满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

课文填空: Epidemics1________history2________...


Epidemics1________history2_________recent press reports 3________(draw) parallels between bird flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim smith looks through the history of epidemics for clues about what the future might hold.

4______bird flu first appeared in 1997, it has  5______(take) more than a hundred lives. Many people fear it could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who studied tissue  from the bodies of the 1918 Spanish flu proved that bird flu is a modern 6______(adapt) of the same virus.

Bacteria and viruses have been 7_______since the beginning of life on earth and many of today’s diseases have existed as long as humans have. It is important to look 8______the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of 9._____(epidemic), and 10_____(hope),  foresee and prevent them in the future.


 throughout  with  drawing  Since  taken  adaptation  around  at  epidemics  hopefully 【解析】  throughout意思“在……期间”, throughout history意思“在历史期间”  with意思“关于”,句子意思“在历史期间关于……流行病”  draw意思“画”,drawing paralleles意思“绘制平行线”  since意思“自从……以后”,句子意思“自从1997年禽流感首次出现以后”  take意思“夺取”,句子意思“禽流感夺走上百条性命”  adapt是动词,而modern是形容词,后面必须是名词形式  around意思“在……周围”,句子意思“自从地球有生命以后,细菌和病毒已经在周围”  固定用法,look at意思“看”,句子意思“看一下历史期间疾病的蔓延是很重要的”  流行病不止一种,所以加s  hopefully意思“有希望地”,句子意思“有希望地,在将来能预知和阻止它们”


in vain   wipe out   come up     at  random   go through,  equip  with

stop sth in its tracks   at any rate  at all costs   straight away 

1.The government succeeded in __________ the epidemic _____________.

2.What you said was ________ since he didn’t listen to you.

3.If you have any question, ask the assistants ___________.

4.John is so casual that he throws things ___________.

5.After typhoon, we can see houses _________ everywhere.

6.He will keep his promise ___________.

7.He always __________ late at the meeting.

8.It’s his habit to ___________ the newspaper before work.

9.The school will meet students’ requirement of study ___________________.

10. The school is ___________________ advanced machines.




1.Bread _________(消化) easily.

2.I can’t ___________(忍受) your rudeness.

3.People in that country __________(反对) changing the law.

4.Children under 16 receive ____________(强制的) education in China.

5.The president’s speech on unemployment was ______________(站不住脚的).

6.These __________(年度) conference attracted lots of journalists .

7.Diamond is a kind of precious _____________(矿物).

8.He ___________(滥用) his position as headmaster by giving jobs to his friends.

9.Checking the patients’ ___________(脉搏) is the doctors routine.

10.The football match has been ___________(推迟) because of the hurricane.



 Sally was ____________ to see her friend off at the airport.

A.a little sad more than

B.sad more than a little

C.more than a little sad

D.a little more than sad



 As far as I’m concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, ___________________.

A.the more for life are you equipped.

B.the more equipped for the life you are

C.the more life you are equipped

D.you are equipped the more for life



 Allen and I are in the same history class, but her assignment differs _____________ mine.







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