满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I might be letting my young son watch to...

I might be letting my young son watch too much television. I am certainly watching too much many of his programs. They can really be puzzling as they force you to ponder the mysteries of life.

For example, when Franklin (the turtle) wanted a pet, his parents did not want it to be a frog. They felt that frogs belong in a pond. Isn’t that where turtles belong? And why is it that Little Bear’s animal friends can all talk and behave like people, but his friend Emily has a dog that can only bark and fetch? Tell me that isn’t a mystery!

Dog lovers can be reassured (less worried or frightened) by Kipper and his friends. These dogs are very human. However, the only time they wear clothes is when they put on bathing suits to go swimming. I am confused! Speaking of dogs, could Pluto ever be Goofy’s pet? I don’t get it! What did the great Mr. Disney have in mind?

And this is unfair! The other day we watched a very nice little pig setting up a picnic. One of the foods was a big ham. Could it have been a soybeam ham? Is there such a thing? I hope so! Another thing that really bothers me: what if Elmo(one of my son’s favorite cartoon stars) isn’t real? He can’t be a mere puppet(木偶)! He’s got a better attitude than most people. I just keep wondering.

I think we will turn off the TV and go out for a walk. Maybe we will run into that mouse who dresses well but certainly doesn’t speak as clearly as the average bear.

1. The underline sentence “ponder the mysteries of life” in the first paragraph means         ____.

A. avoid the mysteries of living things.

B. remember the mysteries of all kinds of life style.

C. consider the mysteries of living things. 

D. discover the mysteries of all kinds of life style.

2. The author thinks it is “unfair” when      ____.

A. a pig has a picnic because pigs are dirty animals

B. a pig eats soy beans because soy beans give pigs gas

C. a pig eats ham because ham is too expensive for farmer animals

D. a pig eats ham because ham is made from pigs.

3. The author probably      ____.

A. believes that Elmo is a real creature

B. wishes that Elmo were a real live creature

C. feels that Elmo is very annoying creature

D. won’t let is son watch Sesame Street

4. The author is implying that      ____.

A. there is a TV mouse that should speak more clearly

B. TV mice should not wear good clothes

C. bears can really speak more clearly than mice

D. watching television isn’t better than playing outdoors    


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 【解析】 1.细节题,ponder 仔细考虑;consider 考虑 ,两句话的意思都是对人生奥秘的思考。 2.细节题,根据第四段And this is unfair....I hope so!可知猪吃汉堡是因为汉堡是由猪肉做的。 3.细节题,根据第四段what if Elmo isn’t real?可知作者相信Elmo是真的生物。故选A. 4.推理题,根据最后一段I think we will off the TV and go out for a walk. 可知看电视没有户外活动好。

Years ago while lying in my hammock (吊床) and drinking JB from the bottle, I    21    my dog dragging something under the fence.    22     looking at it carefully, to my    23     , I realized it was the next-door neighbor’s 10-year-old daughter’s rabbit. For years I      24    her come home from school and     25     straight out to its cage,    26    it and play with it in the yard. I know today    27    be no different.     28     for our dog, I had to think fast.

The rabbit died and was quite dirty, as if it had    29    quite a struggle, so I washed it off with the plastic   30   , combed it with the dog brush and blew it    31    with the leaf blower (吹风机) . Upon finishing its grooming (刷洗), I jumped the       32        and put it back in its cage hoping its      33       would be accepted as “ natural causes”.

    34     to the hammock and JB. Within the hour the neighbor’s car    35    as usual and out came the little girl,     36     as usual she headed straight for the cage. Only this time did she stop about six feet away and    37    “ D-A-D-D-Y-!!”

Her father,    38  , stood looking at the cage. Being the good neighbor, I rushed to the fence and asked if there was anything I could do.

Her father   39     than calmly shouted, “What kind of    40     person would dig up a little girl’s dead rabbit and put it back in its cage?”

1. A. noticed       B. watched          C. enjoyed          D. stopped 

2. A. Without           B. Before       C. Upon                 D. Once

3. A. interest          B. excitement       C. joy     D. disappointment

4. A. watched       B. was watching C. used to watching D. had watched

5. A. head          B. went             C. leave            D. hurried 

6. A. hide          B. bury             C. cover                D. free   

7.. A. would            B. shouldn’t           C. should   D. couldn’t

8.A. Feared         B. Fear             C. Fearing          D. To fear

9. A. put on        B. put up           C. put off          D. put out   

10. A. water            B. pipe                 C. shampoo  D. soap 

11. A. drying       B. dryly            C. dried                D. dry      

12. A. door        B. hammock          C. neighbor             D. fence          

13.A. look          B. death            C. story            D. rabbit

14. A. Again            B. Up               C. Back         D. Prior

15. A. pulled in        B. pulled down      C. pulled up   D. pulled off     

16. A. but              B. or               C. and          D. so     

17. A. scared           B. cheered          C. screamed    D. laughed 

18. A. pleased          B. frightened   C. Delighted  D. satisfied

19. A. more             B. less                 C. no more  D. no longer

20. A. sick             B. nice             C. humorous D. Interesting



 It’s said that this old building has __________ for more than five hundred years.

A. existed          B. been built       C. come into being      D. Appeared



 Has all______ can be done _______?

A. /; been done    B. /; done     C. that; done            D. that; been done



 It’s hard to imagine what progress they _________ in the past few months.

A. have found   B. have got                 C. have paid            D. have made



 His words ______ me to wonder about his real purpose.

A. had                  B. made                 C. left             D. Gave



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