满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What kind of pets do people have in your...

What kind of pets do people have in your country? Dogs? Cats? How about a duck, hippo(河马) or lion? Here are two cases of animal owners with unusual pets.

Barrie Hayman has a pet duck called Star. Barrie adopted(领养) him after his brothers and sisters stayed away from him at birth. Barrie, a duck breeder, realized the little duck needed special attention. So he began taking Star with him everywhere he went. “I would put him in my pocket while I did my shopping,” said Barrie. Now, at five months, Star is too big for Barrie’s pocket, but the two are still inseparable. They watch sports, together and even share a drink together. Barrie said, “He is a fantastic duck. I’ve never known any like him.” Star even has his own Facebook page, with more than 2,000 Face book friends.

Then there is the case of Tonie and Shirley Joubert in South Africa. They live with their hippo, Jessica. Tonie saved Jessica from floodwaters when she was only a day old. Jessica lives outside their riverside house, but she knows how to open the kitchen door, and often goes there for a snack. Tonie recently said, “I don’t know whether Jessica sees me as a hippo or whether she sees herself as a human.” Shirley is more certain, “Jessica sees herself as our child and I see Jessica as my daughter. I can’t imagine my life without Jessica.” Jessica is free to leave, and often visits wild hippos that live nearby. But she always returns home at night. Jessica’s website notes that she has three hippo boyfriends, but one in particular,Fred, is her favorite. They often go grazing(吃青草) together and Fred has recently moved onto the Joubert’s house as well.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Some websites are set up to protect pets.

B. Some unusual pets are adopted by people

C. People should take good care of their pets

D. Pets sometimes can be very interesting

2.What does the underlined word “inseparable” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Always together  B. Always separated

C. Always friendly   D. Always healthy

3.Barrie took Star everywhere he went because______.

A. he had never seen a duck like Star

B. he set up a Facebook page for Star

C. he wanted care more about Star

D. he needed Star to drink with him

4.We can learn from the passage that Jessica ______

A.came to Joubert’s home when she was 5 months old

B.loves eating in the Joubert’s kitchen

C. doesn’t see herself as a human being

D.has more than three boyfriends


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据Here are two cases of animal owners with unusual pets.可知本篇短文主要是介绍有些人饲养不同寻常的宠物,故选B。 2.根据短文They watch sports, together and even share a drink together.,可知他们经常在一起,故选A。 3.根据 Barrie, a duck breeder, realized the little duck needed special attention.故选C。 4.通过Jessica lives outside their riverside house, but she knows how to open the kitchen door, and often goes there for a snack.可以看出选B,其它选项或是错误或是文章中没有提到。 考点:本题是一篇关于饲养不同寻常的宠物的文章。

Thid is a true story of a mother’s sacrifice(牺牲) in an earthquake.

When the rescuer reached the ruins of a young man’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. Her pose was somehow strange—she knelt(跪) on the ground like a person who was worshiping(祷告);her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supported by an object. However, the cold and stiff body told them that she had passed away for sure.

The rescuers left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building. For some reason, the team leader was driven by a strong force to go back to the ruined house. Again, he knelt down to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed with excitement, “A child! There is a child1”

The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3-month-old little boy wrapped in a blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made great sacrifice in order to save her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up.

A doctor came quickly to examine the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cellphone inside the blanket.There was a text massage on the screen. It said, “If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” Everybody that read the massage cried

1.Why did the young woman kneel on the ground?

A. To protect herself from the earthquake

B. To show respect for God

C. To ask God for help

D. To protect her baby

2. After reading the text massage, everyone felt quite ______.

A. shocked    B. excited    C. moved   D. afraid

3.What’s the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To prove that a cat has nine lives.

B. To show the power of a mother’s love.

C. To express his thanks to the rescuers.

D. To give advice on how to rescue others.



If your mother wants to tell you something, she uses words. Birds can not talk as we do. But some birds can make sounds to warn their young of danger. They have their own ways to make the young birds do certain things.

The jackdaw is a kind of blackbirds that lives in Europe. Jackdaws live together in flocks(群). Young jackdaws do not know their enemies.When an older jackdaw see a dog, it makes a loud tattling(格格响的) sound. The young birds know this sound means an enemy is nearby.The sounds warn them to know their enemy.

If a young jackdaw is in a dangerous place, a jackdaw parent flies over him from behind. The parent bird flies low over the young bird’s back, the parents’ tail feathers move quickly from side to side. It is trying to say, “Follow me.”

At the same time,the parent calls out, “Key-aw, Key-aw.” The parent means, “Fly home with me.” The young bird then follows the older one home.

Young jackdaws do not have to learn what certain sounds mean. They know the meaning of these sounds from the time they hatch.

1.The jackdaw lives in ______.

  A. Europe       B. Australia                C. America                 D. Africa

2.When an old jackdaw sees a dog, it ______.

A. calls out “Follow me.”        B. makes a loud sound

C. flies away                  D. fights the dog

3.parent jackdaw can use their tail feathers to ______.

  A. ask their young to follow them       B. play a game with the young

  C. tell the meal time                  D. give a warning of a fire

4. The story tells much about ______

  A. the danger of jackdaws

  B. in which mother can talk to their children

  C. the way jackdaws warn their young of danger

  D. how the jackdaws are living




姓名:李华     性别:男    年龄: 18  学校:泉州阳光中学





2.词数120左右  3.参考词汇:泉州阳光中学 Quanzhou Sunny High School





1.I certainly owe you an a__________________ for not writing more often.

2.Although she didn’t say anything, the expression in her eyes i________________

that I was not welcomed here.

3.With all that noise going on, I found it hard to c________________ on my book.

4.An old man stood up and gave a d_____________________ of what he had seen.

5.To his r_____________, all his family were safe after the big earthquake.

6.I’m trying my best to find a new _________________ (方式) to learning English

7.A______________ (全神贯注)in his book, Mr. Smith even forgot his meal.

8.China is a country_______________ (属于)to the third world.

9.It’s high time that we should raise our awareness of ___________________ (环境) protection.

10.The other driver _______________ (指责) Wilson of driving dangerously



Runners in a relay race pass a stick in one direction.However,merchants(商人) passed silk,gold, fruit,and g1ass along the Silk Road in more than one direction.They earned their living by traveling the famous Silk Road.

The Silk Road was not a simple trading network. It passed through thousands of cities and towns. It started from eastern China, across Central Asia and the Middle East, and ended in the Mediterranean Sea. It was used from about 200 B.C. to about A.D.1300, when sea travel offered new routes (路线). It was sometimes called the world’s longest highway. However, the Silk Road was made up of many routes, not one smooth path. They passed through what are now 18 countries. The routes crossed mountains and deserts and had many dangers of hot sun, deep snow and even battles. Only experienced traders could return safe.

The Silk Road got its name from its most prized product. Silk could be used like money to pay taxes or buy goods. But the traders carried more than just silk. Gold, silver, and glass from Europe were much found in the Middle East and Asia. Horses traded from other areas changed farming practices in China. Indian merchants traded salt and other valuable goods. Chinese merchants traded paper, which produced an immediate effect on the West. Apples traveled from centre Asia to Rome. The Chinese had learned to graft(嫁接) different trees together to make new kinds of fruit. They passed this science on to others, including the Romans. The Romans used grafting to grow the apple. Trading along the Silk Road led to world-wide business 2,000 years before the World Wide Web.

The People along the Silk Road did not share just goods. They also shared    their beliefs.The silk Road provided pathways for learning,diplomacy(外交),and religion.·

1.It’s probable that traders along the Silk Road needed__________.

A.to remember the entire trade route

B.to deal with a lot of difficulties

C.to receive certain special training

D.to know the making of products

2.The Silk Road became less important because___________.

A.sea travel provided easier routes

B.silk trading became less popular

C.it was made up of different routes

D.people needed fewer foreign goods

3.New technologies could travel along the Silk Road because people_________·

A.traded goods along the route

B.shared each other’s beliefs

C.1earned from one another

D.earned their living by traveling

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Silk Road: Pathways for Learning

B.The Silk Road:Past and Present

C.The Silk Road: Routes Full of Dangers

D.The Silk Road:East Meets West



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