满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The manager of the company asked _______...

The manager of the company asked ________.

A.What is the hero’s name.

B.what the hero’s name was

C.What was the hero’s name.

D.what the hero’s name is


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查宾语从句和时态。任何一个宾语从句都使用陈述语序,故排除AC项;根据asked说明本句使用过去时,排除D项。句意:公司的经理问那个英雄的名字是什么?故B正确。 考点:考查宾语从句和时态

—I'm going to travel along the Mekong River next week.


A.Have fun

B.Take care

C.Best wishes

D.Write to me.












2、参考词汇:①高中英语:senior English;②丧失信心:lose heart;③意识到:realize;④背诵:recite;          ⑤鼓励:encouragement

Dear Mr. Li,

I’m glad to tell you that I have made great progress in my English study since I became a senior high student.



Thank you so much for your great help.

Wish you all the best.


Li Hua




1.______ (事实上), I don’t think it is a good idea to go out now.

2.What is your ______ (态度) to this plan?

3.Once she has made up her mind, nobody can ______ (说服) her.

4.The fire ______ (毁坏) the whole forest last night.

5.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to ______ (平静) myself down.

6.I can ______ (认出) you even if you have changed so much.

7.I would ______ (更喜欢) to play outdoors rather than watch TV.

8.I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t do it on ______ (故意).

9.I’m always ______ (不安的) when I have to answer the teacher’s questions.

10.The buildings were in ______ (废墟) after the earthquake.




[1] The first Earth Day was in 1970. People were beginning to worry about what we were doing to our environment (环境). So they set up Earth Day to tell everyone about their worries.

[2] In 2007, organizers in over 150 countries planned over 4,000 big events. But Earth Day is not just about marches (游行) and big events. In the week around Earth Day (22 April) there were many thousands of smaller, local events. These events dealt with environmental problems in the neighborhood.

[3] The World Wide Fund for Nature made a list of 5 things that each person could do to save the environment.

·Don’t leave the tap running.

·Turn off lights when you leave a room.

·Turn off your computer every night.

·Wash your clothes, and yourself, in cold or warm water, not hot water.

·Dishwashers use as little water as possible.

[4] If we all do at least 2 of these all the time, we can make a big difference.

1.What is the purpose for people to set up Earth Day?


2.When is Earth Day?


3.What should people do when the water keeps running from a tap?


4.Does the word “dishwashers” mean “machine for washing dishes”?


5.Besides the five, what else can you do to save our environment? (One example is ok.)




No one was left in the museum now, and John was walking round to see if everything was all right. Suddenly he saw a beautiful painting lying on the floor. John picked it up and gave it to the director of the museum.

The director called several museums to check and see if it was a stolen painting, but no one claimed (认领) it. So the director decided to hang it in the museum. All the experts came to look at the painting. Each one said it was beautiful and had very deep meaning. The director was proud to have such a painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery.

Some weeks later a woman and her little son came to the museum. While they were looking at the new painting, the little boy began to cry. The director went over and asked him.

“Why are you crying?”

The child pointed to the painting and said, “That’s my painting on the wall and I want it back.”

“Yes,” said his mother, “he left it on the floor a few weeks ago. If you look carefully, you can see his name on the painting.”

1.John was perhaps _______.

A.a painter

B.an expert on painting

C.a visitor to the museum

D.a man working in the museum

2.John found the painting _______.

A.before the museum opened

B.after the museum was closed

C.during his visit to the museum

D.while he was enjoying his walk

3.The boy began to cry before the painting because _______.

A.he was afraid of it

B.he thought it was his painting

C.he wanted to have the painting back

D.Both B and C

4.After the director heard what the woman and the boy said, he must be very _______.





5.All the experts thought the painting good because _______.

A.it was really very beautiful and had very deep meaning

B.the painting was drawn by a famous painter though he was a child

C.all of them did not look carefully enough

D.they examined it very carefully



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