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语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划...



1. occur           


























1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B  【解析】 试题分析: 1.C occur [??k?]中的字母o与position [p??zi??n]中的字母o发音相同,故C正确。 2.D exact [iɡ?zækt]中的字母发音ex和exist [iɡ?zist]中的字母ex发音相同,故D正确。 3.A valley [?væli]中的字母a与vocabulary [v??kæbjul?ri]中的字母a发音相同,故A正确。 4.A daily [?deili]中的字母y与philosophy [fi?l?s?fi]中的字母y发音相同,故A正确。 5.B stomach [?st?m?k]中的字母ch与.character[?kærikt?]中的字母ch发音相同,故B正确。 考点:考查字母发音辨析






Dear editor,

I’m a senior high school student, named Li Hua.



Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




Words for reference:

大礼堂:auditorium 毕业晚会:graduation party 文艺演出:program of entertainment



Gallows humor(黑色幽默) may seem like a mistake, or at least in poor taste. But psychologists say that gallows humor can be an important way to relieve stress.“Humor makes you feel in control and it can give you that feeling that everything is okay even when it’s not,”says James M.Jones, a psychology professor at the University of Delaware.

Psychologists say that just because you’re laughing doesn’t mean you’re wasting time. Occasional tease among colleagues, particularly if it is associated with the job, can inspire creativity, departmental cohesiveness(凝聚力) and performance.

“There are a lot of stresses out there,”says Ed Dunkelblau, a psychologist in Chicago.“Gallows humor is a way of making difficult things a little less difficult.”

This is as long as the humor is used for the right purpose. The main point of it should be inspiring people—not laughing at them. “Anything that would lift morale(士气) in terms of the company would be good humor,”says Thierry Guedj, a professor.

You want to give your employees and co-workers a sense of belonging, so don’t make observations that are aggressive. Most obviously, Dr. Guedj says, don’t make comments about people’s physical appearance or faith. If you have any doubt about its appropriateness, don’t go through with it.

Or you can take aim at the person that you know won’t be offended(冒犯): yourself. “If there’s going to be a joke or story, it should be you,”Mr Dunkelblau says.

“People with the ability to laugh at themselves can give other people permission to laugh at themselves, too,”Mr Jones says.“And if you can laugh at yourself, you feel better about yourself.”

1.According to the passage, gallows humor has the following functions EXCEPT   .

A.leading to a big mistake

B.reducing pressure

C.making people more creative

D.improving performance

2.What is Ed Dunkelblau’s attitude towards gallows humor?





3.When people use gallows humor, they should      .

A.observe who is aggressive

B.show a sense of belonging

C.doubt about the result of humor

D.try to avoid involving private things

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.People tend to laugh at others rather than themselves.

B.Laughing at yourself can make others free from stress.

C.People can’t avoid offending others with gallows humor.

D.People who laugh at themselves are easy to gain others’ permission.



Bursting into the classroom from recess(学生的课间休息), 15 children take their seats and face the woman they know as Ms. Yang.

“What day is it today?”she asks, in Mandarin(普通话的旧称) Chinese.

“Confucius’ birthday!”the fifth graders shout in Mandarin.

“Why do we celebrate Confucius’ birthday?”

“Because he’s the greatest teacher in the history of China!”exclaims a brown-haired girl. She too is speaking Mandarin.

English is rarely heard in Lisa Yang’s class at the Chinese American International School(CAIS), despite the fact that few students are native speakers of Mandarin.

The United States is actively trying to increase the group of students in“critical languages”such as Mandarin. The students at CAIS are way ahead in such a trend.

Mandarin explosion in America

Founded 25 years ago, this small private school in San Francisco, USA, does what few other American schools do: It produces fully fluent speakers of Mandarin Chinese, by far the most commonly spoken language in the world.

Mandarin Chinese is suddenly hot in American schools. As China becomes the world’s leading economy sometimes this century, schools in the U.S. are scrambling to add Mandarin to their roster of foreign languages or expand Chinese programs already in place.

“It really is almost unprecedented(无前例的). People are looking at China as a force to be reckoned with…And to ensure that the U.S. has the ability to conduct trade, and to work with the Chinese, certainly having an understanding of Chinese language and culture is an advantage,”said Marty Abbott of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages(ACTFL)(美国外语教学协会).

Cultural differences in teaching styles

To develop Chinese-language programs has not been smooth. A shortage of trained teachers has made it difficult for some schools to join the race. When schools do get teachers, they often hire them straight from China, and the teachers usually suffer culture shock when they come to the U.S.

Robert Liu remembers his first two years in an American classroom. It was not an easy adjustment. “In China, students respect their teachers,”he said. Liu found that American students, however, expect an active teaching style. He had to use games to engage them rather than lectures.

To avoid many of the problems with foreign teaching styles, the CAIS has been working with the Chinese government to improve training of teachers who are sent to the U.S.

1.Which of the following is the best title?

A.Mandarin speaks to a growing audience in America

B.Chinese-language programs

C.Mandarin Chinese

D.The Chinese American International School(CAIS)

2.What kind of problem is the most difficult to adjust in teaching Chinese in America?

A.To adapt to the life there.

B.To communicate with the American students.

C.To get along well with the American students.

D.To be fit for the cultural differences in teaching styles.

3.The meaning of the underlined word“scrambling”is similar to      .





4.It can be inferred from the passage that       .

A.the students in Lisa Yang’s class usually speak Chinese

B.there are few American students in Lisa Yang’s class

C.we celebrate Confucius’ birthday because he’s the greatest teacher in the history of China

D.in America the students don’t respect their teachers



Morocco is located at the northwest of Africa and is bordered in the north by the strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantic Ocean keeps the west and the north of the country more temperate(温和的). The country also offers the broadest plains some of which run along the Atlantic Ocean and the highest mountains in North Africa including the Atlas Mountains.

Starting with the symbol of Morocco, Marrakech is a beautiful city that has remained unspoiled by the volume of tourists that flock there each year. One of the finest monuments in Morocco is greatly benefited by this amount of tourism. Actually their high volume contributes in a positive way to preserve one of the greatest monuments of Morocco.

Fes is the third largest city in Morocco and is the capital of the Fes-Boulemane Region. It is separated into three parts, Fes el Bali more commonly known as the old walled city, now classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Fes-Jdid and the Ville Nouvelle. Fes el Bali is believed to be the largest car-free urban area in the world. Fes is a splendid place to visit to heighten the senses with the colours, smells and sounds.

Casablanca is an enormous city which is near the capital of Morocco and a place where any European would feel at home. Casablanca was made famous by the movie and gives the impression of being a romantic place. Unfortunately like many other popular cities around the world, it is crowded, noisy, and polluted, a far cry from the romantic ideal of the film. Because it has the biggest port, Casablanca being the important city of Morocco, has everything that the tourists need.

Asilah is a city situated on the Atlantic Ocean and is one of the most stunning(出色的) old cities of Morocco. The city is set along the cliffs which make it beautifully presented and an ideal place to continue adding to its economy by the fishermen. The economy is also reliant on the trading of cattle, sheep and cereal. If you are having a holiday in Morocco during August then you will be fortunate enough to experience one of Asilah’s cultural festivals where you can enjoy the lively music and wonderful paintings.

1.How many cities in Morocco are introduced in the passage?





2.If you want to live conveniently while you are on vacation, which city in Morocco could you choose?





3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.If you want to enjoy music and paintings, you can visit Asilah at any time.

B.Casablanca is as romantic as what is shown in the movie.

C.Fes is the capital of Morocco.

D.Marrakech is the symbol of Morocco.

4.The passage most probably appears      .

A.in a geography book

B.in a magazine

C.in a history book

D.in an atlas(地图册)



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