满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The boy went swimming in the deep lake, ...

The boy went swimming in the deep lake,     his mother's fear for his safety.

         A.but for  B. apart from    C. regardless of   D. instead of


C 【解析】 试题分析:短语意义辨析。A要不是…;B除…之外;C不管,不顾;D代替,而不是;句意:不管妈妈担心他的安全,这个男孩还是到深的湖泊里去游泳了。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考查短语辨析

During the opening ceremony, “Miss Smile” has won the hearts of Chinese Internet users after being caught _____ the same smile for nearly 20 minutes.

         A. fixed                                                             B. fixing

C. to be fixed                                                        D. to fix



 My headache _____ me.I thought it was going away, but it’s getting worse and worse.

    A.kills               B.is killing        C.was killing        D.killed



 It's said that __________ is going to give us a lecture.

A. a famous young American      B. an American famous young

 C. a famous American young     D. a young famous American



There are varieties of programs in the TV station to ________ many different types of interests and tastes among the public.

A. adapt to           B. attend to    C. adjust to     D. appeal to



 There existed an obvious________ between the accounts of the witnesses, so a judgment was not announced in court.

   A. conception     B. conflict       C. authority         D. restriction



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