满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1. Rarely ________ such a silly thing. A...

1.   Rarely ________ such a silly thing.

A. have I heard of 

B. I have heard of  

C. I have been hearing of  

D. have I heard from


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意,我很少听到这样糊涂的事。含有否定意义的副词或连词,如not, never, seldom, not only, little, rarely, hardly等放在句首时要用部分倒装句。所谓部分倒装就是把谓语动词的一部分,即助动词、情态动词、系动词移至主语的前面。因为前面有了助动词或情态动词,所以后边的动词要用原形,hear of 听说hear from收到某人的来信,故选A。 考点:部分倒装及hear of与hear from辨析。

1.   Prices of food in that area ____ sharply since word came that the war would break out soon.

A. were cut down

B. were rising

C. have been brought down

D. have been going up



1.   Rather than ____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride         B. riding; ride   

C. ride; to ride      D. to ride; riding



1.   ______ Marx's works with Engels', and you'll find many differences.

A.Comparing        B.Compare   

C.To compare           D.If you compare



1.   —Guess what? I have got A for my term paper.

—Great!You _______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A. must have            B.should

C. must             D.should have




1.She is _______ (好奇) about space.

2.English _________(语法) is hard to learn.

3. ___________ (一般) speaking, going to bed early and getting up early does do much good to people's health.

4.Can you give me a              (描述)of the thief?

5.                 (有经验的)travelers prefer to make their own arrangements.

6.The _____________(重要性) of reading is known to all.

7.The wounded soldier is ___________(尖叫) with pain.

8. I will give it to her _____________(立刻) I saw her.

9.He looks _________(英俊) in his uniform, doesn’t he?

10. She often goes ________________(国外) on business.



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