满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1.She is _______...


1.She is _______ (好奇) about space.

2.English _________(语法) is hard to learn.

3. ___________ (一般) speaking, going to bed early and getting up early does do much good to people's health.

4.Can you give me a              (描述)of the thief?

5.                 (有经验的)travelers prefer to make their own arrangements.

6.The _____________(重要性) of reading is known to all.

7.The wounded soldier is ___________(尖叫) with pain.

8. I will give it to her _____________(立刻) I saw her.

9.He looks _________(英俊) in his uniform, doesn’t he?

10. She often goes ________________(国外) on business.


1.curious 2.grammar 3.Genereally 4.description 5.Experienced 6.Importance 7.screaming 8..immediately 9.handsome 10..abroad 【解析】 试题分析: 1.curious 形容词,好奇的be curious about对。。。感到好奇 2.grammar 名词,语法 3.Generally.副词,一般地,通常地,类似结构:Frankly /strictly/Honestly speaking. 4.description 名词:描述,前面有冠词a ,冠词后接名词 5.Experienced 形容词,有经验的 6. Importance名词,重要性 7.Screaming动词,尖叫。本题是进行时,故使用现在分词的形式。 8. immediately 副词,立刻,一。。。就,此处为副词充当连词,类似还有:directly,instantly等, 9.handsome 形容词,英俊的,一般用来形容男子。 10.abroad 副词,在国外,到国外。Home and abroad 国内外 考点:考查单词和短语的识记。

Active listening is an essential skill in learning.It is when you listen carefully to make sure you understand and learn the information that is being conveyed.     61   Here are some things which can help you to listen actively.

◆Listen for the main point and major subpoints.   62   Listen carefully and make sure you understand what the purpose of this lecture is. As you take down notes,

keep the main point in mind and make sure you understand how these notes are related.

◆Listen for an organizational structure. Listen carefully to figure out how the ideas are organized and they will make more sense.

◆Pay attention to organizational cues.     63    Pay close attention to the introduction, as it will probably indicate how you should organize your notes. If the lecture begins with, “Today I’m going to talk about three ethnic conflicts in the Middle East,” then you have a good idea of what’s going to follow. Listen for “signpost” words to indicate a transition for one point to the next, such as “next” and “finally” and numerical signposts like “first” or “third”.

◆Listen with your eyes.   64    Watch the teacher and be aware of how he or she uses hand gestures, eye contact and other body language to convey points.

◆Remove distractions.

Put away the campus newspaper, your cell phone and anything else that might be more interesting than the lecturer.

Learning to concentrate and listen actively is an endurance skill.   65   

A.Speakers communicate information through nonverbal communication.

B.Unfortunately, many students don’t know how to listen actively when they attend classes.

C.If your teacher indicates that something is important, mark it.

D.Make yourself do it, and it will get easier over time.

E. Listen carefully for words and phrases that reflect the organizational structure of the lecture.

F. Your teachers’ notes are probably organized into some kind of outline.

G. Don’t just write everything down.



Name: Off the Beaten Path

Cover price: $30.00

Our price: $l9.80

The best-selling Reader’s Digest travel book has 40% new content including over 200 new sites, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It spotlights over l, 000 of the United States’ most overlooked must-see destinations.

Name: Container Gardens by Number

Cover price: $l5.95

Our price: $9.49

A unique book contains 50 easy-to-follow container designs. Each design provides a simple numbered planting plan that shows exactly how to create each display, with an instruction of the finished planter and in-depth plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden.

Name: Best Weekend Projects

Cover price: $l7.95

Our price: $l3.96

Choose from 80 unique ideas to create an extraordinary living space. The projects are practical, as well as attractive, and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style that addresses readers in an accessible, user-friendly tone.

Name: l80l Home Remedies

Cover price: $40.00

Our price: $29.96

Plenty of health complaints can be handled at home. Each and every remedy will be tested by a doctor to make sure it is safe and sound.

Dozens of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn, bad breath, and blisters to allergies, and hiccups.

1.You can most probably read the passage in a ___________.


B.travel guide

C.reference book


2.How much money could you save if you want to buy a travel book?


B.$l0. 20



3.Which of the following could help you to deal with common diseases without a doctor?

A.Off the Beaten Path.

B.Container Gardens by Number.

C.l80l Home Remedies.

D.Best Weekend Projects.

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To share his opinion about the books with readers.

B.To advise readers to read more in spare time.

C.To share the pleasure of reading with readers.

D.To advise readers to buy their books.



The average person learns most of the 30 000~40 000 words whose meanings he or she recognizes by hearing them or getting familiar with them in the context or simply absorbing them without conscious effort. The best way to build a good vocabulary, therefore, is to read a great deal and to participate in a lot of good talks. There are relatively few words that we learn permanently by purposefully referring to dictionaries or keeping word lists. However, even those extra few are of value, and no one will make a mistake by working on developing a larger vocabulary. Here are some suggestions of how to do it.

Read plenty of good books. When you come across a new word, or a new meaning of an old word, stop and see if you can understand it from its context. If you can't, and if you can manage without interrupting the thought of the book too much, look it up in a dictionary or ask somebody and then repeat its meaning to yourself a couple of times. If you are really conscientious(认真的), write the word and its meaning in a personal vocabulary list - preferably using it in a sentence, or you can keep a special vocabulary notebook. Go over the list from time to time. Further, try to use a new word in writing or conversation a few times over the next several days.

Listen to good talks and be alert to new words you hear or to new meanings of words you already know. Then treat them just as you treat the new words you read.

Learn and be alert to the parts of words: prefixes, suffixes and roots. Knowing them enables you to make intelligent guesses about the meanings of words.

If you are studying a foreign language, be alert to words in that language which relate to words in English. English has inherited(继承) or borrowed much of its vocabulary of 500 000~600 000 words from Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and German.

1.When you meet a new word in reading, what should you do?

A.Guess its meaning.

B.Ask somebody.

C.Look it up in a dictionary.

D.All of the above.

2.According to this passage, the best way to build a good vocabulary is ______.

A.to remember a lot

B.to read a great deal

C.to take part in a lot of good talks

D.both B and C

3. The phrase “be alert to” in the third paragraph may best be replaced by “______”.

A.look at

B.pay attention to

C.write down

D.learn by heart

4. In the fourth paragraph, the word “them” refers to ______

A.the parts of words






Thousands of people in the world are a hundred years old - or more and certain parts of the world are famous for the long lives of their inhabitants: the Vilacamba Valley in Ecuador, and the home of the Hunzas in the Himalayas.

Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? What is the secret of their long lives? Three things seem to be very important: fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. People work near their homes in the clean mountain air instead of traveling long distances to work by bus, car or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories, but work hard outdoors in the fields. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities of the West. For years the Hunzas of the Himalayas did not need policemen, lawyers or doctors. There was no crime, no divorce and not much illness in their society. They were a happy, peaceful people, famous all over India for their long, healthy lives.

Do you want to live to a hundred years old? Here are some rules for success. First, live in the right place. Second, choose the right kind of job. Doctors, dentists and bus-drivers die young. Farmers, priests and orchestral conductors live much longer. If you are in the wrong kind of job, you can still improve your way of life.

An old man in the Caucasus was talking about his past life. “I was young then,” he said, as he described his 87th year. His secret was: “Think young and stay young.” An old woman from Missouri, the USA, gave this advice, “Drink a little whisky and some warm beer every day.” An English lady just said, “Take a cold bath every morning.” The shortest, simplest piece of advice came from Mr Jim Chapman, aged 103. “Just keep breathing,” he told reporters.

1.Who is most likely to live a long life?

A.A doctor.

B.A bus-driver.

C.A dentist.

D.An orchestral conductor.

2.We can see from the passage that long-lived people avoid ______.

A.working hard


C.eating too much

D.taking cold baths

3. The passage indicates that we can change our ______ to live a long life.


B.places of living

C.ways of living

D.ways of thinking

4.What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph?

A.Whose advice is the best.

B.Who is the most long-lived person in the world.

C.Lifestyles of long-lived people.

D.How long-lived people think of their life.



In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one who lived those years with us. In fact, we don't have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to us and the ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world's happiness.

Saying thanks not only brightens someone else's world, it brightens yours. If you're feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need. Of course, there are times when you can't express gratitude immediately. In that case, don't let embarrassment sink you into silence and speak up the first time you have the chance.

Once a young minister, Mark Brian, was sent to a remote parish(教区)of Kwakiutl Indians in British Columbia. The Indians, he had been told, did not have a word for thank you. But Brian soon found that these people had unusual generosity. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness. They do their thanks. I wonder if we had no words in our vocabulary for thank you, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? Would we be more responsive, more sensitive, more caring?

Thankfulness sets in motion a chain reaction that transforms people all around us-including ourselves. For no one ever misunderstands the melody(旋律)of a grateful heart. Its message is universal; its poems transcend(超越)all earthly barriers; its music touches the heaven.

1.Who do we easily forget to express our thanks to according to the writer?

A.Friends not meeting for a long time.

B.Former teachers and friends.

C.People we want to get close to.

D.Our family members and good friends.

2. When we say something for what others do for us, it ______.

A.benefits the people who do something for us

B.is good for both us and people who help us

C.wastes our and our friends' time at the same time

D.does harm to both us and people who help us

3.What does the writer mean in the third paragraph?

A.The only way to thank others is to express by your own words.

B.The best way to thank others is to do something for them.

C.We can thank people who help us in various ways.

D.We can thank people who help us in two ways.

4.The way to make us feel happy is ______ when we think we ourselves are forgotten in the world.

A.to help and appreciate others

B.to ask others to help us

C.to remind others of our helping them

D.to ask someone to help others



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