满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1.Japan _______(...


1.Japan _______(遭受) a great loss in the terrible earthquake.

2.The teacher can easily _________ (辨认出) each student’s handwriting.

3.The __________ (表情) on his face suggested that he was not satisfied with the result.

4.It is a little difficult to __________(使平静)someone when he or she is excited.

5.He prefers to work _______ (在户外), for he can have more time to get close to nature.

6.When he was abroad, his parents were _________ (担心) about his safety.

7.Not knowing a single person at the party, he felt _______ (忽视)by all the people present.

8.We were so_________ (感激) to him for the help he had offered to us.

9.Go __________(直接地) ahead, and you can find the museum.

10.You’d better find a _______ (本地人) to show you the way to the hospital.


1.suffered 2.recognize   3.expression 4.calm  5.outdoors  6.concerned  7.ignored 8.grateful  9.straight 10.native  【解析】 1.suffered 动词遭受:suffer 2.recognize  动词辨认出:recognize 3.expression 名词表情:expression 4.calm 动词:使…平静calm 5.outdoors 副词在户外:outdoors 6.concerned 固定词组be concerned about关心… 7.ignored 动词忽视ignore;本句是一个被动语态,感觉被忽视。 8.grateful 形容词感激的:grateful 9.straight  副词直接地:straight修饰动词go做状语 10.native  名词本地人:native;该词还可以作为形容词:本地的; 考点:考查单词或者短语的识记。

Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him. One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power would be shut off in homes, streets, and factories. Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions mean to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was impossible.

On the day of Edison's funeral, many people silently dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen's fingertips.

1.This selection says that Thomas Edison ________.

A.was the only important American inventor

B.received the first American patent

C.received more patents than any other American

D.was the first American inventor

2.People decided to honor Edison when ________.

A.he made the first electric light

B.electric power was 100 years

C.the country realized electricity's importance

D.he died in 1931

3.The suggested plan was to ________.

A.turn off the lights in factories and schools

B.observe a few minutes of total silence

C.dim all electric lights

D.shut off all electricity for a short time



When I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). Sometimes she said I was thin. Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasn’t a good student. Sometimes she said I talked too much, and so on. I tried to put up with(忍受) her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.

He listened to me quietly, and then he asked, “Are the things she said true or not? Mary, didn’t you ever wonder what you’re really like? Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.”

I did as he told me and to my surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true.

I brought the list back to my dad. He refused to take it. “That’s just for you,” he said. “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. When something said about you is true, you’ll find it will be helpful to you. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you think is right.”

Many years have passed. The situation often appears in my mind. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure(珍惜) all your life!

1.What did the writer’s father do after he heard her complaints(抱怨)?

A.He agreed with her “enemy”.

B.he let her continue to put up with her “enemy”.

C.He told her to write down all her “enemy” had said about her.

D.He told her not to pay attention to what her “enemy” had said.

2.The writer felt ______ when she did the things as her father had told her.





3.Which of the following can we know from the passage?

A.The “enemy” thought the writer was pretty.

B.The “enemy” thought the writer studied hard.

C.The writer and her “enemy” became best friends at last.

D.The writer is grateful to her father.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.My Parents

B.A Serious Criticism(批评)

C.What People Say About You Is Always Right

D.The Best Advice I Ever Had



In the United States, 30 percent of the people have a “weight problem”. To many people the cause is obvious (明显的): they eat too much. But scientific evidence (证据) does little to support this idea. Going back to America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they at e more food. In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used machines much less, and didn’t watch television.

Several modern studies, moreover, have shown that fatter people don’t eat more on average than thinner people. A 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers showed that fat people eat less than slim (苗条的) people.

Studies also show that slim people are more active than fat people. A study by a research group at Stanford University found the following interesting facts:

The more the man ran, the greater loss of the body fat.

The more they ran, the greater increase in food intake.

Thus, those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost the greatest amount of body fat.

1.Nowadays many Americans have the problem that ______.

A.they are too slim

B.they work too hard

C.they are too fat

D.they lose too much body fat

2.According to the passage, how many people in 900 Americans have a “weight problem”?





3.Is there any scientific evidence to support the idea that eating too much is the cause of a “weight problem”?

A.Yes, there is plenty of evidence.

B.Of course, there is some evidence to support this.

C.There is hardly any scientific evidence to support this.

D.We are not sure.

4.The Americans in 1910 ________.

A.ate more food and had more physical activities

B.ate less food but had more physical activities

C.ate less food and had less physical activities

D.had more problems



Even a child knows that nodding the head means “Yes”. But some people will probably be puzzled when they first come to India. When they talk to an Indian, he often shakes his head. They might think that the Indian does not like what he said, but on the contrary he is expressing agreement.

The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody. It doesn’t mean “No”, but “Yes”.

If a person doesn’t know this, it might cause misunderstanding.

At one time a foreigner in Indian told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his office. The driver shook his head. The foreigner repeated his request and the driver shook his head again. At last, the foreigner shouted angrily, “Drive me to my office at once!” The driver said in a low voice, “Yes, sir,” smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.

1.Generally speaking, nodding the head means _______, and shaking the head means _______.

A.Yes; No

B.No; Yes

C.Yes; Yes

D.No; No

2.Why did the Indian driver shake his head when the foreigner asked him to drive him to his office? Because _________.

A.the Indian driver had something important to do

B.the foreigner promised to give him only a little money

C.the driver felt uncomfortable at that time

D.in India shaking the head means agreement

3.Why did the foreigner become angry? Because _______.

A.the Indian driver didn’t want to send him to his office

B.he misunderstood the meaning of shaking the head in India

C.he asked the driver to send him to his office, but the Indian driver didn’t say any words

D.the Indian driver asked him for a lot of money

4.The underlined phrase “on the contrary” means ________.

A.just the opposite

B.clear difference between two things

C.doing what you want to do

D.on the other hand




1.The snow storm was the worst natural        (灾难) to hit the city.

2.Mary is a stubborn girl that no one can       (劝服,劝说) her to do anything.

3.She never forgets the important papers so she is very       (可信赖的,可靠的).

4.The shopping center was in       (废墟,毁灭) after the big fire.

5.The       (东方的) sky was just turning pink.

6.Unluckily, they were       (使陷入困境) in the river.

7.David watched the bus until it disappeared       (逐渐地).

8.He wants to be a       (记者) when he leaves university.

9.Many countries are       (遭受,经历) from air pollution now.

10.Some animals choose to live in       (洞穴) to protect themselves.



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