满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I remember _________ the doors when I le...

I remember _________ the doors when I left the house, but I forgot _______ you about that so that you didn’t need to worry.

A.to lock; to tell          B.locking; forgetting 

C.locking; to tell          D.to lock; telling


C 【解析】考察remember和forget用法。Remember doing sth记得做过某事;forget to do sth忘记要做某事;结合句意可知C正确。句意:我记得当我离开的时候锁了门。但是我忘记要告诉你以便你不必担心。

Please excuse me for _____ in without ______.

A.coming, asking            B.coming, being asked 

C.to come, asking           D.to come, being asked



It is said that 30% of the apples here _______ from abroad while 80% of the rice _____ grown here.

A.is; are           B.are; is          C.are; are             D.is; is









Over a year ago, my friend was ready to return after complete his tour in Singapore. He didn’t expect that he was about to get on his airplane when he stopped politely by one of the worker of the airport. He was told that he was not allowed to aboard. My friend had thought that there must be anything wrong with his ticket. The worker told him that was not his ticket but the book he hadn’t return to, which he had borrowed from a library, that caused the trouble. Certainly, my friend didn’t board but missed the flight. He wasn’t permitted to take the flight home a week late until he returned the book to the library.



What is cloning? Are there different types of cloning?

_____71____ Actually, there are different technologies which can be used for other purpose besides producing the genetic twin of another organism. A basic understanding of the different types of cloning is key to talking an informed stance on current public policy issues and making the best possible personal decisions. The following three types of cloning technologies are usually performed; recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning.


Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. In 1952, the first animal, a tadpole, was cloned. ___73_____ Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur. ____74____

Hundreds of cloned animals exist today, but the number of different species is limited. ____75____ Some species may be more resistant to somatic cell nuclear transfer than others. The process of stripping the nucleus from an egg cell and replacing it with the nucleus of a donor cell is a traumatic one, and improvements in cloning technologies may be needed before many species can be cloned successfully.

A.What animals have been cloned?

B.All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology

C.When the media report on cloning in the news, they are usually talking about only one type called reproductive cloning.

D.Recently Chinese scientists have also successfully cloned mammals such as an ox.

E.       Cloning is making a genetic copy of something else.

F.       Attempts at cloning certain species such as monkeys, chickens, horses, and dogs, have been unsuccessful.

G.       Before the creation of Dolly, the first mammal cloned from the cell of an adult animal, clones were created from embryonic cells.



Music died here last spring, or rather, it was killed by members of the school committee who ignored the importance of music and drama as part of the high-school curriculum.

The committee decided that teaching students how to take a standardized test is more important than a curriculum in which students can explore their interests in the arts as well as academics. Because the school system is running out of funding, it needs to make sure that students pass the mastery test or even more money will be lost. If students fail the state standardized test, it is not the fault of drama and music classes— they are failing because the “ academic” classes are not sufficient.

It is painful to think of how many students will be discouraged from singing, acting, and playing instruments because school programs are no longer offered. Many families cannot afford private music lessons, and many potential musicians and artists may not find their calling if they are not exposed to it in school. The fact that the school committee thinks the arts are not worth the investment will certainly make some students believe the arts are not worth their time or support and the cycle will continue.

Teaching for a test does not shape students into complete, well rounded people. It blocks the natural sense to create and express feelings through art— there is more to life than the analytical thinking that math and English provide. What happens after a test? Sure, a student might graduate, but they will have limited knowledge — certainly not a good preparation for the real world.

1.Music and drama are not included in the high-school curriculum mainly because________.

A.the school committee pays no attention to them

B.the school is afraid of losing financial support

C.the students are not interested in both of them

D.the state standardized test is more important.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The sufficiency of the classes determines students’ performance in the mastery test

B.students can be musicians and artists only if they can afford private music lessons

C.The school committee completely influences students’ attitude towards the arts

D.Quite a few students are discouraged from music and art in today’s school system.

3.We can learn that music and art can ________.

A.make students round-shaped people in future

B.provide students with analytical thinking

C.motivate students in creativity and expression

D.prevent students graduating from high school

4.The best title of the passage can be ________.

A.Who Killed Music and Drama?

B.Can Curriculum Go Without Music?

C.Why is Music So Important?

D.How To Prepare For the Real World?



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