满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.How many countries does the UK _______...

1.How many countries does the UK ________ ________?

2._______ ________ does it ________ to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?

3._______ ________ ________ ________ to debate any more about why different words are used to __________the four countries.

4.Wales ________ ________ ________ England in the 13th Century AD.

5.Now when people ________ ________ England you find Wales included as well.

6.______ ________ England is divided roughly into three zones.

7.You must keep your eyes ________ if you are going to ________ your trip to the United Kingdom ________.

8.______ ________ the time ________, Zhang Pingyu had ________ ________ ________ ________ the sites she wanted to see in London.

9.______ ________ ________ ________, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen’s jewels ________ ________ special royal soldiers who, ________ ________ ________, still wore the 400-year-old uniform of ________ ________ ________ Queen Elizabeth I.

10.But she was ________ by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures ________ ________ ________ ______


1.consist of 2.How much; take 3.There is no need; describe 4.was linked to 5.refer to 6.For convenience 7.open; make; worthwhile 8.Worried about; available; made a list of 9.To her great surprise; guarded by; on special occasions; the time of 10.thrilled; displayed in the museum 【解析】 试题解析: 1.consist of由...组成,句意是大不列颠联合王国是由多少个国家组成的? 2.句意是从北京飞到London Heathrow Airport需要花费多少钱? 3.句意是没有必要再讨论为什么用不同的词描述这四个国家。 4.link to与...连接,句意是公元前13世纪威尔士与英格兰相连。 5.refer to提及,句意是现在人们一提到英国你就会发现威尔士也包括在内。 6.句意是为了方便,英格兰大体上被分为三个区。 7.句意是你必须睁大你的眼睛,如果你去英国做一次有意义的旅行。 8.句意是考虑到充分利用时间,张平语列了一个关于他在伦敦想看的景点的清单。 9.句意是令她惊讶的是,张平语发现王后的珠宝由特殊的王室卫兵保卫,在特殊的情况下,仍然穿着400年前的制服,也就是伊丽莎白一世时期的。 10.句意是但是令她兴奋的是展览在博物馆里的来自不同国家的很多上等的珠宝。 考点:考查短语的识记。

Scotland is a well-developed tourist destination, with tourism generally being responsible for sustaining 200, 000 jobs mainly in the service sector, with tourist spending averaging at £4 bn per year. Tourists from the United Kingdom make up the bulk (主体) of visitors to Scotland. In 2002, for example, UK visitors made 18.5 million visits to Scotland, staying 64.5 million nights and spending £3.7 bn. In contrast, overseas residents made 1.58 million visits to Scotland, staying 15 million nights and spending £806 m. In terms of overseas visitors, those from the United States made up 24% of visits to Scotland, with the United States being the largest source of overseas visitors, and Germany (9%), France (8%), Canada (7%) and Australia (6%), following behind.

Scotland is generally seen as clean, unspoilt destination with beautiful scenery which has a long and complex history, combined with thousands of historic sites and attractions. These include prehistoric stone circles, standing stones and burial chambers, and various Bronze Age, Iron Age and Stone Age remains. There are also many historic castles, houses, and battlegrounds, ruins and museums. Many people are drawn by the culture of Scotland.

The cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow are increasingly being seen as a cosmopolitan(全世界的)alternative to Scotland’s countryside, with visitors year round, but the main tourist season is generally from April to October inclusive. In addition to these factors, the national tourist agency, VisitScotland, have deployed a strategy of niche (适当的) marketing, aimed at exploiting, amongst other things, Scotland’s strengths in golf, fishing and food and drink tourism. Another significant, and increasingly popular reason for tourism to Scotland — especially by those from North America— is genealogy, with many visitors coming to Scotland to explore their family and ancestral roots.

1.People from ________ visited Scotland most.

A.the USA


C.the UK


2.For Chinese students, the best time to visit Scotland is in ________.

A.the Spring Festival

B.the winter vocation

C.the summer vacation

D.any time

3.Scotland mainly impresses tourists with its ________.

A.food and drink

B.beautiful scenery with cultural relics

C.big cities like Edinburgh

D.many North Americans’ family and ancestral roots

4.In 2002, visitors from the US made about ________ visits to Scotland.

A.18.5 m

B.1.58 m

C.4.45 m

D.0.38 m

5.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.In history, many Scotlanders moved to North America.

B.Overseas visitors do not like to stay in Scotland for the night.

C.VisitScotland is trying to change people’s impression on Scotland.

D.Overseas visitors come to Scotland mainly to explore their family roots.



I have often heard the ABC Song ________, but I have never heard Alice ________ it.

A.to be sung; to sing

B.being sung; sang

C.sung; sing

D.sang; singing



I can make you ________ what I say, but you can’t make yourself ________ in English.

A.understand; understood

B.understand; understand

C.to understand; understand

D.understand; to be understood



He found them ________ at a table ________.

A.seated; playing chess

B.sitting; to play chess

C.sat; to play chess

D.seat; play the chess



The result of the entrance exams was not made ________ to the public until last Thursday.



C.to know

D.to be known



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