满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Hurry up! The train . You know it at 8: ...

Hurry up! The train        . You know it        at 8: 30 am.

A.leaves; leaves

B.is leaving; leaves

C.leaves; is leaving

D.is leaving; is leaving



I have had my bike       , and I’m going to have somebody       my radio tomorrow.

A.repair; to repair

B.repairing; to be repaired

C.repaired; repair

D.to repair; repairing



It’s not        good idea to study for the whole morning without        break.

A.a; a

B.the; a

C.the; the

D.a; the



假设你是中学生李华,听说沈阳将在棋盘山风景区附近建一座发电站(power station)。请给某英语报社写一封信,阐明自己的观点。信的内容须包括以下内容:




Dear Editor,











Yours faithfully,

                                                               Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Recently we have a hot discussion on if people should keep pets at home in cities or not.                             

Some students think it is a good idea to keep pets because of many old people living alone can get

comfort from them. Beside, getting along well with animals will make our life interested. On the

other hand, other students are against the idea. In their opinions, if too many people keep pets at

home, it’s bad to the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noisy and even attack

people. I like animals, but I don’t think it bad to keep pets at home. But we must take measures to

keep them polluting our environment.




Several Ways to Respectfully Disagree

It’s easier to agree than disagree. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we don’t see eye to eye—if we can listen and talk rationally(理性地), that is. _1  These tips can help keep disagreements constructive.

Don’t make it personal. If you get upset, it can help to remember you’re mad at the idea or concept your parent (or friend, coach, coworker, etc.) is raising, not the person.

Use “I” statements to communicate how you feel, what you think, and what you want or need.  2  For example, telling your mom or dad, “You always remind me about my chores on Wednesdays when you know I have a lot of homework” has a very different tone from “I’m feeling pressured because I have a lot of homework tonight. Can I do those chores tomorrow?”

 3  Being a good listener is a way of showing that you respect and understand the other person’s idea. That makes it more likely he or she will do the same for you. When the other person is talking, try to stop yourself from thinking about why you disagree or what you’ll say next. Instead, focus on what’s being said. When it’s your turn to talk, repeat back any key point the other person made to show you listened and heard what was said.  4  

Stay calm. This is the most important thing you can do to keep a conversation on track. Of course, it’s a huge challenge to stay calm and rational when you feel angry about something. You may need to be the mature one who manages the conversation.

 5  Being helpful and considerate toward family members, teachers, or coaches in our everyday actions helps all of us establish a foundation for those times when we might disagree. 

A. Listen to the other point of view.

B. Using “you” statements can sound argumentative.

C. Then calmly present your case and why you disagree.

D. Respect goes beyond difficult conversations, of course.

E. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

F. You want to find your own path and make your own choices.

G. Unfortunately, lots of us either shy away completely from disagreements or lose it when things don’t go our way.



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