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注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day a child was play with a vase of great value. He careless put his hand into it. Hard as he tried, he

could not pull it out. His father tried his best, too, but their efforts were in a vain. They were thinking of breaking the vase whenever the father said, “Now, my son, why have one more try? Open your hand or hold your fingers out straight as you saw I doing, and then pull.” To his surprise, the child says, “I can’t hold my fingers straight like that, because I don’t want to drop my penny.” Thousand of us sometimes are so busy hold on to the world’s worthless penny that we cannot achieve liberation.


 .play改为playing                          careless改为carelessly  去掉a                                             whenever改为when   why 与 have 之间加not      or改为and  I改为me                                         says改为said  Thousand改为Thousands                  hold改为holding 【解析】试题分析:  此处时态为过去进行时。意为:有一天,一个小孩正在玩一只宝贵的花瓶。其基本结构为was/were +doing,因此要将play改为playing  修饰动词put要用副词。careless是形容词,副词为carelessly  in vain 为固定短语,意思是“徒劳的,白费的”,不需冠词。  whenever无论什么时候,when当。。。时候,这时。句意是:他们正想着摔碎花瓶,父亲说.....  Why not 。。。为什么不。。。,何不,表建议。句意:为什么不再试一次?  and 和or 都是并列连词,但or表选择,常用于否定句和疑问句中。  see sb doing sth ,动词see后面要接宾语,使用宾格形式me, I 是主格,用作主语。  从短文可知,此处应用一般过去式,故将says改为said  概数的表达法:数的复数形式+of,如scores of ,hundreds of ,thousands of  be busy doing sth ,忙于做某事 考点:考查学生对短语,句型结构,及时态等语法的掌握情况

阅读下面短文 ,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。

I started to learn English at the age of seven. The experience of

singing and chatting ______ English gave me the feeling that English

            76. __________

is a beautiful language, ______ can bring people a lot of joy. At that time,

        77. __________

English was indeed a very good friend to me. After I ______ (上学)

            78. __________

middle school, I began to find English learning wasn’t so ______.

            79. __________

In fact, I had to be as hard-working as o       fellow students,

                80. __________

but I ______ (不能) to make any greater progress. I was about to

            81. __________

give up my English study ______ I met Miss Wang, a kind teacher,

            82. __________

who encouraged me to p       more. With her help, I took part in

            83. __________

English competitions and won many p      . Since then English

            84. __________

has absolutely been one of my ______(最喜欢的)subjects.

                85. __________



“Mum, what does it mean when someone tells you that they have a skeleton(骨骼)in the closet(衣橱)?” Jessica asked. “A skeleton in the closet?” her mother paused thoughtfully. “Well, it’s something that you would rather not have anyone else know about. For example, if in the past, someone in Dad’s family had been arrested for stealing a horse, it would be ‘a skeleton in his family’s closet’. He really wouldn’t want any neighbor to know about it.”

“Why pick on my family?” Jessica’s father said with anger. “Your family history isn’t so good, you know. Wasn’t your great-great-grandfather a prisoner who was transported to Australia for his crimes?” “Yes, but people these days say that you are not a real Australian unless your ancestors arrived as prisoners.” “Gosh, sorry I asked. I think I understand now,” Jessica cut in before things grew worse.

After dinner, the house was very quiet. Jessica’s parents were still quite angry with each other. Her mother was ironing clothes and every now and then she glared at her husband, who hid behind his newspaper pretending to read. When she finished, she gathered the freshly pressed clothes in her arms and walked to Jessica’s closet. Just as she opened the door and reached in to hang a skirt, a bony arm stuck out from the dark depths and a bundle of white bones fell to the floor. Jessica’s mother sank in a faint(晕倒), waking only when Jessica put a cold, wet cloth on her forehead. She looked up to see the worried faces of her husband and daughter.

“What happened? Where am I?” she asked. “You just destroyed the school’s skeleton, Mum,” explained Jessica. “I brought it home to help me with my health project. I meant to tell you, but it seemed that as soon as I mentioned skeletons and closets, it caused a problem between you and Dad.” Jessica looked in amazement as her parents began to laugh madly. “They’re both crazy,” she thought.

1.According to Jessica’s mother, “a skeleton in the close” means ______.

 A. a family honor     B. a family story     C. a family secret       D. a family treasure

2.What can we learn about some Australians’ ancestors form Paragraph 2?

 A. They were brought to Australia as prisoners.

 B. They were the earliest people living in Australia.

 C. They were involved in some crimes in Australia.

 D. They were not regarded as criminals in their days.

3.Jessica’s mother fell down into a faint because she was ______.

 A. frightened          B. knocked          C. injured            D. surprised

4.Why did Jessica bring a skeleton home?

 A. She planned to keep it for fun.          

B. She needed it for her school task.

 C. She was curious about it.

D. She intended to scare her parents.

5.Jessica’s parents laughed madly at the end of the story probably because ______.

   A. they were crazy                      

B. they were over excited

   C. they realized their misunderstanding    

D. they both thought they had won the quarrel



The world is not coming to an end on December 21st, 2012, the US space agency announced to dispel (消除)widespread rumors fueled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.

The latest big screen 2012 was based on stories according to the Mayan calendar.It showed that by the end of 2012, a Planet X will collide (碰撞) with the earth.

Some websites accuse NASA of hiding the truth on the planet's existence, but the US space agency considered such stories as tricks."There is no basis in fact for these claims," NASA said in its website."If such a collision were real, scientists would have been tracking it for at least the last decade, and we would see it with our eyes now.Obviously, it doesn't exist and there will be no threat to the earth in 2012," it insisted."After all, our planet has been getting along just well for more than four billion years," added NASA.

There is another planet, Eris, floating in space.But the small planet will remain safely fixed in the outer solar system and it can come no closer than four billion miles to the earth, according to NASA.

And even if the planets were to line up as some have forecast, the effect on our plant would be very little."And while comets and asteroids (小行星) have always hit the earth, big hits are very rare," NASA noted.The last major collision was believed to be 65 million years ago, resulting the end of dinosaurs (恐龙).

"We are sure that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs," the space agency said.

1.What played a key role in the spread of the rumors?

    A.The Internet and the film 2012.             B.The Mayan calendar.

    C.The US space agency.                    D.The television screen.

2.The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 probably refers to _________.

    A.the collision       B.the threat        C.the Planet X     D.the NASA website

3.We can conclude from the passage that __________.

    A.the film 2012 is well accepted in the science field

    B.scientists have been tracking Planet X for over ten years

    C.the earth will exist for more than four billion years

    D.the rumors caused a panic among some people

4.What do we know about Eris according to the passage?

    A.It doesn't exist in the universe.          

B.It won't threaten the earth.

    C.It is too far to be seen.                   

D.It is similar to the earth.



Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a major cause of climate change, and now a new study has confirmed that atmospheric CO2 is also affecting the ocean chemistry and potentially harming sea life.

Montana State University scientist Robert Dore has been researching the water in the Pacific Ocean for almost two decades. We've been going to the same spot in the Pacific Ocean, and we try and characterize long-term change in the open ocean environment. And one of the key things that we measure is CO2 levels. And we've been able to record this increasing quantity of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean.

Scientists expected that as atmospheric CO2 increased, more and more of the carbon dioxide would be absorbed into the ocean, affecting the chemical balance of the sea water, with a potentially harmful impact on shellfish and coral in particular.

"As carbon dioxide dissolves(溶解) in the water, or seawater in this case, it forms a weak acid, carbonic acid," Dore explains. "And therefore, as the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere goes up and that exchanges with the surface seawater, it drives the PH down, and makes it more acidic."

The seawater Dore and his colleagues have analyzed confirms what the theory predicts.

The effect was particular striking at about 250 meters down, and again at 500 meters. Dore and his colleagues came up with two possible explanations. It could be that surface water picked up CO2 and then moved to those depths. Or there could be a biological explanation.

"It's important to realize that the oceans are really becoming acidic. And it can have negative(消极的) impacts on a whole variety of sea life from fish to coral. It's potentially catastrophic."

1.What can be the best title of the passage?

    A.Sea Life Facing Danger          

B.Scientist Researching Seawater

    C.Oceans Becoming More Acidic     

D.Climate Change Affecting Seawater

2.With the increase of atmospheric CO2         .

    A.more corals will appear in the sea

    B.the surface water is becoming warmer

    C.the chemical balance of the seawater is affected

    D.the PH of the ocean out here has been increasing

3.Which of the following shows the process of the impact of atmospheric CO2 on sea life?

    a.Sea life is endangered.

    b.CO2 goes into the surface water.

    c.The ocean chemistry is affected.

    d.CO2decreases the PH and makes the seawater more acidic.

e.CO2 levels in the atmosphere go up.


4.Scientist Robert Dore came to the conclusion based on        .

    A.his research and analysis

    B.the expectation of other scientists

    C.some former theory

    D.a major cause of climate change  



Volunteers, as an essential part of a successful world exposition, are a major channel for the public to participate in, serve and share the world exposition and a means to showcase the image of the host country and city. The following information is about the volunteer for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.

I.Basic Requirements for Volunteers                         

●   Be willing to participate in voluntary services of Expo 2010;      

●   Age limit: Expo Site volunteers must be born before April 30, 1992 and Expo City Voluntary Service Station volunteers before April 30, 1994;

●   Obey the laws and regulations of the PRC;

●   Be able to participate in training and relevant activities before the opening of Expo 2010;

●   Possess necessary knowledge and skills needed by the position;

●  Be in good health to meet the requirements of corresponding voluntary positions.

II.Further Information for Volunteers

●  Source

      Residents of Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese, and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers.

●  Signup methods

Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup.They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations.

●  Time

May 1 - December 31, 2009

Ⅲ.Volunteer Training

    Volunteer training includes general training, special training and position training.General training is carried out through internet, while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice.

IV.Volunteer Types

●  Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer in the Expo Site, mainly including information, visitor flow management, reception, translation and interpretation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in media service, event and conference organization and.volunteer management.

● Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo's information booths at key transportation centers, commercial outlets, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site.They offer services including information, translation, interpretation and even first aid.

1.If you were born in April 1993, where can you be a volunteer?

    A.In the Expo City.           B.In the host country.

    C.In the Expo Site.      D.In Chinese mainland

2.Which of the training will be done on the Internet?

    A.Position training.            B.General training.

    C.Classroom training.          D.Special training.

3.Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers?

    A.Assistance in media service.        B.Helping the disabled

    C.Emergency First aid.            D.Visitor flow management.



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