满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The committee scientists and engineers ...

 The committee            scientists and engineers has been set up.

    A. making up of                 B. consisting of            C. to make up       D. consisted of


B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。 consist of是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态,故不能选D。本题是考查现在分词作后置定语。=made up of

-----Was it by cutting down employees            she saved the company?

   -----No, it was by improving work efficiency.

    A. how              B. that             C. when             D. what



Over the last decade, my experiences            there is no shortcut to excellence and you have to use your talents and abilities to get ahead of others.

            A. had proved                   B. prove                C. have proved      D. were proving



Ideally            in the heart of the city, the hotel is a favourite with many guests.

    A. locating         B. being located    C. having been located D. located



 It is hard to avoid mistakes.             you correct them, it will be all right.

    A. As long as       B. Although         C. In case          D. Even though



 Ivy told Nancy that she            what she was doing during the vacation.

    A. was just asked               B. was just asking     C. had just been asked   D. had just asked



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