满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I sight of an empty seat at the back of ...

I       sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there.

A. lost         B caught           C. looked        D. took


B 【解析】考察固定词组。Catch sight of看见;

—Have you heard the story of "The Merchant of Venice"

—No. When and where does the story ______ ?

A.take up

B.take on

C.take place

D.take off



he naughty boys would play ______trick on ______ neighbours who didn’t give them any sweets on Halloween.

A.a; 不填

B.a: the

C.the; 不填

D.不填; the



根据下列提示写一篇日记, 记录下你一天的活动和感受。




1. 词数:100左右

2. 日记必须包括所有要点,但不要逐句翻译,可以增加细节,使短文完整。

3. 日记的开头已写好。

参考词汇: microphone 麦克风

Friday Nov. 26, 2010                                   Sunny

On Thursday and Friday last week our grade organized a test. That evening I went to the KTV with a few classmates.









At seven yesterday morning I go to school.  I was           76._______

walking past a bank while suddenly I caught three men          77. ________

steal into the bank. They were tall and strong and they        78.________

were wearing black mask. The moment they entered       79.________

into the bank I heard women screaming . Immediately I      80._________

knew what had happened.                                 81._________

At once I stopped a man who had a mobile phone.

He telephoned the police station. In a short while the police   82._________

arrived by the car, rushed into the bank and caught the three   83.________

robbers, who were trying to rob the bank its money. They       84._________

were taken the police station and would be punished by law.    85.__________



When we look at the sky and see a bright light moving quickly across it or coming towards the earth, we talk about seeing a “shooting star” or a “falling star”. These moving lights are not, in fact, stars at all. They are small pieces of matter from outer space, which burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. The correct name of them is meteoroids. Any pieces that make it to the Earth’s surface without completely burning up are known as meteorites. A meteor is actually the name given to the light we see when a meteoroid is burning up.

When a meteorite hits the Earth at speeds between 11 and 72 kilometers a second, it can do amazing damage. A very large meteorite could knock the earth out of its orbit. If this happened, all life on Earth would probably become extinct(灭绝). The path we follow around the Sun would change and as a result the Earth would become either much hotter or much colder. This change in temperature would affect sea levels and the amount of water in rivers. There would either be huge floods, which would cover most of the land with water, or the oceans would dry up and there would be a drought, which means a long period of time without rain. Either way, nothing could survive. If a large meteorite landed in the sea it would almost certainly cause tsunamis, which would race towards the land, destroying everything in their paths.

Although it is unlikely the Earth will be struck by a meteorite large enough to do that kind of damage, there is evidence of fairly large meteorites hitting the Earth in the past. In 1908 a large area of forest in Tunguska, Siberia was destroyed by a meteorite that came apart just before it hit the ground. The moon, however, has about three billion craters陨石坑caused by meteorites impacting影响 its surface. The reason more meteorites have reached the surface of the moon than the surface of the Earth is that the moon does not have enough atmosphere for the meteorites to burn up in. some of the meteorites that have reached the Earth’s surface have done considerable damage. Some scientists believe it was a change of climate caused by meteorites hitting the Earth that resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs and other large prehistoric animals.

Scientists are especially interested in meteorites because they contain information about the solar system. It is widely believed by scientists that most meteorites are produced by collisions(碰撞) between asteroids (small planets). These collisions probably happened many billions of years ago. This means the physical and chemical structure of a meteorite can give scientists information about the early days of the universe.

1.The story is about ___.     

A.floods caused by meteors

B.matter from outer space

C.life on Earth millions of years ago

D.meteorites that have damaged the moon

2.The Earth has ___.                    

A.three billion craters

B.fewer craters than the moon

C.more craters than the moon

D.a thinner atmosphere than the moon

3.Some scientists believe the dinosaurs became extinct because ___.     

A.they were hit by meteors

B.meteorites landed on their nests

C.meteorites landed and changed the climate

D.they could no longer breathe the atmosphere

4.Meteors are ___.                                         

A.small planets

B.the same as asteroids

C.from broken parts of asteroids

D.the light we see when meteoroids hit our atmosphere



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