满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My mother asked me ______. A.what does ...

 My mother asked me ______.

A.what does he want

B.what he wants

C.what did he want

D.what he wanted


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查宾语从句。任何宾语从句都使用陈述语序,故AC错误。根据asked说明使用一般过去时,故D正确。 考点:考查宾语从句

Our English teacher is ill, and we are all ______ her health.

A.concerned about

B.careful of

C.grateful for

D.calm down



I want your ______, sir. I don’t know what to do with it.


B.piece of advices


D.two advices




1. 最佳旅游季节:3月份。

2. 可乘坐交通工具:火车或巴士。

3. 票价:昆明至大理,火车票约100元。

4. 旅游项目:到洱海划船、钓鱼;登苍山,观日出;游览蝴蝶泉;品味大理特色小吃。


1. 短文须包括内容要点;

2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;

3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;

4. 词数:100 — 120。


大巴——coach          洱海——Erhai Lake       苍山——Cangshan Mount

蝴蝶泉——Butterfly Spring                         小吃——snack

Dear Peter,

I’m glad to hear that you are coming to Dali, Yunnan.



Li Hua




1. There are a pen and two books on the desk.

2.Two third of the people were badly injured during the earthquake.

3.At last, the Mekong enters into the South China Sea.

4.Amy is the only one of the girls who come from France.

5.By the end of last year, we have learnt 3,000 words.

6.You won’t find difficult to solve the problems.

7.You can borrow so many books as you want.

8.Mice ran out of the fields looked for places to hide.

9. I prefer to watch TV rather than reading a boring book.

10.I’m eighteen years old and I live in small village.



A Frenchman went to a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One night, he went out for a walk alone. It was late and the small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to follow him and get back the watch.

Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the other’s language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头) and pointed at the Italian’s watch. In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman.

When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the watch and it was the Italian’s.

1.The Frenchman went to a small Italian town _______.


B.with his wife

C.with his friend

D.with an Italian

2.The Italian gave up his watch to him at last because ________.

A.he had stolen the watch from the Frenchman

B.he understood what the Frenchman wanted

C.he had picked up the watch on his way from work

D.he was afraid of the Frenchman

3.Who was robbed of the watch in fact?

A.The Frenchman was.

B.The Italian was.

C.Both of them were.

D.Neither of them was.



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