满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1 We watch the children _______ into the...

We watch the children _______ into the water from the _____ board.

A. diving; diving                B. diving, dived

C. dived; dived                  D. dived; diving


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查结构和形容词用法。Watch sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事,表示doing的动作与watch同时发生。第二空的diving是形容词修饰名词board;指跳板。句意:我们看着孩子们从跳板上跳进了水里。故A正确。 考点:考查结构和形容词用法

Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost ___________his.

A. as much twice as          B. twice much as    

C. twice as much as          D. as twice much as



As long as you’ve paid in ___________, we won’t charge you for the delivery.

A. charge     B. need         C. return       D. advance



My point is that you must do ____________ is best for you.

A. whatever    B. however    C. no matter what    D. no matter how



 -----I stayed up late last night preparing the speech.

 -----__________ you look so tired today.

A. No doubt     B. No problem     C. No time    D. No wonder



The little girl was afraid of having her bad tooth pulled out. The dentist tried hard to put her _____________.

A. at last        B. at hand        C. at ease      D. at least



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