满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______ of potential danger on late night...

______ of potential danger on late night visits to ATMs, she didn’t dare to go without his boy friend ______ her.

A.Warned; accompanied

B.Having warned; accompanying

C.Warning; accompanied

D.Having been warned; accompanying


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法,第一空填过去分词做状语,因为warn和逻辑主语she是被动关系,第二空填accompanying做宾语补足语,因为accompanying和修饰的宾语her boy friend是主动关系,句意是:被警告晚上去自动取款机很危险,没有男朋友陪同她不敢去。选D。 考点:考查非谓语动词的用法,

Look at the price of that bike! It is practically the same as ______ of a new motorcycle.







______ number of overseas reporters registered to cover the 18th National Congress has seen ______ remarkable increase.

A.A; a

B.The; a

C.A; the

D.The; /





Steve Jobs




美国 加州 旧金山市






Homestead High School




iPod, iPhone, iPad等


1. 改变了现代通讯,娱乐乃至生活方式。2.引领全球资讯科技和电子产品的潮流,让曾经昂贵稀罕的电子产品变成现代人生活的一部分。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。

参考词汇:旧金山市 San Francisco

教父 godfather  企业家 entrepreneur








Upon our arrival, we gave a warm welcome to the American students, among them a boy named Tim was to stay with my family for the weekend. I recognized Tim compared him with photo he had sent to me. Tim greeted me and expressed that how excited he felt. When school was over, we took the subway home. My parents prepared a rich family dinner that night and we had enjoyed ourselves so much, eating and chatting. The next day, I act as a guide, showing Tim along the most famous scenic spots in Beijing. Wherever he went, he had some photos take to help him memorize this unforgettable trip to China. The time to say goodbye came when we realized it, and I gave Tim a kite as a souvenir.




A.Learn Everyday

B.Agree to Disagree

C.Respect Each Other

D.Arrange Some Time to Go Out

E. Develop Healthy Relationships

F. Learn to Listen and Speak

Healthy Relationship Tips

Healthy relationships are effortless, if both the people involved take equal effort to maintain it. Here are a few healthy relationship tips to help you build the dream of your life.

61. ________________

Communication is an art of putting your thoughts into words, so that they are exactly understood by the opposite person. Communication does not mean going on talking unnecessarily. This is the first mistake that couples make. One person in the relationship assumes the role of talker and the other becomes the listener. Their roles remain so forever. The talker forgets to listen and the listener becomes used to listening and not reacting. If your partner takes time to open up, help them out by asking questions. So hear them out and give proper reactions. You will obtain the benefits of a healthy relationship through increased confidence in both of you to open up and hear things out.

62. ________________

Regular conversations take the form of heated arguments amongst many couples. Understand that not every statement needs a reaction. Maybe a certain reaction may lead to an argument with your partner. Just agree with whatever it is and there will be no harm done. Try and reach a mutual (相互的) agreement. If that’s not possible leave the topic for later. If you give it time, maybe both of you will be able to think about it rationally.

63. ________________

Every single day is a blessing. Each moment with your partner is a moment to learn something new and discover the finer nuances (细微差别) of your relationships. Each one of us keep changing everyday, the circumstances around us change everyday and with that our attitude also needs to change. The same applies when you are living with a person. Learning everyday and taking everyday as a challenge will help you perfect healthy relationship tips.

64. ________________

This tip is especially meant for couples with children to maintain healthy relationships. After a certain period, couples complain about romance being lost. To keep your relationship healthy, take some time out from your day-to-day routines to spend some quality time with your partner. This can be done as dinners, indulging in outdoor activities or just hanging out at a coffee shop like old times.

65. ________________

Respect has to be earned. It can only be earned only if you learn to respect. Often, one of the partners plays the role of a dictator to give orders, while the other simply follows. Both sides involved are equally responsible for this mistake. Learn to respect each other and understand that both of you are equally responsible for the relationship.

Creating a healthy relationship takes equal effort from both sides. Sharing, caring, being apologetic, forgiving and having realistic expectations are some of the important ingredients to the recipe of a healthy relationship.



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