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最近, 关于南京13位爱心妈妈对一个重症弃婴的关爱事迹的报道让我们关注到了一个特...

最近, 关于南京13位爱心妈妈对一个重症弃婴的关爱事迹的报道让我们关注到了一个特殊的群体——爱心妈妈群。请根据以下有关爱心妈妈群的信息用英文写一篇短文。















  1. 对所给要点逐一陈述, 不要简单翻译。

  2. 词数120左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。

  3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

  4. 参考词汇:救助基金 rescue fund

    Recently the news about 13 mothers in Nanjing who took care of an abandoned baby has drawn our attention to the special group of caring mothers.


Recently the news about 13 mothers in Nanjing who took care of an abandoned baby has drawn our attention to the special group of caring mothers.     It is reposed that the group was set up at the end of 2010 which is made up of more than 300 caring mothers now. Every month, they each will donate at least 10 yuan to the group as loving fund. When it comes to a child who is seriously ill, they will try their best to seek help for them either on the Internet or from those kind enterprises. At the same time, they will apply for the rescue fund for those children. Up to now, they have saved fifteen terribly sick children’s lives.   I am deeply moved by these great mothers. If every one can care for others as they do, the world will be sure to become a paradise. (122 words) 【解析】   本文是篇表格作文。表格作文是利用表格形式,提供作文素材,其提供的文字素材一般较为简洁,但写作文时要用上,表格作文的体裁不定,可以是书信、日记、描述文、便条等。     这类写作题, 考生应注意以下几点:   1. 切忌写成“填表题”。  虽以表格作为提示, 但一定要用短文的形式来表达。  2. 切忌“一对一直译”。  表格中的汉语提示有些概括性强、比较简洁,有些较为抽象、复杂, 所以表达时切忌逐字逐句机械地直译、硬译。要灵活调整信息、适当补充成分、采用意译法等写出符合英语表达习惯的文章。   3. 巧妙组合信息。  要善于根据表格上下、左右的关系整合要点。表格左右若是因果关系, 就可以考虑用for, because, therefore等来组合信息。  4. 避免句式单一。  表格里某一栏或列的内容一般用来表达同类信息, 如建议、方法等。为了避免句式重复、单调、呆板, 我们要学会用不同的表达方式表达同类的信息。

Friendship—Seven Tips on How to Make Friends

   Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Friendship offers companionship, improves an individual self-worth and promotes good health. However making new friends comes easy for some people but for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful tips on how to make and keep friends.

    Associate with others. The first step to making friends is associating with other people. Health clubs, places of worship and charities are some places where you can meet new people and build friendship. But attending these places is not enough. You will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member.

    Be cheerful. A smile on the face is a sure way to attract new friends as people are always drawn to a cheerful disposition. No one wants to keep company with someone who constantly looks upset.

    Start a conversation. Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. Do not wait to be spoken to;you can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people regardless of the environment or circumstance.

    Stay in touch. For a friendship to grow you need to stay in touch. There are several ways of staying in touch with your friends and these include SMS, phone calls and online social networking sites.

    Do things together. Choosing friends with common interest is important in establishing friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together and hanging out will always be a pleasant experience. The less you have in common with your friend the more likely the friendship will not grow.

    Let it grow. It is a good thing to stay in touch but try not to choke your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and eventually they may not want to be your friend anymore. The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

    Enjoy your friendship. The best way to enjoy your new friends is to allow them to be themselves. Try not to be critical of them and try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be.


Friendship, which has a positive (76) __________on people’s life, is a very important human relationship.

(77) _______

on making and keeping friends

Be (78)__________with people by going to public places. Take an active part in activities to create (79) __________for others to know you.

(80)__________a smile all the time to make others willing to get close to you.

Try to have a conversation with others (81)__________ of environment or circumstance.

Contact your friends in some ways, (82)__________ SMS, phone calls and online social networking.

Choose friends whose interests are (83) __________to yours, which will bring you pleasant experiences when you do things together.

(84)__________ calling or visiting friends too frequently and leave friendships grow naturally.

Remember not to find fault with or (85)__________your friends, and make them as what they are.



根据课文填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

[A] Every year millions of people around the world die due to smoking. Every packet of cigarettes (66) __________poisonous chemicals that can result in lung cancer and heart disease. This costs countries a lot of money and causes great (67)__________to the welfare of the people. There are huge numbers of smokers in Asia. This is (68)_________we have chosen anti-smoking as the subjects of our ad campaign.

[B]The contemporary Olympics were first(69)__________in 1896, in Athens. It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who (70)__________the Olympics back to life. He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in (71) __________. Now people all over the world are helping to (72) __________this dream. Among them are many well-known athletes.

[C]In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good(73)_________for people who have social problems. In one case, a teenager who was(74)_________of talking and playing with his schoolmates was treated with VR. In the world created by RealCine, he became the captain of the Brazilian football team and scored the winning goal in a world cup final. This(75) ________him to become more confident around others.



Eleven months ago, an act of good sportsmanship(体育精神)changed a girls’ running race into something bigger.


  Jenna Huff received a national sportsmanship award from the US Olympic Committee for what she did for Deb Guthmann.

    In the race, Jenna was behind Deb until the final few meters of the 5-kilometer race.

  Then something awful happened. Deb’s right hip(髋部)broke. She screamed in pain and stopped.

    Jenna had never met Deb and had been taught to pass every runner she could to win.

    Instead, Jenna stopped with no hesitation.

    “Come on.” Jenna told Deb. “We’re going to run.”

    Jenna took Deb’s left elbow with her right hand. She helped her jog the last few meters. At the finishing line, she pushed Deb in front of her, reasoning Deb would have beaten her anyway if not for the injury. That act helped Deb’s team win the regional race and advance to the state meet.

    Both girls are now 17.

    Jenna is still an athlete for her school.

    She and her parents went to Colorado to accept an award for the national sportsmanship award. Jenna had to give a five-minute speech to the crowd, a crowd which included a number of former Olympians. “I’m pretty scared about my speech,” Jenna said the other night when we talked on the phone. “You want to hear part of it?” She read me one part including the words from Albert Einstein: “Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine(神圣的)purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know:That we are here for the sake of(为了)others.”

  Deb is also still running. She received a full scholarship to Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, Georgia. The award was because of her excellent academic record and great sports potential.

    But she recently got hurt again and was unable to run for weeks.

    Even so, I am confident Deb will write a happier ending for herself one day. Both of these young women make you feel confident about the future. They are strong, compassionate(富于同情心的)and smart.

  As Einstein said-and as Jenna showed 11 months ago— “we are here for the sake of others”.

1.The story is intended to __________.

  A. tell us an unexpected story in the girls’ running race

  B. introduce a famous sportswoman

  C. show the beauty of good sportsmanship

  D. remind athletes to pay attention to their safety during the race

2.The reason why Jenna pushed Deb in front of her at the finishing line is that __________.

  A. she wanted to get the prize

  B. she thought she didn’t match Deb in reality

  C. she helped Deb’s team to win the regional race

  D. Deb had been injured   

3.Deb received a full scholarship to Emmanuel College because __________.

  A. she is still running

  B. she was good at her academy and sports

  C. she showed the good sportsmanship in the race

  D. she never gave up even though she had been injured

4.What can we know from the passage?

  A. Jenna was the last one to reach the finishing line.

  B. Deb went to Colorado to accept the prize with her parents.

  C. The author had a face-to-face interview with Jenna the other night.

  D. Helping each other can make a big difference to people’s lives.



It’s parents’ worst nightmare. Their child doesn’t come home one evening and is missing for several days.     

    When a 14-year-old boy from Atlanta, Georgia disappeared earlier this year, his mother turned to her Smartphone for clues using an app(应用程序) called Family Tracker that helped track his location.

    “You can see where your loved ones are without having to call or bother them. ”said Roberto Franceschetti of LogSat, the creators of the Family Tracker, which has more than 100,000 users and is available worldwide.    

    Parents can track the location of their child on a map, send messages, and even sound an alarm on the phone in a long distance.

    “We have an option for the sender to make a very unpleasant, noisy sound. It’s a loud alarm and we repeat that sound every two minutes until the person picks it up, ”he said.

    Parents don’t need to own a Smartphone to track their children. The service is also accessible through the web, as long as the phone that is being tracked is running the app.

    Family Tracker has an additional service that keeps records of all data from the app for a two-week period, which the company calls GPS breadcrumbs.

    “With a subscription(预定), we keep all the locations where people have been on our servers. You can see where your kid has been for the past two weeks. You can find out where someone was at a certain time or when that person was at a specific place, ”Franceschetti explained.

    “When somebody gets abducted(劫持), usually whoever does this throws the phone away or takes the battery out. We were hoping that our app would at least provide information on where the person was abducted or where they had been in the past. ”

    But will these types of apps let out personal secrets?

    “The advantages are huge compared to the disadvantages. Let’s not forget that the person always has to give initial permission—no one can be tracked unless they allow someone to do it. ”said Franceschetti.

1.According to the passage, all of the following about “Family Tracker” are true EXCEPT that __________.

  A. it can help parents know where their children are 

  B. all parents don’t need to own a Smartphone to track children

  C. parents can use all the services of the app for free

  D. it has little to do with letting out personal secrets

2.What can we infer from the passage?

  A. The app will enjoy a great popularity in the future. 

  B. The loss of children won’t be a nightmare for parents any more.

  C. The app will repeat the loud alarm continuously whenever parents track children.

  D. The app can keep records of information for more than half a month.

3.Which belong to the functions of the new app?

  a. track location       b. detect criminals    c. send messages

  d. protect privacy      e. send remote alarm    f. record information

  A. a, b, c, e           B. a, c, e, f           C. a, c, d, e           D. a, d, e, f



Like every other Olympics, the London 2012 Olympics will depend upon thousands of volunteers to help with the smooth running of the event. To show the importance of the role, London 2012 volunteers are to be called ‘Game Makers’. Lord Coe has said recently: “London 2012 is relying on brilliant Game Makers to help us create a great Olympic and Paralympic Games. ”

    London 2012 Olympics volunteers will provide the face of London 2012, working behind the scenes and making sure the games are as well organized, efficient and, most importantly, as enjoyable as possible.

    Despite the hard-work and often unsociable hours required of volunteers, applications to be considered as a Game Maker were unprecedented(空前的) with all the 70, 000 available positions applied within days. But, for those still interested in helping out during 2012 and being in the middle of the action, there are still a lot of opportunities available.    

    If you were one of those who missed out on the chance of becoming London 2012 volunteers, you can now apply to be one of the 8, 000 London Ambassadors(大使). This important role involves greeting fans from all over the world, welcoming them to the fantastic capital city of London and providing a friendly face as well as help, advice and a good old traditional warm British welcome. The view of London most visitors take away with them after the 2012 Olympics will mostly be down to the volunteers and ambassadors, so these roles play a very important part in the process of making the UK a great place to travel to.    

    Becoming a London Ambassador is a brilliant way to be involved with the London 2012 volunteers scheme and become a part of what should be an historic summer.

1.Why are London 2012 volunteers called “Game Makers”?

    A. They’ll decide whether the London 2012 Olympics are a success.

    B. They play an important role in the London 2012 Olympics.

    C. The London 2012 Olympics won’t be organized without them.

D. They will work hard and effectively.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined part “be down to” in Paragraph 4?

  A. be the responsibility of                

B. be under the control of

  C. be in harmony with                      

D. be in charge of   

3.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To appeal to more volunteers.           

B. To introduce the London 2012 Olympics.

C. To show the importance of volunteers.   

D. To guide how to spend the historic summer.



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