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请根据下面图片,写一篇英文演讲稿。 内容要点如下: 1.谈谈贫困山区孩子的教育状...











   Good morning, everyone. Education plays am important part in the modernization of our country. Without improving education, China will not be able to develop fast and can not catch up with the developed countries technologically and economically.       However, in the west mountainous part of China there are still many school-aged children who can not go to school or study in poor conditions. They are in extreme need of help from all China. I think money seems to be the biggest problem. As there are thousands of things to be done in the construction of our country, the government could hardly have enough money to help all those poor children in time. So a nation-wide drive called the “Hope Project” has been launched to help those children.     The “Hope Project” helps the government a lot financially. It also brings hope to the children who can not go to school only by depending on their parents. Therefore, I hope that more and more people should join in the “Hope Project” to help the poor children. 【解析】本文是一篇半开放性作文,文章的主题是学生非常熟悉的希望工程。本文主要使用一般现在时,谈谈贫困山区孩子的教育现状,以及希望工程的重要性。在写作的时候注意使用合适的连接词如:However等让句子更有条理性。也要使用一些高级词汇和高级的句型让文章更有档次更有文采。

You can find all kinds of information in just                          

a few minutes on the Internet. It’s l__1____ going to a     1. __________

huge ____2____(图书馆) without having to walk around to      2. __________

find your books. Recently,  ___3____, many people            3. __________

have been d____4____ the dangers of the Internet.            4. __________

There have b___5____ reports in America about people         5. __________

trying to steal personal information for bad ___6____(目的).     6.___________         

Finding information ___7____the Net is easy. But not all     7. __________

information is good to ___8___(社会). For example, you       8. __________

can find such information as ___9___ to kill people.         9. __________

The problem will become more s___10___ in the future.        10.___________        



(CNN)-China will sometimes say “no” and the world should get used to it.

That message came through when China joined Russia in blocking action on Syria.

“Do not mistakenly think that because China takes a careful and responsible position on the Syria issue, China will not use its veto power (否决权) or will always abstain(弃权),” said Cui Tiankai, China’s vice foreign minister, “When China must use its veto power to say no, it will surely use it.”

On Saturday, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called the vetoes “disgusting and shameful.”

He Wenping, director of African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the veto shows China’s confidence in foreign affairs. “A country expressing its true opinion – that’s progress. China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime(政权)change in other countries. This agrees with China’s long-standing diplomacy principle. It is also not acceptable for China to rush a U.N. vote without sufficient discussion.”

So why did China use its veto this time?

China’s critics say China’s veto of the U.N. draft proposal(草案) was in part due to Beijing’s fear that allowing a regime change in Syria could encourage the spread of the Arab revolution and eventually threaten China.

He Wenping disagrees, “China has a completely different political system and economic development path. If someone in the international community thinks that the Arab Spring will happen in China, then I think they misjudge the situation in China, exaggerate(夸大) some problems in the Chinese society and underestimate the ability of the Chinese government to control the situation in China.”

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. China often uses its veto power on international issues.

B. China never uses its veto power on international issues.

C. China’s normal practice in the U.N. is to abstain rather than veto.

D. China should not have veto power in the U.N.

2.What is the international reaction to China’s veto on the Syria issue?

A. Russia supports China    B. The U.S. feels very unhappy.

C. The international community is used to it.

D. The Arab countries show no concern.

3.Why did China use its veto power this time?

A. Because Russia and China are friends.

B. Because China wants to hold an opposite stand against the U.S.

C. Because China is worried about a chain-action resulting from Syria’s                         revolution.

D. Because China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime change in other countries.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. China has a firm stand on international issues.

B. The U.N. asks the whole world to get used to China saying no on international       issues.

C. CNN believed that China helped Syria to fight against the U.N.

D. All the member countries of the U.N. supported Susan Rice.



Money, jewels and important documents are not the only valuable placed in banks these days. Some mothers store their breast milk in banks.

      There’re ten breast banks set up across the United States, where mothers can donate their extra milk for other women’s babies. Experts say breast milk is the best food for babies. The World Health Organization says it is the only food babies should get during the first six months of life, in most cases. Breast milk is especially important for babies born too early. Sometimes these premature babies must stay in the hospital for many weeks.

      James Cameron is a doctor who treats newborns at Lutheran Children’s Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He says breast milk is almost like medicine. Doctor James Cameron said, “The fact is that there are so many different proteins and specialized sugars in the breast milk that the mom’s able to make that help provide immunity. It’s very important for the health of the newborn.”

     There are several reasons some mothers may not be able to breastfeed. Some are not able to produce enough milk. Others might be taking medicines or have medical problems that prevent the process.

     Lucy Baur lives near Fort Wayne. She fed her milk to both her children and always had more milk than they needed. She wanted to donate to the Indiana Mothers Milk Bank in Indianapolis. But freezing and shipping milk can be costly. Then, a donor station opened near her home.

     Milk donations in the United States work like this: Donors must be willing to provide almost three liters of breast milk. They freeze the milk and take it to the station. There, employees warm the milk and mix it with other mothers’ milk. Then, the milk is heated to kill bacteria. After that, the technicians test samples of all the milk to make sure it is safe and healthful. The milk is re-frozen and sent to the main milk bank. The milk bank transports the milk to hospitals to feed premature or sick babies. Donors are tested for diseases before any milk is accepted. They are not permitted to smoke tobacco, use illegal drugs or drink too much alcohol.

1.The purpose of setting up breast milk banks is to_____.

   A. store extra fresh milk for school children

   B. provide milk to children who go hungry

   C. help mothers donate milk to other babies

   D. offer free breast milk to premature babies

2.The breast milk is important for newborns because_____.

   A. it protects them from any possible disease

   B. it contains rich nutrients that they need

   C. it is the only food that babies can eat

   D. it benefits them as the best medicine

3.The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to____.

  A. milk bank employees            B. milk bank doctors

  C. milk bank nurses               D. breast milk donors

4.Which of the following shows the process of milk donations in the USA?

  a. The mixed breast milk is heated to kill bacteria.

  b. Breast milk is donated by mothers, frozen by them and sent to the stations.

  c. The breast milk samples are tested for safety reason.

  d. Different donors’ breast milk is warmed and mixed together by the station.

  e. The milk is frozen again and sent to the main milk bank.

  A. bdace      B. bcdea            C. badec            D. cbaed



Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size. Microblogs “allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links”.

As with traditional blogging, microbloggers post about topics ranging from the simple, such as "what I'm doing right now," to the thematic(主题的), such as "sports cars.” Commercial microblogs also exist, to promote (促进) websites, services and/or products, and to promote collaboration within an organization.

Some microblogging services offer features such as privacy settings, which allow users to control who can read their microblogs, or other ways of publishing rights besides entering the web-based interface.(界面) These may include text messaging, instant messaging, E-mail, or digital audio.

The first microblogs were known as tumblelogs. The term was invented in a blog post on April 12, 2005. However, by 2006 and 2007, the term microblog came into greater usage for such services provided by Tumblr and Twitter. Other leading social networking websites Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and XING also have their own microblogging features, better known as status updates.

Several studies, especially by Harvard Business School have tried to analyze the usage behavior of Microblogging services. Many of these studies show that for services such as Twitter, there is a small group of active users contributing to most of the activity.

Twitter, Facebook and other microblogging services are also becoming a platform for marketing and public relations, with a sharp growth in the number of social media marketers. The Sysomos study shows that this specific group of marketers on Twitter is much more active than general user population, with 15% following more than 2,000 people.

1.Why is a microblog different from a traditional blog?

   A. Because a microblog doesn’t include pictures, but a traditional blog does.

   B. Because a microblog doesn’t include videos, but a traditional blog does.

   C. Because a microblog has smaller contents than a traditional blog in actual and total file size.

   D. Because a microblog can only be written on the cell-phones.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “collaboration” in the second paragraph?

   A. Competition.      B. Discussion.      C. Tradition.       D. Cooperation

3.Microblogging can protect the following privacy EXCEPT_______.

   A. deciding the readers of the microblogs

   B. allowing readers to publish their views

   C. readers’ deleting what a microblog says

   D. deciding whether readers can enter it

4.We can infer from the passage that______.

   A. microbloggers always post about the thematic topics instead of the simple ones

   B. microblogging has developed so quickly and brought the owners more and more benefits.

   C. microblogging protects both the owners’ and the readers’ privacy

   D. the studies by Harward Business School have analyzed the usage of microblogging services








































1.This advertisement is designed especially for those who __________.

  A.like eating in restaurants        B. have little time

  C.prefer home-cooked meals     D. want to save money

2.What information CAN’T we get from the advertisement about Quickeats?

   A. Different kinds. B. High quality.C. Exact prices.     D. Good taste.

3.Which of the following can be cooled in a refrigerator before eating according to the ads?

  A. Pasta Salad.     B. Dried Fruit.    C. Noodles.   D. Nuts.

4.What can we learn from the advertisement?

  A. Get one Quickeats container and you’ll have four Quickeats to eat.

  B. Take one coupon and you can eat freely in a participating store.

  C. Buy one coupon and you’ll get a free Quickeats.

  D. Buy one Quickeats and you’ll get a container.



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