buried in coal dust, so the survival chances are frail," Du said.

More than 2,500 tons of coal dust smothered(厚厚的覆盖) the pit after the gas leak(漏出), which hampered(阻碍) the rescue, said Du.

The gas outburst happened at 6:03 a.m. Saturday when 276 miners were working underground in the mine in Yuzhou City. A total of 239 workers escaped but 21 were found dead and 16 trapped.

An initial(最初的) investigation showed that 173,500 cubic meters of gas leaked out in the accident. Liu Wenbin, a deputy chief engineer of the company that owns the mine, was in the pit(矿井) when the accident happened. He organized the escape.

"At around 6 a.m., I felt there was something wrong with the airflow in the shaft, and one of the team captains told me he also felt it and had already reported the problem," said Liu

The mine is owned by Pingyu Coal & Electric Co. Ltd., a company jointly established by four investors, including Zhong Ping Energy Chemical Group and China Power Investment Corp.

1.What could be the best title for this passage?                    

A.Death Toll Rises in an Accident in China

B.A Coal Mine Accident in Central China

C.An Accident in Central China

D.Coal Mine Accidents in China

2.What does the underlined part mean in the second paragraph?           

A.payment required for the use of rescuing persons

B.the number of people killed in a particular accident

C.the percentage of the dead persons in an accident

D.a number of people killed in an accident

3.From this passage we know that ____.                        

A.Of the 276 miners in the mine only 21 were dead until the next morning

B.The miners trapped underground would be saved without difficulty

C.16 miners trapped underground were still found alive waiting for the rescue

D.Until the next morning another 5 miners were found dead in this accident

4.According to the writer, which of the following is not true?      

A.The mine was owned by more than one company

B.There was at least one more similar accident happening in Central China before

C.Before the accident happened there was no sign of something wrong

D.When the accident happened one of the mine owners was in the pit



Jessica Alba rebelled(叛离) from her "strict" parents when she was just five. The 29-year-old actress admits her Catholic(天主教) education made her want to "break away" from her mother Catherine and father Mark.

She explained: "It's always been weird(古怪的) because I grew up in a very traditional, Catholic household. My parents were very strict but I broke away from that at an early age. I was a feminist(女权主义者) when I was five. These days, I am much more independent but I still respect their beliefs."

As Jessica has grown older she has learnt to accept her parents' views, but still considers herself an independent woman.

In her latest film 'Machete' Jessica gets to stab(刺) a love rival in the eye with her stiletto heels(鞋后跟), something she thoroughly enjoyed.

She said: "Walking in 3in heels wasn't as much fun as putting one in someone's eye. It was 104 degrees where we were shooting in Texas and they were not comfortable."

Jessica - who has a two-year-old daughter Honor with husband Cash Warren - is regularly referred to as one of the world's most beautiful women, but she doesn't think of herself as "sexy".

She added in an interview with the Metro newspaper: "I don't really pay attention to that sexy image. It just goes with the character in the movie. At the end of the day, it's all a part of selling a product."

1.Jessica Alba called herself feminist because ___.

A.she didn’t like living with her parents

B.she was brought up in a very poor family

C.she was often against her parents

D.she refused the training and education during her childhood by her parents

2.From this passage we know that ___.                       

A.Jessica is a very cruel woman who enjoys hurting others

B.Jessica acted strangely in her children

C.Jessica’s parents believe in Catholic

D.Jessica rebelled her family because she hated Catholic

3.This passage is mainly about ___.               

A.a rebellious movie star Jessica

B.a weird woman

C.an interview with a newspaper

D.a rebellious heart

4.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?          

A.Although she is a rebellious woman, she still respects her parents’ beliefs

B.She likes her characters in the movie

C.She cares more about her sexy image because she is very proud of her beauty

D.She got married and has a daughter.



Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion(拥塞), accidents and fast fuel consumption(消费), cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. Last winter, car fumes(烟雾) formed heavy smog over Beijing, making the sky gloomy for weeks and deteriorating people's health.

One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Tsinghua University, campus buses are driven by electricity. In Beijing some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars to completely replace the traditional ones.

Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict (限制)the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles(交通车辆) are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not use private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.   

On the whole, the elimination (根除)of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government, the public and the environments. This problem will be solved only with the help of science and technology.

1.What is the main reason for air pollution in big cities?



C.fast fuel consumption


2.What is the best title of this passage?                               

A.Air Pollution and Cars

B.Air Pollution

C.the Cause of the Pollution

D.Ways to Solve the car Problem

3.How many ways are mentioned to solve the pollution caused by cars?      





4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?               

A.New models of clean cars will soon replace the traditional cars

B.Public transportation should replace all the private cars

C.In some university, electricity is used in school buses

D.It is only the government’s efforts that can help solve air pollution caused by cars



Most people in the world like to enjoy nature. Travel is one of the most popular ways. Nowadays modern transportation can take people everywhere. But people who lived before the 1880s probably would not travel very far. They would not have time to travel far from their work. Anyone who travelled  36  would usually walk or ride a horse. But in Germany a man named Karl Benz had an idea that  37  the world in a dramatic way. In 1885, he made  38  . His car had three wheels,  39  most cars today. The car could only go  40  16 kilometres an hour.

At around the same time, the man  41  his first car in Detroit, America is called Henry Ford. Detroit is now still famous all over the world as the centre of American car-making.

Cars were very few and only  42  people could buy them.  43  , in England cars were thought to be  44  at that time, so for a few years someone  45  walk in front of every car  46  a red flag! This was to make sure that the car did not go too fast and hurt  47  .

In the 1910s, Henry Ford had  48  a better kind of car called the Model T Ford and he built a  49  where the cars could be made  50  . In this way the car could be made  51  and the cost was less and more and more people could  52  them. But there was still a problem  53  all the cars were black. That was because it was 54  to produce cars that were all the same color. Now, of course, you can buy cars in all  55  .


A.by air

B.by sea

C.on foot

D.on land









A.a first car

B.the first car

C.his first wheel

D.a first wheel





C.as if




A.with a speed of

B.at a speed of

C.at speed of

D.for a speed of






D.having made





















A.wanted to

B.was forced to






B.to wave








D.no one















A.with machine

B.by machines

C.by hand

D.using hands






















B.more cheap


D.much cheap









The earliest English ___ was written in a kind of English that is now difficult ___.  

A.poem; to understand

B.poet; to be understood

C.poetry; to be understand

D.poetry; to understand



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