满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The passengers on the subway who caught ...

The passengers on the subway who caught a glimpse of me may have thought I was strange. In particular a gentleman sitting opposite me was always staring at me, looking at the cheese bread on the floor in front of me and then staring back at me. A passenger probably dropped it by mistake and got off at a previous stop, but the gentleman might not think so. “Next stop, St. Patrick Station” — my stop was quickly coming up. I had few minutes to either take the cheese bread, which nobody else was claiming, or left it there.

In those few minutes I felt my pride getting in the way. “What would others on the subway think of me if I took the cheese bread? Would they think that I was poor and hungry? Would they think that I was stealing?” The ignorant thing to do was say “yes” to any of those self-imposed questions. Actually, they were just my own thoughts. Though I would leave the subway, walk a block to my office, get settled at my desk, and sit comfortably in my office for the whole day, I couldn’t get rid of the enormous sense of guilt and regret.

My thoughts once pushed me towards pride and ignorance, but finally I had to admit I was wrong. This missing cheese bread could be a gift for a homeless person who suffered from cold and hunger. So why not overcome a little bit of my pride and pass along so much kindness?

Just as the doors opened at my stop, I grabbed the cheese bread and left the subway. It felt awesome, but I didn’t care if people were looking at me or what they were thinking. Instead of going directly to my office as usual, I walked a few more blocks up to Queen’s park, where I often saw a homeless man sitting outside. I always wanted to give him something, but only today I walked toward him, who wrapped himself in a sleeping bag. I was full of satisfaction, and so did the homeless man, I thought.

1.The gentleman kept staring at the author because _______.

A.  he wanted to talk to the author

B.  he might think the author dropped the bread

C.  the author appeared too nervous

D.  the author was going to get off

2.The underlined word “self-imposed” in paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.

A. easily obtained              

B. strongly supported

C. deliberately created         

D. completely unaccepted

3.Why did the author grab the cheese bread when he got off?

   A. He noticed that no one was looking at him.

   B. He didn’t want to see the cheese bread to go to waste.   

   C. He remembered a homeless man at that very moment.  

 D. He valued kindness more than his own pride.


1.B 2.C 3.D    【解析】 1.推理判断题。结合In particular a gentleman sitting opposite me was always staring at me, looking at the cheese bread on the floor in front of me and then staring back at me可知答案。 2.词义理解题。结合该词所在的语境可知:self-imposed的意思应是“自想的”而不是外部强加的,所以选C。 3.细节理解题。结合This missing cheese bread could be a gift for a homeless person who suffered from cold and hunger. So why not overcome a little bit of my pride and pass along so much kindness可知答案。

I liked climbing things when I was a baby. My mother remembers and has told me most of those   16   moments like this one. When I was one and a half years old, we lived in our first house in Rue St-Louis. On a hot summer day, my father intended to   17  the roof of our old house. In order to climb up there, he   18   a ladder front of the house.

In my town,   19   could walk outside because the streets were   20  . I was outside watching my father climb on that strange thing. I was curious about why my father disappear at last. So I decided to go up it to   21   why it was impossible to see my father after he reached the   22   of that thing. At 1.5 years old, still a baby wearing pampers, I climbed that ladder to the roof top and started walking   23  . My father did not notice that-he was on the other side occupied with his repairs. It happened that a nice lady in our   24   passed by and   25   me. The nice lady came to my house and   26   my mother of it, who was fearful and   27   ran outside to speak with me.

She really thought I would just   28   that roof, for I was just a baby  29  . She asked me to sit down and stop moving in a   30   way you speak to your babies when they are cute.   31  , I threw myself flat on the   32  and waited.

My mother climbed the ladder to   33   me up and there I was enjoying the view laughing at my mother’s shocked face.   34   the saying goes, “He who knows nothing   35  nothing.”

1.A.valuable         B.unforgettable  C.endless        D.worthy

2.A.build            B.paint          C.clean          D.mend

3.A.spread           B.laid           C.stood          D.moved

4.A.adults           B.children       C.babies         D.villagers

5.A.smooth           B.wide           C.clean          D.safe

6.A.figure out B.think out            C.pick out       D.point out

7.A.foot             B.top            C.step           D.body

8.A.out              B.up             C.down           D.around

9.A.house            B.neighborhood   C.family         D.company

10.A.met             B.inspected      C.heard          D.spotted

11.A.asked           B.warned         C.reminded       D.advised

12.A.quietly         B.slowly         C.immediately    D.curiously

13.A.fall off        B.climb onto     C.repair         D.destroy

14.A.after all       B.at all         C.in all         D.all in all

15.A.concerned       B.cautious       C.nice           D.clear

16.A.Therefore B.Instead              C.However        D.Otherwise

17.A.ladder          B.ground         C.roof           D.street

18.A.bring           B.pick           C.put            D.take

19.A.When            B.While          C.For            D.As

20.A.doubts          B.fears          C.ignores        D.understands



—Jones! Roy has broken the glass.

   —          Such things happen.

A. Doesn’t matter.                                    B. How come?

C. What a pity!                   D. What has become of him?



The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if ___ regularly, can improve our health.

A. being carried out     B. carrying out   C. to carry out   D. carried out



The discovery of gold in Sahara Desert led thousands to believe that a fortune________.

A. is made          B. was to be made        C. would make    D. had made



—Beg your pardon, but I didn’t quite catch what you said.

—Oh, I         to myself.

A.have talked    B.am talking   C.had talked           D.was talking



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