满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One of my most unforgettable experiences...



One of my most unforgettable experiences is the day I finished my tough rowing and keep myself free of loneliness.

As the youngest female ever to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean, I was often asked the same question: How did you, a only 20-year old youngster row a 18-foot boat for 70 days through those strong winds and violent waves and survive?

Frankly speaking, for me, the physical challenge was not the greatest one. Before I made my mind to row across the Atlantic, I had already cycled 3,300 miles, run all by myself across the Mojave Desert, and swum the 325-mile length of the Allegheny River. No, the hardest part would be mental: How would I cope with the terrible loneliness and the boredom on the vast sea for such a long time?

I set out on January 1 and my first object was to swim past the quarter-way mark, which would take about 20 days. I made it on January 20, a gray and cloudy day. I had thought to do something to celebrate my first goal such as treating myself to a chocolate bar or something else. But I didn’t. I was suffering from unbearable boredom and loneliness of the long sea journey. I hadn’t seen any landing at least more than two weeks. It seemed to feel the same every day. Eating, rowing, sleeping, staring at the sky, watching the ocean.

Then that day came! It was around dusk, I noticed something move on the horizon. Yes, some dolphins! They approached me and circled my boat. Suddenly I felt so blessed. They had arrived to accompany me and helped to celebrate, just when I needed them so badly! For the next 15 minutes, I did row at full speed with all my strength with those lovely dolphins around. By the time they were to leave me and we went our separate ways, I was no longer lonely.

After 70 days and five hours at sea, I finally reached my final destination. I was proud that I made it, all 2,817 miles, which helped to raise $70,000 for the Blue Planet Run Foundation, an organization for funding drinking water. I’ve been told some athletes struggled to get through just by imagining the end during the whole process. But for me, what makes miracle is to focus your mind on the moment, where you experience the personal growth—those moments of awareness of being connected to the sun, the weather, and the waves. And, on the best day of my life, I had to admit those dolphins really freed myself from terrible loneliness.

1.Which of the following belongs to part of preparation for the row?

    A. Answering the same question raised by people

    B. Swimming the 325-mile length of the river

    C. Running 3,300 miles cross-country

    D. Biking across the Mojave Desert

2.The underlined part means ___________.

A. I wasn’t in the mood to celebrate my first goal

B. I didn’t have any chocolate bar for energy

C. It’s a pity not to celebrate my passing the quarter

D. It’s a pity not to treat myself to a chocolate bar

3.What can be implied from the last two paragraphs?

A. The Blue Planet Run Foundation helped me a lot.

B. The dolphins accompanied me to reach my destination

C. The unexpected dolphins swept away my loneliness

D. Imagination was a useful way to help me get through

4.Which can be the best title of the passage?

A. The only challenge for a 20-year old

B. Tips on handling loneliness at sea.

C. How to row alone across the Atlantic

D. The day I stopped being lonely


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】文章给我们讲述了我在航海的途中,感觉非常孤单,这时一群海豚来了,驱逐了我的寂寞和孤单。 1.细节题。根据第3段2,3行I had already cycled 3,300 miles, run all by myself across the Mojave Desert, and swum the 325-mile length of the Allegheny River.可知B正确。 2.猜测句意题。根据下文I was suffering from unbearable boredom and loneliness of the long sea journey.可知那个时候我很孤单寂寞,所以没有心情去庆祝。故A正确。 3.推断题。根据倒数第2段最后两行By the time they were to leave me and we went our separate ways, I was no longer lonely.可知海豚帮助我驱逐了我的孤单。故C正确。 4.主旨大意题。文章告诉我们在海豚的陪伴下,我不再孤单。海豚来陪我的那一天正是我不在孤单的一天,所以D正确。



The Museum:  The only surviving London home of Dickens( from 1837 until 1839),the Charles Dickens Museum in London, is the world’s most important collection of material relating to the great Victorian novelist. It was opened in 1925 and there are four floors together. People can have a good look

at paintings, rare editions, manuscripts(手稿), original furniture and many items relating to the life of Dickens.

Opening Hours

☆ From Mondays to Saturdays 10:00—17:00; Sundays 11:00—17:00.

☆ No admission within 30 minutes before closing time.

☆ Groups can ask for special opening times for a private view.

Admission Fees: Families: £14.00 ( 2 adults & up to five children)

Students: £4.00; Seniors: £4.00; Children: £3.00; Adults: £5.00;

Group Admission: A special group charge of £4.00 for any group of 10 or more. Children will still be admitted for £3.00 each.

Access:  We are trying to improve our collection and the access to the Museum for the disabled. Our on-going projects include the fitting of a wheelchair ramp for better access, a customer care kit and an audio tour for visitors with vision problem. Our Handling Sessions are also suitable for people with disabilities such as eye problems. There’s an online virtual(虚拟的)tour through the Museum. Just click here to visit all the rooms in the Museum online.

Rent the Museum:  You can pay to use our museum for private functions, performances, parties and other social occasions.

Transport to the Museum:  You can come to the Museum by the following ways

☆ Buses:7,17, 19, 38, 45, 46, 55, 243.

☆ Underground services: Piccadilly Line; Central Line.

☆ Click here for a map. The British Museum is within walking distance.

1.The passage is most probably taken from a(n)________.

A. textbook           B. newspaper          C. website          D. magazine

2.If a family with two adults and five children go to the Museum together, they will save _____compared to going there separately.

A. £25.00               B. £ 14.00      C. £ 11.00         D. £9.00

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The Museum is located near the British Museum.

B. Visitors with poor vision cannot enjoy the Museum.

C. In any case people cannot visit the Museum after 17:00.

D. No one is allowed to use the Museum for other uses.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

A. persuade more people to visit the Charles Dickens Museum.

B. tell readers about the history of the Charles Dickens Museum.

C. introduce different functions of the Charles Dickens Museum.

D. tell readers how to make use of the Charles Dickens Museum.





My alarm o’clock rings in my ears at 5:00 every morning. On hearing the ring, I will get out of bed and put on my glasses. The house is quiet as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep in peace. Instead of going for a long run as usual, today I chose my favorite exercise DVD and started moving. Sweat rolled down my face and into my eyes. My heart beat wildly as I face my body to finish each movement before a mirror. Of course I felt extremely tired towards the end, but a smile spread across my face. I smiled because the DVD was over, and there appeared a brighter smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.

While some people are fond of chocolate, shopping, smoking, or work, what I need is taking exercise to pass each day. People shake their heads when they see me run with sweating heavily through the town. Some look surprised when I refuse to try just one bite of chocolate cake. They seem greatly puzzled by my “no thank you,” or by my choice to just have a vegetable salad. I have come to realize that it doesn’t matter to just say “No.” to any kind of food that I don’t want to eat.

Do you wonder what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m. every morning? What makes me refuse ice cream firmly? Commitment—I’m determined to change my life with a way which can not only free me from daily anxiety, but also increase energy and self–confidence. And above all it will surely help me to keep good body shape and maybe extend my life. This is the real reason why there’s a huge smile spreading across my face when I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that now fit me just right and look perfectly on me. I never doubt that I cannot make a difference within myself inside and out without such commitment and sweat.

1.From the text we can conclude that the author___________.

A. desires to look different from others.

B. expects to develop a good body shape.

C. has difficulty getting along with others.

D. behaves strangely every morning she gets up

2.Which statement is TRUE according to Paragraph 2 ?

A. Others don’t understand the author.

B. Others help the author by offering her food.

C. The author doesn’t understand others.

D. The author hates to make others surprised.

3.The underlined word “commitment” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

A. good health   B. firm belief   C. a habit  D. a permission

4.Why is there a smile on the author’s face in the morning?

A. Because she sees her family sleeping peacefully.

B. Because she finishes her favorite exercise.

C. Because she enjoys the inspiring DVD music.

D. Because she feels a sense of achievement



Parents’ blessing will play a great part in the growth of their children. My father wrote me a valuable letter before his death, one part of which always  36  . “I know you will do  37  great that will set you among the very best one day in the future.”

Since I first read his  38  at 12, they have lived in my heart.  39  ,I knew that my dad’s believing in me gave me permission to believe in  40  . “You will do something great.” He didn’t know  41  that would mean, but whenever I felt 42  of myself, I remember my father’s words, and  43   he were here, so I could ask, “Is this what you were  44  about, Dad?”

Many years have passed, and I believe that my father  45  have been proud when I  46  from basic training and became a rescue swimmer. Lately, I’ve come to realize he’d want me to move 47  to what comes next: to be proud of, and believe in someone else.

Yes, it’s time to all of us to  48  writing our own letters to our children. They look to us with the same  49  . “Is this it, Daddy? Am I doing fine?” It’s why every child growing up says, “Watch me!” Our children don’t  50   because they are not afraid to fail. They are only afraid of failing  51___.

Remember to give your children  52   to succeed. If you don’t have children, then write a letter to someone who  53  you. They are waiting for you to believe in them. Trust me, love will be 54  real and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts: “  55  ! You will do something great.” Not having that blessing from someone they love may be the only thing holding them back.

1.A. picks out  B. shows out    C. stands out       D. turns out

2.A. everything B. nothing      C. anything         D. something

3.A. sentences  B. letter       C. words            D. message

4.A. Growing up B. Turning up C. Bringing up        D. Taking up

5.A. himself        B. myself       C. itself           D. themselves

6.A. who            B. how          C. which            D. what

7.A. disappointed B. active C. proud                D. upset

8.A. hoped      B. wished       C. expected         D. thought

9.A. talking    B. doubting     C. dreaming         D. discussing

10.A. might B. would            C. will             D. must

11.A. graduated B. recovered    C. appeared         D. survived

12.A. up            B. on           C. away             D. in

13.A. stop      B. keep         C. start            D. continue

14.A. demand        B. response     C. desire           D. question

15.A. hold on       B. keep on      C. hold back        D. take back

16.A. us            B. him          C. you              D. tm

17.A. impression    B. direction    C. explanation      D. permission

18.A. looks through B. looks down on C. looks up to D. looks forward to

19.A. more      B. less         C. much         D. little

20.A. Watch out  B. Never fear    C. Take it easy   D. Never mind.



We’ll ________ to finish the task whatever difficulty we _________.

   A. succeed; bring out                     B. manage; come across

   C. succeed; come across                   D. manage; bring out



-Are you sure you have to? It’s been so late. Make it another time?

   -I don’t know ________ I can do it if not now.

   A. how             B. what             C. when             D. that



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