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We are going to talk again this week ab...

 We are going to talk again this week about higher education for disabled students who want to study in the United States.As we noted last time,there are no special colleges or universities for blind students.But there are for deaf students.One of them is Gallaudet University in Washington,D.C. Gallaudet is said to be the world’s only liberal arts university where everything is designed for deaf or hard-of-hearing students.About 2,000 students attend Gallaudet.The cost for international students is about 33,000 dollars a year.

Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships,but only after the first year of studies. Most scholarship aid goes to students in financial need who do well in their first year.One scholarship for international students is for deaf students from developing countries.Another is just for students from China.The university also offers an English Language Institute.But Gallaudet says this program does not guarantee (担保)acceptance to the university.

In the past year,students at Gallaudet protested against the administration’s choice of a new president for the university.The protests led to the choice of a different president who is more popular with the students,Robert Davila.He is a former officer of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.This technical college is in Rochester, New York.  It is one of the eight colleges in the Rochester Institute of Technology.

More than one thousand students attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. About one hundred of them are international students.They come from Africa, Asia,Europe and South America.

The cost is about 28,000 dollars a year for an international Technical Institute student.Foreign graduate students pay about 20,000 dollars.  Both undergraduate and graduate student can receive limited financial aid. They can also take part in the student employment program.This program makes it possible for students to work at the school.

1. The passage is written for _______ .

A.blind students

B.deaf students

C.art students

D.dumb students

2.The second paragraph mainly shows ________ .

A.students can get scholarships easily

B.foreign students call receive more scholarships

C.some information about Gallaudet

D.the costs in Gallaudet are low .

3. Robert Davila is the president who __________ .

A.is well received there

B.is hated by the students

C.has high fame world-wide

D.was appointed by the government

4.To those who study in Gallaudet,__________ .

A.foreign students can earn more

B.the costs are different

C.receiving financial aid is easy

D.every student can find a suitable job


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 1.细节题,由第一段第三行there are for deaf students和倒数第三段倒数第三行He is a former officer of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf可知选B 2.推理题,由第二段的最后一句But Gallaudet says this program does not guarantee (担保)acceptance to the university可知选C 3.推理题,由第三段二、三行The protests led to the choice of a different president who is more popular with the students,Robert Davila.He is a former officer of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf可知选A 4.细节题,由最后一段第一句话The cost is about 28,000 dollars a year for an international Technical Institute student.Foreign graduate students pay about 20,000 dollars可知选B

 Public schools in New York,America’s biggest city, commonly have numbers for names.But this is unusual.In the United States,the process of naming a school often involves parents and the community

as well as elected school leaders.

Researchers say school names can show civic (市民的) values and also shape them. For example,naming a school after a historic person becomes a way to teach students about that person’s  importance in history.

A new study examines the naming of American public schools.The study is from the Manhattan Institute,an organization that does public policy research.The study shows that fewer and fewer schools are being named after people.Instead。more schools are being named after the local areas or natural features like hills.trees or animals.The researchers say these changes raise questions about the civic duty of public education.

The looked at seven states with 20% of all public school students in the country. They found the similar result in every state: new school are less likely to be named after people. This is true especially with presidents. For example, in Arizona, public school in the past 20 years were almost fifty times more likely to be named after such things as landforms or plants .

School officials say they try to choose names that will not offend anyone. For example, a few years ago the city of New Orleans banned the naming of any school after a person who owned slaves. Other school system have rules against naming new schools after any person, living or dead .

The researchers say naming a school after a person can lead it important debates about democratic values. They call for more research to identify the causes and effects of the changes in school names.

The causes may include changes in American culture as well as in the political control of school systems. One area worth exploring , they say, is the link between trends in school names and weak results for public schools on measures of civic education.

1.More schools are being named after the following EXCEPT ________ .





2.What does “they” in paragraph 7 refer to ?

A.School officials

B.Public schools

C.The researchers

D.Democratic values

3. If the passage appears in a newspaper, which column will it be ?





4. What’s the best title for the passage ?

A.Few Us Public School Now Are Named after people

B.Public Schools In New York Have Numbers for Names

C.The Various Origins of America Schools

D.US Public Schools Value the Names of Great Persons



  Kevin DuBmw,the lead singer of the popular 1980s US heavy metal band Quiet Riot,has been found dead from unknown causes at his home in Los Vegas.

The body of DuBrow was discovered on Sunday afternoon,a spokeswoman for the Clark County Coroner’s Office said.An examination of his body conducted on Monday didn’t lead to a result and more related tests were scheduled to establish a cause of his death.Police proved that DuBrow’S body was found at his home after they were called together by friends and neighbors who could not find the rocker.

A Las Vegas police spokeswoman refused to say whether there were signs of violence. “I can’t even find the words to say,”Quiet Riot drummer Frankie Banali said on his Web site. “Please respect my privacy as I mourn the passing and honor the memory of my dearest friend,Kevin DuBrow.”

Founded in Los Angeles in the mid-1970s,Quiet Riot shot to the top of the Billboard charts with their 1983 album “Metal Health”.It sold more than 6 million copies and is considered by many to be the first heavy metal record to top the pop charts.The album’s sales were improved by the quartet’s monster hit “Cum Oil Feel the Noize,” featuring DuBrow’s powerhouse vocals , and the song’s video.which was played in heavy rotation on MTV.

Quiet Riot’s following albums did not sell nearly as well and DuBrow was fired from the band among the following feeling of hatred.DuBrow regrouped Quiet Riot in the 1990s and the band has played occasionally,last releasing an album in October 2006.

1. DuBrow’s body was found _________

A.on the date of his death

B.on Sunday morning

C.by his relatives

D.at his home

2. Frankie Banali’s words suggest ________ .

A.he Was amazed at DuBrow’s death

B.he wasn’t good at expressing himself

C.he felt very sad at the moment

D.he was recalling what had happened

3. What can we learn from the passage ?

A.Quiet Riot became popular in 1970s.       B.”Metal Health”was well received in 1983.

C.Quiet Riot’s conditions became worse because of DuBrow.

D.Quiet Riot has been performing in the USA.

4. What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Quiet Riot’s Lead Singer Was Found Dead in Las Vegas.

B.DuBrow’s Death Shocked the Public.

C.Quiet Riot—a Famous Band.

D.Police Looked for DuBrow’s Death.



 Country singer and songwriter Adrienne Young brings together music and agricultural activities.She even included seeds in the album cover of her first CD.

Adrienne Young wants people to know that she supports the movement in America to increase local farming.She offers information about agricultural issues on her Web site.And now part of the moneyfrom her third and newest release, “Room to Grow”,will be donated to help support community gardens.

Adrienne Young’s family has lived in Florida for seven generations.Her ancestors helped develop the agriculture industry there.The state of Florida is the nation’s second largest producer of fruits and vegetables, 'after California.

Adrienne Young has said that her interest in nature was shaped by the fact that she did not grow up on a farm.She grew up in a house her grandfather build on what had been farmland two generations ago.But the land was developed and was now part of a highway.

Adrienne Young has teamed up with two organizations that support local farming and gardening efforts.One is the American Community Gardening Association.The other is FoodRoutes,a group she has represented for several years.

FoodRoutes says buying locally grown food is not only about taste and freshness.The group says buying locally also helps to strengthen local economies and protect the environment.Exports say food in the United States travels all average of more than three thousand kilometers from farm to store.

1.The aim to write the passage is to _________ .

A.tell us a singer aims to grow interest in local farming

B.show Adrienne Young promotes her third CD album

C.praise Adrienne Young for her contributions to agriculture

D.call on singers to learn from Adrienne Young

2.Adrienne Young supports to increase local farming in _______ ways.





3.It can be learned from the passage that ________ .

A.Adrienne Young’s parents used to be farmers

B.Adrienne Young grew up on a farm

C.Florida is good for farming

D.no old houses existing on the farm belongs to Adrienne Young

4. Buying locally grown food has many advantages EXCEPT _________ .

A.it is fresh

B.it’s tasty

C.it’s environmental protection

D.it raises local production



The simplest way to say it is this:I believe in my mother.My  31 began when 1 was just a kid . I 32 be coming a doctor.

My mother was a domestic.Through her work,she observed that  33 people spent a lot more time reading than they  34   watching television.She announced that my brother and I  35  watch two to three pre—selected TV programs during the week.  With our free time,we each had to read two books from the Detroit Public Library and  36 written book reports to her. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights.Years later we realized her marks were a  37 .My mother was a domestic

When I entered high school I was a(n)  38  ,but not for long.I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to 3the guys.I went from being an A -student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home from 40 her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said ,“Okay,I’ll give you all the money I make this week by scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms,  and you can buy 41  food and pay the bills.With everything  42 ,you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.”I was very  43  with that arrangement,but once I got through allocating money,there was  44  left.I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to 45  our heads and any kind of food on the table, 46 buy clothes.I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual preparation.I went back to my 47  and became an A-student again,and eventually I  48  my dream and became a doctor.

My story is really my mother’s story — a woman with  49  formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. There is no job  50 than parenting.This I believe .








A.majored in

B.got used to

C.dreamed of

D.got tired of















A.could only

B.could not

C.must not

D.should often



A.read at

B.present to


D.explain to















A.get rid of

B.hang out with

C.break away from

D.keep in touch with









A.your brother


C.your sister

D.the family



A.1eft over

B.paid off

C.used up

D.carried out















A.put an idea into

B.give an impression on

C.have a roof over

D.have eyes in the back of



A.let alone

B.1et out

C.let in

D.leave alone





















A.more interesting

B.1ess important

C.more important

D.1ess interesting



---- Do you think you should need a camera while going camping ?.

----- Yes, of course, _______ I also need a music player so that we can sing or dance ____ it.

A.What’s more ; to

B.In other words ; with

C.By the way ; to

D.All in all ; to



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