满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was tired and hungry after a long day ...

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked up at me and said, “I _26_ you.” I did not 27_____ what to say, and I just stood there, looking __28__ at him. My first __29__ was that he 30_____need help with his homework. Then I asked, “What was that all 31_____?”

“Nothing,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and 32____ what they say.”

The next day I called his teacher to _33_ more about what my son said and how the other parents had reacted( 反应 ). “Most of the fathers had the __34__ response as you did,” the teacher said, ”When I first __35___  that we try this, I asked the children __36__ they thought their parents 37_____ say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble.”

Then the teacher ___38__ , “ I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of __39____. I’m  trying to tell them it’s too bad that we don’t express (表达) our feelings. A boy __40___ tell his father or mother he loves him.” The teacher understands that sometimes it is__41___ for some of us to say something that is good for us to say.

That evening when my son_42___ to me, I took him in my arms and held on for an __43_ moment, saying, “Hey, I love you, 44_____.” I don’t know if saying that made __45___ of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good.

1.A. hate         B. love                C. like                D. enjoy

2.A. realize      B. recognize            C. know              D. find

3. A .away        B. for                 C. down               D. on

4.A . thought     B. meaning            C. news               D. reason

5.A. must         B. should              C. could               D. would

6.A. for          B. with                C. around              D. about 

7.A. test         B. know               C. understand           D. see

8.A . talk to      B. chat with           C. find out             D. do with

9.A. same         B. different           C. usual               D. unusual

10.A. allowed      B. agreed          C. planned             D. suggested

11.A. how          B. whether         C. when               D. what

12.A. would        B. will            C. could               D. can

13.A. explained   B. prepared         C. informed             D. developed

14.A. study        B. work               C. health           D. body

15.A. might        B. can                 C. should           D. need

16.A. easy         B. difficult            C. crazy           D. silly

17.A. turned      B. shouted             C. went              D. came

18.A. extra        B. ordinary            C. interesting      D. important

19.A. either      B. too                C. also                   D. again

20.A. all       B. either              C. none                 D. neither


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据句子意思,“我爱你”,可知选B 2.根据单词意思,realize意思“实现”,recognize意思“认出”,find 意思“找到”,know意思“知道”,句子意思“我没有理解他说得什么”,可知选C 3.根据单词意思,away意思“离开”,for意思“为了”,down意思“向下”,on意思“在……上面”,句子意思“我低头看他”,可知选C 4.根据单词意思,thought意思“想法”,meaning意思“意思”,news 意思“消息”,reason意思“原因”,句子意思“我的第一个想法肯定是他的作业需要帮助”,可知选A 5.考察肯定推测,句子意思“我的第一个想法肯定是他的作业需要帮助”,可知选A 6.固定搭配,What was that all about?意思“说的是什么?”,可知选D 7.根据单词意思,test意思“测试”,know意思“知道”,understand意思“理解”,see意思“看见”,句子意思“看一下他们说得什么”,可知选D 8.根据短语意思,talk to意思“和谁说”,chat with意思“和谁交谈”,find out意思“发现”,do with意思“处理”,句子意思“第二天,我给老师打电话发现他说得什么”,可知选C 9.根据单词意思,same意思“一样的”,different意思“不同的”,usual意思“平常的”,unusual意思“不平常的”,句子意思“大部分的爸爸和你的反应一样”,可知选A 10.根据单词意思,allowed意思“允许”,agreed“同意”,planned意思“计划”,suggested意思“建议”,句子意思“当我第一次建议做这事时”,可知选D 11.根据单词意思,how意思“怎样”,whether意思“是否”,when意思“什么时候”,what意思“什么”,句子意思“我问孩子们他们的父母将要说什么”,可知选D 12.考查句子意思“我问孩子们他们的父母将要说什么”,可知选A 13.考查短语意思,explained意思“解释”,prepared 意思“准备”,informed意思“通知”,developed意思“发展”,句子意思“那时老师解释”,可知选A 14.根据单词意思,study意思“学习”,work意思“工作”,health 意思“建康”,body意思“身体”,句子意思“表达爱是健康的重要部分”,可知选C 15.考查单词意思,might意思“可能”,can意思“能”,should意思“应该”,need意思“需要”,句子意思“孩子需要告诉爸爸或妈妈他爱他”,可知选C 16.考查单词意思,easy意思“容易的”,difficult意思“难的”,crazy意思“疯狂的”,silly意思“蠢的”,句子意思“老师理解对于一些人说这些很难”,可知选B 17.考查单词意思,turned意思“翻转”,shouted意思“喊”,went意思“走”,came意思“来”,句子意思“那天晚上当我的儿子向我走来的时候”,可知选D 18.考查单词意思,extra意思“另外的”,ordinary意思“一般的”, interesting意思“有趣的”,important意思“重要的”,句子意思“我抱住他坚持了一会”,可知选A 19.考查句子意思,“我也爱你”,可知选B 20.考查单词意思,all意思“都”,either意思“两者之中的任何一个”,none意思“没有一个”,neither意思“两者都不”,句子意思“我不知道说这是否会让我两人任何一个更健康”,可知选B 考点:考查夹叙夹议类议论文 点评: 整个完形填空大题,设空科学合理,考生不难从中领会大意,从而下手会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。

They say your report doesn’t ______ the fact. But I don’t ______ them ______ this point.

A. agree to; agree with; at                    B. agree on; agree to; on

C. agree on; agree on; on                     D. agree with; agree with; on



To their surprise, they found the lecture given by the famous professor easy ______.

A. to be understood   B. to understand       C. understanding       D. understood



---What have they made up their minds to do during the summer vocation?

   --They ______ to cycle around the country on their own.

   A. are determined                           B. are decided        

C. have determined                         D. have been decided



— Did Jack come back early last night?

— Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ______ he got home.

A. before               B. when             C. that             D. until



 The hunter insisted that he _____ a tiger and that a searching team ______ to hunt for it.

A. has seen; be set up                       B. had seen; be set up 

C. saw; would be set up                    D. should see; should be set up



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